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Turkey imposes $183 million penalty on Boeing over delivery delay

I'm not saying Boeing is not to blame. I'm saying it wasn't some US conspiracy to screw Turkey. As some people were alluding US contracts weren't "dependable".

Turkey wanted to use 737's but the US uses 707's and some 767's. Only Elta of Israel makes a Wedgetail system that fits on 737's. Unfortunately Israel started a military ban to Turkey after the deal was signed and Boeing got caught in the middle.

True. I don't agree that US is an unreliable partner either. We already have a very well working supply chain with them. I have never heard of maintenance problems of our American supplied major hardware. Once they deliver something, they stand behind their product.

That being said, US's reluctance on supplying some new hardware due to "external concerns" date back decades and is really starting to annoy Turkey. The attack helicopter tender is a prime example which cost us many years. That reluctance could be a good thing though since it's giving us just another reason to jump start our own industry.
I'm saying it wasn't some US conspiracy to screw Turkey. As some people were alluding US contracts weren't "dependable".

- US denied sales of Predators also Reapers if i don't remember wrong.

- US strongly opposes, Turkey's efforts to procure HQ-9

- I believe (feel free to correct me ) US contribution to our defence industry is near to zero in terms of ToT. While our "ally" refuse to share ToT, Chinese gives us needed ToT

I didn't say " US contracts weren't "dependable" What i said was "US hadn't been a reliable partner for us. " And i stand behind my words.
Article dated Feb 18 2013.
"Three years ago, Boeing delivered the AWACS planes without Elta's systems."

That would be 2010.
Wasnt the deal for the whole program?
So boeing was responsable,2014=6 years.

I'm not saying Boeing is not to blame. I'm saying it wasn't some US conspiracy to screw Turkey. As some people were alluding US contracts weren't "dependable".

Turkey wanted to use 737's but the US uses 707's and some 767's. Only Elta of Israel makes a Wedgetail system that fits on 737's. Unfortunately Israel started a military ban to Turkey after the deal was signed and Boeing got caught in the middle.
Not talking about some conspiracy theory,but tell me;the US wants something and Isreal says no?
LOL That's what I did :P

Yeap, but we should cover not only jet engines, but all power packs in land, sea and air vehicles.

The thing is we produce lot's of military stuff (tanks, helis, ships, UAVs) but every single one of them uses foreign engines.

I think, we should share info to understand where Turkey stands in this issue and discuss about possiblities, future projects, etc.









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