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Turkey, Pakistan Seek Better Ties; But Lacks Funds

No country except Turkey can understand What Pakistan requires When It came to fight against terorism so T-129 Atak is the perfect choice.


We don't need weapons to end terrorism, we have tried that for the last decade and has only ruined Pakistan.
We need human development, inclusion and education. Once we have that, we can simply end terrorism with police action.
We don't need weapons to end terrorism, we have tried that for the last decade and has only ruined Pakistan.
We need human development, inclusion and education. Once we have that, we can simply end terrorism with police action.

point noted..
bt ur police which i had seen using charpoeys as barriers will end terrorism
u really mean they will fight with people having bazookas and lpgs,lmgs and heavy weaponary...
those r cruel and illiterate people..
they also can't be muslims..
I don't know much about Turkey's industries but Pakistan definitely needs someone to setup an automobile plant. How many makers are out there if i may ask Turkish brothers.

Turkish producers can't satify their own market, also there are only 2 companies which sells in their own brands. Most of the Turkish auto-makers are selling their designs to bigger companies like Ford or Opel.
I really don't know about Pakistan's needs, but we have a large industrial base for heavy-duty trucks and commercial vehicles. But these kind of investments also needs a strong local partner.
Democracy is nothing without people willing to take the responsibility.

The OP correctly points out that our economy is the biggest hurdle in defense contracts. There are numerous countries who are willing to sell military hardware to Pakistan, but our financial situation is pathetic.

I really wish someone could have just ended the PPP regime, impeached Zardari and let technocrats do their job.

Btw - My thanks to our friends in Turkey for their initiative.
No country except Turkey can understand What Pakistan requires When It came to fight against terorism so T-129 Atak is the perfect choice.


I guess we are looking for this. The military have been saying there has for a very long time been a lack of attack helicopters.
More than anything I suppose we need a better ally than the U.S. and the Western lot.
If Pakistan could solve all the inner political problems then iit would be a very rich country.
Unity is the only thing that can save Pakistan but as we know they wont let Pakistan.
From all sides they are trying to destabelize the country.
In my opinion,Pakistan needs a strong leader who can control all the fractions.
Pakistan is not a country where you can build the country with democrasy.
A military leader would be the best option for the sake of the country.
Pakistan has many mineral deposits,it has the potential to be a economic powerhouse.
Forget democrasy build the country first,the rest will come.
Then you buy 100 T-129s.

But the question here is this that if Pak becomes a rich country then will it need Turkey or it will initiate its own projects in different walks of life using its own indiginous industry!!!!;)
I guess we are looking for this. The military have been saying there has for a very long time been a lack of attack helicopters.

It's good if you do, but the cobra's are coming free of cost, why change that...
They are ? :what:

Excess defence articles/Coalition Support Fund

2002 5 Ex-US UH-1H rebuilt to Huey-2 before delivery; part of $73 m US; for Ministry of Interior; aid for Afghan border patrol and anti-narcotics operations

20 AH-1F Cobra attack helicopters (via EDA, $48 million for refurbishment, 12
delivered)Ex-US; modernized before delivery; 20-28 more for spares only

Under Coalition Support Funds (part of the Pentagon budget), Pakistan has received 26 Bell 412
utility helicopters, along with related parts and maintenance, valued at $235 million.
Under Section 1206 (global train and equip), Frontier Corps, and PCF/PCCF authorities, Pakistan has
received four Mi-17 multirole helicopters (another six were provided temporarily at no cost),

4 King Air 350 surveillance aircraft, 450 vehicles for the Frontier Corps, 20 Buffalo explosives
detection and disposal vehicles, helicopter spare parts, night vision devices, radios, body armor,
helmets, first aid kits, litters, and other individual soldier equipment.

Source : http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41856.pdf
@Armstrong It makes no sense in wasting money.... Pakistan has provided enough support to ISAF, US should payback with the general requirements for fighting insurgency.
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@Armstrong It makes no sense in wasting money.... Pakistan has provided enough support to ISAF, US should payback with the general requirements for fighting insurgency.

I'm sorry please expound on that more ! :what:
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