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Turkey lifts ban on headscarves at high schools

I'm wearing clothes because it's bloody cold most of the time in Germany and in the summer time, I don't want to get a sunburn. I'm also wearing clothes without any religious meaning behind. I don't even mind women wearing a headscarve as a fashion accessory, I also don't have problems when they wear it as a religious statement in their private sphere or privately run school, but I do mind when they do it in a staterun institution.

YOU do mind? who are you? if you don't get it, this news is about Turkey lifting the ban on something, they are not saying everyone have to wear headscarves now, its a choice and unless someone is being forced against their own will to wear a headscarf, (or to do any religious/non-religious activity) I don't see why anyone would have a problem with it. If you mind it, deal with it. You don't have the right to judge a person's lifestyle.
Your almighty, omnipotent and perfect Allah also ordered you to fast. :lol:
I urge you to edit your post and remove the offensive bit.
you can still convey your message without being rude.

this is the quality of an educated, cultured and civil person that he can make a point without being crude and insulting. I am sure you can be polite and still make your point.
there would have been a religious discrimination if one religion is allowed to display religious symbol at school and another religion is not. If all religion are treated the same, then there is no discrimination.

By the way, the last time people wore the Star of David as part of their garments was fortunately long ago.

So, it's ok for you to step on Atatürk's legacy.

Your almighty, omnipotent and perfect Allah also ordered you to fast, he just forgot that up in the north the sun never sets during the white nights. :lol:
Yes he gave common sense to people to decide that is called Ijtihad when you have a situation like that Ijtihad is done know Islam before showing your highest level off ignorance
I just need to take a look at the other proud Muslim countries still stuck in poverty and ignorance. Atatürk on the other hand brought modernity, enlightenment and progress to Turkey without denying its heritage.

Irrelevant. I also see a lot of "Christian" countries in Africa and South America which are basket cases.

The Muslim countries are backwards, not because women wear a head scarf, but because they don't value individual human rights. Wearing a head scarf is a matter of personal choice and respecting individual rights.

Ataturk was solving a problem of his time. The religious elite at that time were choking the country to death and they had to be purged. Ataturk did what he had to do to save Turkey. It is pointless for us to second guess his every move, and perhaps loss of certain freedoms (head scarf) was collateral damage in saving Turkey.

However, Turkey has now grown into a mature democracy which respects individual rights and people's democratic choice. The time is right to restore personal freedoms, like wearing a head scarf.
I have no issue with that
s long as there is a balance
girls should be told to wear shorts if they want a head scarf.
everyone happy
problem is it wont stop here! soon non hijabi will be declared slut and hijabi will be one with confirmed ticket to Jannat! The real fun will start after this.

Turkey is what today is b'cause of Ataturk. without him Turkey fate would have been no different from other Arab nations without oil!
Irrelevant. I also see a lot of "Christian" countries in Africa and South America which are basket cases.

Where did I say that being a Christian makes you developed and progressive? Do I look like someone who promotes or has a preference of any kind of religion?

The Muslim countries are backwards, not because women wear a head scarf, but because they don't value individual human rights. Wearing a head scarf is a matter of personal choice and respecting individual rights.

Oh, it has become some kind of individual choice now and not ordered by Allah written in the Quran?
problem is it wont stop here! soon non hijabi will be declared slut and hijabi will be one with confirmed ticket to Jannat! The real fun will start after this.

Turkey is what today is b'cause of Ataturk. without him Turkey fate would have been no different from other Arab nations without oil!
due to Turkish involvement in Syria and playing at the hands of the Arabs some have called it Pakistan of the middle east. it angers them much saying they are powerful and rich and no bad would come to them
we said the same back in 80s

rest as they all say is

due to Turkish involvement in Syria and playing at the hands of the Arabs some have called it Pakistan of the middle east. it angers them much saying they are powerful and rich and no bad would come to them
we said the same back in 80s

rest as they all say is


i wish Both Pakistan and Turkey all the best in future! My 60% business comes from turkey and almost 15 % from Pakistan !
due to Turkish involvement in Syria and playing at the hands of the Arabs some have called it Pakistan of the middle east. it angers them much saying they are powerful and rich and no bad would come to them
we said the same back in 80s

rest as they all say is

There is a significant difference between Pakistan and Turkey, Pakistan is created as a Islamic state while the opposite is the case for Turkey, read the founding principles of Republic of Turkey and you will understand.

Constitution of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exactly Sir! and those founding principles are being erased slowly but steadily by AKP !

totally get it @punit
see I told you? they are different so even if they do the same thing they should expect different result.

How, by lifting headscarve ban? I have never seen so many Atatürk signatures and posters on private cars like this year, people value him more by looking at the situation in ME.
How, by lifting headscarve ban? I have never seen so many Atatürk signatures and posters on private cars like this year, people value him more by looking at the situation in ME.
actions speak more than stickers
your country became party in the sectarian fueled Arab infighting. by antagonizing the only remaining secular regime in the middle east.. Turkey helped the Saudi/ Qatari proxy war and gave a free killing ground to FSA, ISIS, AL Qaeda which has made the entire middle east a slaughter house.
it it bit your *** so quickly much quicker than our jihadism bit us.

these cannibals and rapists dont give a damn about your legacy and your constitution they will come for you like they came for us.. just look at the terrorism that started.. which might look like its contained but its simmering underneath. becoming a host to jihadi camps carries a hefty price where generations pay with their blood for decades .. we know it because we are paying for it as we see our sons being killed in front of us.
As long as its limited with High schools, I'm not againts it, but its should not spread to elementary and middle schools.
Because its order off ALLAH and women has to do it and if you break order off ALLAH you commit sin ALLAH has made it compulsory through QURAN and SUNNAH and yes if women keep rejecting this order they can end up in hell
dude then dont look at women then? because it is also the command of ALLAH

Your almighty, omnipotent and perfect Allah also ordered you to fast, he just forgot that up in the north the sun never sets during the white nights.
i find this offensive

As i said i just came back from Turkey and didnt had the feeling people were more religious, it looks moore like the opposite, there wasnt girls with high heels in my village the last time.
you are a naughty boy
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