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Turkey invites Greece to Anatolian Eagle


Dec 27, 2009
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Turkey invites Greece to Anatolian Eagle | TRDEFENCE

Turkey has invited Greece to the Anatolian Eagle aerial war games set for next year in what is a first in its history, a move that could potentially eradicate the persisting mistrust and confrontation the two countries face in a number of areas, a news report said on Tuesday.

The report, which appeared in the Cumhuriyet daily, also said Greek authorities were considering accepting the Turkish invitation. The joint military drill would challenge the traditional orthodoxies of the region as the two countries face disagreements in the Aegean over territorial waters and in Cyprus, where the two countries back their communities on the long-divided island.

The military exercises will be conducted on June 13-24 in the central Anatolian province of Konya. The Turkish Air Forces (THK) will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year and is thus planning to hold a series of events to mark the special anniversary. The exercise will include several other countries as well.

China, as a non-NATO member, was invited in August of this year to participate in the Anatolian Eagle joint aerial military maneuvers. Although Greece has been a member of NATO since 1952, Turkey and Greece have been at odds due to the Cyprus problem and a dispute over maritime borders in the Aegean.

Turkey also excluded Greece from a list of countries it considers to be a threat to its national security in a recently approved security document, but included Israel in its place.

Israel and Greece, both Turkey’s rivals, conducted several joint air drills in the past year following a debacle in diplomatic and military relations between Turkey and the Jewish state, particularly following the May 31 flotilla raid in which Israeli commandoes stormed an aid boat and killed nine civilians.

Last year the Turkish military cancelled the Anatolian Eagle’s international segment in a move widely seen as a way to exclude Israel from the exercise.

This is highly interesting... I thought Turkey and Greece didn't have the best of the relations.
This is highly interesting... I thought Turkey and Greece didn't have the best of the relations.

We are not in the best relations but i guess this is part of our no problems with neighbors policy. I just keep thinking this policy is going to lead to us getting caught with our pants down at one point or another. I mean Greece just concluded military exercises with Israel. I honestly can not understand why we are inviting them or why we are removing visa restrictions on almost every country in the region etc etc.
Jigs i totally agree with you on this one. Its one thing to start warming relations with greece on the political front but inviting the hellenic airforce into wargames over the central anatolian plains? Not a smart move in my opinion.
We are not in the best relations but i guess this is part of our no problems with neighbors policy. I just keep thinking this policy is going to lead to us getting caught with our pants down at one point or another. I mean Greece just concluded military exercises with Israel. I honestly can not understand why we are inviting them or why we are removing visa restrictions on almost every country in the region etc etc.

Removing Visa restrictions, plans to open the border with Arm., selling national assets, banking, telecommunication, oil, etc.

You can thank PM Erdogan for that.
Great move by the Turks!

Its a great move indeed because Turks and Greeks must get over the past and become friends for mutual benefits. We Pakistanis wont like to see our Turk Brothers surrounded by enemies like we are.

If the peace works it should be given a chance.
Its a great move indeed because Turks and Greeks must get over the past and become friends for mutual benefits. We Pakistanis wont like to see our Turk Brothers surrounded by enemies like we are.

If the peace works it should be given a chance.

As much as peace have to be given a chance, which I agree to as well. But I am with Jigs when he say that it is a risky move to bring in your enemy and show him around your house so that he would know which door leads to what room. And frankly going by the history I dont think that the Greeks can be trusted when it come to their relations with the Turks, as they will not think twice before striking if an opportunity presents her self. Its my assumption, and I am basing it on the facts that I have seen historically as far as the Turkish Greek Relations are concerned. Will the situation be any different, I dont think so. But that is just a thought and it can be wrong.
This is only done to drive a wedge between the new Greek-Isreali cooperation in the region.

I am not sure yet if it is a smart move or a hasty move.

However I don't think you should start panicking as some of you have, I doubt the HAF will accept. Don't take it personally but we do not use to accept invitations by people who overfly our islands everyday.
this is utter hypocrisy as is fearing you will be "caught with your pants down", Greece would NEVER initiate hostilities which cannot be said for your side, which has been even proven to have a plan to initiate hostilities (see ergenekon).

Bottom line, don't give too much credit to nonsense like this exercise.
I always wonder how people from their respective countries appear and disappear here so quickly!

@amalakas: First tell me how you came to know that the thread relating to Greece has been posted here or you always have defence.pk open?
We are not in the best relations but i guess this is part of our no problems with neighbors policy. I just keep thinking this policy is going to lead to us getting caught with our pants down at one point or another. I mean Greece just concluded military exercises with Israel. I honestly can not understand why we are inviting them or why we are removing visa restrictions on almost every country in the region etc etc.
I would not be so wary of this new decision, Mr. Jigs. In fact, Turkey has made a remarkable decision that will only promote her image as a peace-loving and forward thinking country compared to the negative stereotypes that some agecies have against her and might shut the same up.

Today, military diplomacy is symbol of improving ties around the world between multiple countries and after years of staying on at loggerheads with each other, I think this peace initiative and trust-building by Turkey will be welcomed by all especially us Europeans. :)

On Greece's recent exercises with Israel as Mr. Ozturk has mentioned, it could perhaps be interpreted in the same manner as United States largely ignored your exercises with the Chinese military.
This is only done to drive a wedge between the new Greek-Isreali cooperation in the region.

I am not sure yet if it is a smart move or a hasty move.

However I don't think you should start panicking as some of you have, I doubt the HAF will accept. Don't take it personally but we do not use to accept invitations by people who overfly our islands everyday.
this is utter hypocrisy as is fearing you will be "caught with your pants down", Greece would NEVER initiate hostilities which cannot be said for your side, which has been even proven to have a plan to initiate hostilities (see ergenekon).

Bottom line, don't give too much credit to nonsense like this exercise.

I hope HAF doesn't accept the AE. There is no need for them to take part in a exercise as important as this. They can instead keep flying armed sorties over aegean airspace.
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