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Turkey could join Shanghai bloc: President Erdoğan


Aug 10, 2016
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Disillusioned with the West, Turkish president says 'Turkey does not need to join the EU 'at all cost''


President Tayyip Erdoğan said on Sunday that Turkey did not need to join the European Union "at all costs" and could instead become part of a security bloc dominated by China, Russia and Central Asian nations.

NATO member Turkey's prospects of joining the EU look more remote than ever after 11 years of negotiations, as Ankara has grown increasingly disillusioned by the Europe's ambivalent stance towards the war on terror in Turkey, especially after July 15 failed coup attempt.

"Turkey must feel at ease. It mustn't say 'for me it's the European Union at all costs'. That's my view," Erdoğan says while telling reporters on his plane on the way back from a visit to Pakistan and Uzbekistan.

"Why shouldn't Turkey be in the Shanghai Five? I said this to (Russian President) Mr Putin, to (Kazakh President) Nazarbayev, to those who are in the Shanghai Five now," he said.

"I hope that if there is a positive development there, I think if Turkey were to join the Shanghai Five, it will enable it to act with much greater ease."

China, Russia and four Central Asian nations -- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -- formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in 2001 as a regional bloc to ensure the security of their borders.

Turkish membership of the SCO, which had initially not included Uzbekistan and been known as the Shanghai Five, would be likely to alarm Western allies and fellow NATO members.

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan speak Turkic languages, and Ankara signed up in 2013 as a "dialogue partner" saying it shared "the same destiny" as members of the bloc.

Mongolia, India, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan are SCO observers, while Belarus, like Turkey, is a dialogue partner.

Dialogue partners are entitled to take part in ministerial-level and some other meetings of the SCO, but do not have voting rights.

Erdoğan last week urged Turks to be patient until the end of the year over relations with Europe and said a referendum could be held on EU membership in 2017.

The EU is treading a fine line in relations with Turkey: it needs Ankara's continued help in curbing a huge flow of migrants, especially from Syria.

However, Turkey's relations with Europe have strained due to the West's harboring and supporting PKK and FETÖ members, especially after the latter staged the failed coup of July 15, by infiltrating Turkish institutions, particularly army, in which more than 240 people were killed by putschists.

Population of Shanghai bloc is about 3 billion people.Only this data shows to us how important this bloc.Asia and Africa will be more important not only for us also for whole world.For me this is a good move because future of Shanghai bloc is more brilliant than EU.
May be England is also wants to be part of this bloc.It wont be a surprise for me.
The good side of it is that we dont insist on only one side. Bad side is the military development of the Turkey depends on NATO right now. Even if they say we make them on our own, we can't do even a missille without NATO help right now from skretch.
Disillusioned with the West, Turkish president says 'Turkey does not need to join the EU 'at all cost''

"Why shouldn't Turkey be in the Shanghai Five? I said this to (Russian President) Mr Putin,

believe me guys he is asking for another coup ......

plz Turks

be humble we have very few examples of Economic success & Turkey is one of these examples .... I just don't want to see political or social chaos in Turkey ....

We cant become a member of another security bloc! But is SCO really a security bloc?

No ... at least not till to date....
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plz Turks

be humble we have very few examples of Economic success & Turkey is one of these examples .... I just don't want to see political or social chaos in Turkey ....

No ... at least not till to date....
That is the thing. Turkey is in a very strategic position right now. What we're saying is that If Europe refuses to side with us say goodbye to Turkey. What's worse is that we won't be on our own we'll side with Asian powers. It is good for us because we'll cooperate easily with Turkic countries They have to side with us because Turkey is in a very powerful position in NATO with its army capabilities , economic power, work force.
Disillusioned with the West, Turkish president says 'Turkey does not need to join the EU 'at all cost''


President Tayyip Erdoğan said on Sunday that Turkey did not need to join the European Union "at all costs" and could instead become part of a security bloc dominated by China, Russia and Central Asian nations.

NATO member Turkey's prospects of joining the EU look more remote than ever after 11 years of negotiations, as Ankara has grown increasingly disillusioned by the Europe's ambivalent stance towards the war on terror in Turkey, especially after July 15 failed coup attempt.

"Turkey must feel at ease. It mustn't say 'for me it's the European Union at all costs'. That's my view," Erdoğan says while telling reporters on his plane on the way back from a visit to Pakistan and Uzbekistan.

"Why shouldn't Turkey be in the Shanghai Five? I said this to (Russian President) Mr Putin, to (Kazakh President) Nazarbayev, to those who are in the Shanghai Five now," he said.

"I hope that if there is a positive development there, I think if Turkey were to join the Shanghai Five, it will enable it to act with much greater ease."

China, Russia and four Central Asian nations -- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -- formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in 2001 as a regional bloc to ensure the security of their borders.

Turkish membership of the SCO, which had initially not included Uzbekistan and been known as the Shanghai Five, would be likely to alarm Western allies and fellow NATO members.

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan speak Turkic languages, and Ankara signed up in 2013 as a "dialogue partner" saying it shared "the same destiny" as members of the bloc.

Mongolia, India, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan are SCO observers, while Belarus, like Turkey, is a dialogue partner.

Dialogue partners are entitled to take part in ministerial-level and some other meetings of the SCO, but do not have voting rights.

Erdoğan last week urged Turks to be patient until the end of the year over relations with Europe and said a referendum could be held on EU membership in 2017.

The EU is treading a fine line in relations with Turkey: it needs Ankara's continued help in curbing a huge flow of migrants, especially from Syria.

However, Turkey's relations with Europe have strained due to the West's harboring and supporting PKK and FETÖ members, especially after the latter staged the failed coup of July 15, by infiltrating Turkish institutions, particularly army, in which more than 240 people were killed by putschists.


I think he will get Gulen extradited now..Trump will give in to this
We cant become a member of another security bloc! But is SCO really a security bloc?

SCO is not a security/military bloc in the way that NATO is.

It's more of a cooperation organization based around Central Asia as the geographical focus point. Energy security, anti-terrorism, border security, economic cooperation in the region.

So NATO members can join it (though the USA's own application to join the SCO was rejected a while back). Other NATO members can join.
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