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Turkey has developed thermobaric missile

We all hope that. But we must use academic,personal,press and diplomatic relations.
Please no violence against people. Otherwise Uigurs will suffer.
Thats why im against over zealous reactions against China, Turkey can help Uyghurs by having good diplomatic ties with China, hostility will not help a bit.
Whoha bro i think you misunderstand :D i wrote it for China because of Uyghur Issue, Pakistan has nothing to do with it :)

No problem. I thought your were releasing hell and damnation on Pakistan. I was surprised because I thought after 90 years of secularism most Turks were more rational then start threatening "allah" but still now I know.

Trust me Pakistan would never do anything to make the plight of the Uighurs worse. Majority of Pakistan put religion before nation and if it came to it trust me lot's of our crazy idiots would cross the Karakorum to help the Uighurs by fighting with them.

Our leadership knows though that such eventuality would amount commiting national suicide. We would end up destroyed and worse than Iraq which at least has oil. I think I have already said that our foe India is nine, yes 9 times larger than Russia. ( 140 million - 1,260 million ) and if we make China our enemy which has another 1,300 million people we would have made half of humanity enemies. How would destroying ourselves help anybody least of all Uighurs?

In fact the single biggest threat to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ) which involves building expressways and railways to Uighur province from Pakistan costing over $46 billion is our crazy Mullahs might declare jihad against China because of the Uighurs. Such is the danger that Pakistan Army is going to raise another division to just provide protection and security to Chinese working on the project inside Pakistan.

Pakistan Army announces special force for protecting Chinese citizens | The Indian Express

The days of jihad are long gone. We have to run countries like large companies and trade is lifeblood of countries. That is where real battles are now fought. China is going to be the next superpower and there is nothing anybody can do about that. If you guys think USA is powerful can you imagine when China reaches zenith how the world is going to look like?

We are already suffering because of jihadi curse on our Afghan border where we have crazy nutters from every Muslim country. Chechens, Uzbeks, Kazahks, Uighurs, Turkmen, Bosnians, Arabs, Black Muslims from Africa, Malays, Indonesians from the bloody entire Muslim world gathered there causing trouble to our army.

Pakistan left them alone first ( because of so many Pak sympathizers about "Muslim brotherhood" ) but those crazy jihadi's started attacking Western governments, then Chinese then turned on Pakistan Army because we told them stop causing trouble because the world blames Pakistan. If that Chechen goes from Pakistan and blows himself up in New York Pakistan is going to come in the news and we are going to get the blame. So we need to back off and look after Pakistan.

The only problem is we will have to restrain our own people of who many still believe you stand by your Muslim brother even if your own house is blown away and you lose your family. I give you example of this madness. In Pakistan every child at school begins by singing Dua ( prayer ) a "Lab Peh Aati" but I ran into this video below and the crazy thing was all these idiots from every corner of earth were singing this Pakistan Dua for school kids led by a Pakistani mullah.

We need to control this "international Islamic jihad" not drown in even more or we will be destroyed by it as our army is now fighting against these type of jihadis. WE also need to tel these people please go home now. We can't afford in offending America, Europe and now even China.

The original for Pakistan school children.

@Atanz. :tup: My Priority is National Awareness. In my daily life, conscience . In combat Religion and trust in Allah (CC)

Times of Jihad is closed, that are all false flag Actions Happening now, initiated by Muslim haters.
@Atanz I understand you properly, all these wrongs happening for ignorance. Jihad mean is not only fight, also education, science, technology, working, trade so on are Jihad as well. If someone attack you of coursse you have to be defend yourself. So every Muslims countries have to develope itself and while do that we should care about Islam to do being good people.

Islam says dont harm innocent people even an Muslim cant harm an ant, imagine!. So we should work to make our countries strong then support each other from good ways....

Also we know that Pakistan is brave and faithfull nation we have not got any doubt about it ;) Allah Hafiz.
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Turkey to develop thermobaric warhead | TR Defence

A recently leaked classified document involving a top (former) procurement agency official has revealed that Turkey has started development on a new type of weapon that utilizes thermobaric concepts. Authorities were not immediately available for comment to confirm or deny the new information..

The leaked document indicates that a specialized wing of Turkey’s Scientific and Technological Research Council, dubbed SAGE, has been charged by the country’s defence ministry with prototyping and testing of the new weapon following a high level defence committee meeting in 2013. Current status of the project is unknown, but the fact that the news surfaced while Russia accused Ukraine of illegally selling its missile technology to Turkey and a number of other countries has raised eyebrows.

Turkey is known for keeping its more advanced weapon systems classified for many years.

A thermobaric weapon is a type of explosive that utilizes oxygen from the surrounding air to generate an intense, high-temperature explosion, and in practice the blast wave such a weapon produces is typically significantly longer in duration than a conventional condensed explosive. The specific weapon Turkey is working on is presumed to be a fuel-air bomb, one of the most well-known types of thermobaric warheads..

These cause considerably more destruction than other similar explosives when used in lower altitudes or inside confined environments such as tunnels, caves, and bunkers.

The new thermobaric warhead is likely to be aircraft deliverable, but it is also expected that Turkey will make them an option on its growing inventory of surface-to-surface missile systems.
who doesn't have thermobaric weapons? They are such simple weapons even al-qaeda should be able to make them
Seriously... I think I could devise a simple thermobaric bomb at home with a butane tank :D

I don't get what all the fuss is about

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