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Turkey , have they cornered themselves by Enemies


Sep 8, 2009
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Strangely enough if we look at Turkey's situation , have they cornered themselves

Russia on one side , attacking Pro Turkish rebels.

France - Russia , actively talking about joint operations in Syria - against who

By shooting down Russian plane, they have put themselves into direct conflict with Russia , mean while other large nations are quietly discussing joint operations with Russia (i.e UK and France) or we don't know the level of cooperation or secret backdoor agreements

In first gulf war , Turkey had refused any air space to attacks on Iraq, however now UK/France are questing Turkish airbases for attacks on Syria, again they could have done same from Sea as they have aircraft carriers so why Pull Turkey into mess?

What is the scenario that Turkey might suddenly find itself , Isolated by having three countries UK/France/Russia against it , is there a chance , that Turkey might be blamed for ISIS

While Turkey is actively trying to control humanitarian crisis , in its land , they are really stuck in this mess badly

After world war 1 , the nations UK/Russia were actively eying occupying the land we know know as Syria or Iraq
The Sykes–Picot Agreement /ˈsaɪks pi.ko/, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and France,[1] with the assent of Russia, defining their proposed spheres of influence and control in the Middle East should the Triple Entente succeed in defeating the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The negotiation of the treaty occurred between November 1915 and March 1916.[2] The agreement was concluded on 16 May 1916.[3]

The agreement effectively divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French control or influence.[4] An "international administration" was proposed for Palestine.[5] The terms were negotiated by the French diplomat François Georges-Picot and Briton Sir Mark Sykes. The Russian Tsarist government was a minor party to the Sykes–Picot agreement, and when, following the Russian Revolution of October 1917, the Bolsheviks exposed the agreement, "the British were embarrassed, the Arabs dismayed and the Turks delighted."[6]


Strangely we know see the same 3 same global players trying to carve up a presence in Syria/Iraq

With Russia actively threatening turkey with direct retaliation if they tried to intervene

I mean Turkey is NATO by name only , we all know its not a full EU member if they world powers wanted they can blame ISIS on Turkey , and then form an alliance , Britain/france are both known to switch alliances , depending on their own National Interest (Mainly expansion and acquiring resources or colonies)

So far we have not seen a push by UK/France in support of Turkish decision to Shoot down Russian plane

Is there something more sinister being brewed

How would any attack on Turkey be seen in Pakistan's context ?
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France, Germany , UK and USA assured that there will be no cooperation with Syria until Esad is gone. That's fact.
But there is one point they disagree with Turkey. They support YPG which is PKK in Syria. We will see how this dispute will be solved.
Just now Turkish MP annonunced with President Alijev that both countries, brothers of same mother, will increase their trade from 5 to 15 Billion USD annualy. Investment will raise to annualy 20 Billion USD. And Turkey will support Azerbeycan until the 20% Azerbeycan occupied from enemies will be freed.
Yesterday President Erdogan signed in Qatar a 16 point agreement. More Qatar LNG. Turkish Naval Base in Qatar and deployment of 3000 Turkish soldiers for the security of Qatar.

@Azeri440. @Kamil_baku
turkey is getting used and is going to be dumped at last minute. Turkish need to understand they will never accept you they shown ther colors before European remember sokozy France. get out of nato join other side you have b better loyalty.
SCO is a still birth.

Geostrategical alliance is not about acceptance it is about power and influence.
turkey is getting used and is going to be dumped at last minute. Turkish need to understand they will never accept you they shown ther colors before European remember sokozy France.

NATO is going to sacrifice turkey an even blame turkey for escalation.
No I mean its just a theoretical question , becasue who is at Maximum harm now after Syria ?

It is not Iran - as they have unconditional backing from Russia

That leaves only Turkey.

And just reading some old stuff from past wars I stumbled upon this treaty between France , Britain and Russia
which peaked my interest, I said to myself quite an interesting document and discussion that must have taken place
Of course then the Empire existed already so while it existed people were planning to divide the resources

The region is well know for its agricultural value or resource value compared to other parts of Arabia

In any case, if an international "Turn" takes place Britain- France-Russia could jointly declare Turkey as the supporter for ISIS, perhaps even put the blame on Turkey if the cards played out that way.

If you look back in history , Britain and France started off with fights against each other, and then switched partners as the opportunity presented itself

While Turkey as a NATO member is huffing their chest and taking the bullet I don't see same sort of effort from either Britain or France

Today they stated that they do not like Syrian government , tomorrow they will have objection to Turkish form of democracy

I did not see a major push for solidarity with Turkey

Lets compare the rational

Putin vs ISIS = we are here to fight ISIS
France vs ISIS = we are here to take revenge for city bombing issue
Britain vs ISIS = we are fighting against ISIS

So now, Turkey is being presented as purchasing oil from ISIS , obviously by russia but why is there no rejection note from NATO to say no , Russia is spreading lies

Internationally when someone buys a ticket for Turkey , they are automatically scrutinized as going for Jihad , there have been many arrest of people who bought air tickets to Turkey
(There is a subliminal message here , going to Turkey has been associated indirectly with Jihad)

if anyone can locate a note from either France or Britain favoring Turkey , and discrediting Russia over the jet crisis , please share the links

Lets us Analyse some notes:

Germany ->
German Vice-Chancellor on Su-24 Crash: Turkey is Unpredictable, not Russia

Read more: German Vice-Chancellor on Su-24 Crash: Turkey is Unpredictable, not Russia

Time News->
Obama Should Stay Out of the Turkey-Russia Crisis
Obama Is Wrong to Tell Turkey and Russia What To Do in Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande agreed Nov. 26 to share information about targets in Syria and to strike “only terrorists.” Putin added that Russia is “ready to cooperate” with the US-led anti-IS coalition.

Read more: Erdogan more isolated than ever on Syria - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Trudeau won't 'point fingers' in Turkey-Russia crisis Trudeau won’t ‘point fingers’ in Turkey-Russia crisis | Ottawa Citizen

The point I wanted to make is "There is solidarity" with Turkey even when Turkey is 100% right which country in world would allow a third party to fly in its air space ? Any free country will shoot it down , however not many countries have came forward to support Turkey
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no sco no nato will truly accept us..

we need turan and islamic alliance (Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia)

with growing ties to 1. Korea, then japan, brasilia and australia and kanada,

ukrania is special because of russian kiling spree

but besides that nato means shit look at this

Bundeswehr zensiert Tornado-Daten aus Syrien für die Türkei - SPIEGEL ONLINE

germans want to hide some data from their tornado planes.. we turks are not allowed to see everything they dont want to give us "sensetive" data.. maybe they only upload google maps for us..

we should not allow them to use our airspace and bases.. if erdogan allows them this I will make beddua to him and his family specially to the ones he loves much :close_tema:
SCO will never take in turkey. their only destiny is to serve as expendable cannon fodder for nato whites, which they are pretty good at.
Just now Turkish MP annonunced with President Alijev that both countries, brothers of same mother, will increase their trade from 5 to 15 Billion USD annualy. Investment will raise to annualy 20 Billion USD. And Turkey will support Azerbeycan until the 20% Azerbeycan occupied from enemies will be freed.
Yesterday President Erdogan signed in Qatar a 16 point agreement. More Qatar LNG. Turkish Naval Base in Qatar and deployment of 3000 Turkish soldiers for the security of Qatar.

@Azeri440. @Kamil_baku
Check out this video... Someone can translate it..
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