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Turkey could acquire around 80 Eurofighter Typhoon Fighter Jets

The UK has around 30 'active' Tranche 1s which their useful airframe life have not yet been halved. Around 15 aircraft are also kept as spare parts. These planes would initially go out of service in 2019. Then it was delayed to 2025. And if I'm not mistaken, I've read a few other articles about the extension to around 2030. These planes have been a headache for the Royal air force in recent years. At first it was announced that these planes could not be upgraded to T2/T3, but later it turned out that this was not true, but still the problem was quite complex. Maintenance logistics, software problems and some specific design limits are known to exist.

If Britain wants to get rid of these planes it can give it to Turkey free of charge (by opening the mission computer and some other avionics to the Turks). As a result, these aircraft will be logistically dependent on the British aviation industry for at least another 15 years. Of course, in addition to the transfer of ready T1s, a purchase agreement can be made for example 2 fleet tranche4s.

This is hypothetical, but cant say it is improbable. Because most of the companies in the MMU project could be among the suppliers of the Team Tempest project. Likewise, the contribution of British and Italian companies to the MMU project is obvious.
this is very unrealistic britian wont sell them free of charge and yet open its source code to be manipulated. if anything britian has its partners and itself to upgrade these aircraft but it is deemed costly and complicated as u said. lets say you get these aircraft you wont get the meteor as france will reject selling it due to political tensions
TFX isn't too far behind KFX, KFX would not have brought any benefits to Turkey. Also KFX is full of US and Israeli sub-systems, any of those countries could deny sales and support to Turkey.
TFX was the best way to go, S.Koreans missed out on determination and will of Turkish engineers - Not Turkey.
It's 2022 and tell me which of the two countries have the problem of getting an fighter aircraft here?
During 2015, European wanted to join KF21/IFX program with 20 % stake if KF21/IFX program choose Airbus as the partner and uses European engine, but Korean chooses Lockheed Martin to join the program in 2015 ( and GE for engine provider) despite LM dont provide the financial, only assistance and technology as part of the ofset of Korean F35 acquisition.

Not surprise as USA is the Korean important allies
It’s better to choose european technologies. The US can’t sanction Europe. Or not easy.
TFX isn't too far behind KFX, KFX would not have brought any benefits to Turkey. Also KFX is full of US and Israeli sub-systems, any of those countries could deny sales and support to Turkey.
TFX was the best way to go, S.Koreans missed out on determination and will of Turkish engineers - Not Turkey.

There is no Israel sub systems in KF21/IFX.

Israel just helps the development of AESA radar through testing phase, 4 critical technologies that are banned by USA for KF 21/IFX program are developed by South Korean companies, like Hanwa, LG and others

Dont underestimate Korean.

TFX will still use F 110 engine (American engine). We dont know their current collaboration with RR but as far as we know there is no contract yet being signed for engine development, more like still in talking phase.

It’s better to choose european technologies. The US can’t sanction Europe. Or not easy.

The best decision is to pick European consortium. BAE system for instant has been quite deep in developing F35 together with Lockheed Martin. Since the start KF21/IFX has been designed for US and European engine.

But the decision is up to Korean as the senior partner and who bare 80 % development cost.

Korean defense relies heavily on US. The decision is more on politics, but US does help Korean a lot during the development of T50 Golden Eagle, from there Korean has got good experience to start development of more complex fighter plane (KF21)
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There is no Israel sub systems in KF21/IFX.

Israel just helps the development of AESA radar through testing phase, 4 critical technologies that are banned by USA for KF 21/IFX program are developed by South Korean companies, like Hanwa, LG and others

Dont underestimate Korean.

TFX will still use F 110 engine (American engine). We dont know their current collaboration with RR but as far as we know there is no contract yet being signed for engine development, more like still in talking phase.

The best decision is to pick European consortium. BAE system for instant has been quite deep in developing F35 together with Lockheed Martin. Since the start KF21/IFX has been designed for US and European engine.

But the decision is up to Korean as the senior partner and who bare 80 % development cost.

Korean defense relies heavily on US. The decision is more on politics, but US does help Korean a lot during the development of T50 Golden Eagle, from there Korean has got good experience to start development of more complex fighter plane (KF21)
But KFX still need an engine named F414 from the US,that's not good for Turkey.
It's 2022 and tell me which of the two countries have the problem of getting an fighter aircraft here?

How does that question relate to what you and I wrote. Again, why would Turkey go for KFX when TFX is only a year behind it. Can you justify what you wrote previously, no, you can't because it was absolute trash so you're trying to change the topic.

There is no Israel sub systems in KF21/IFX.

Israel just helps the development of AESA radar through testing phase, 4 critical technologies that are banned by USA for KF 21/IFX program are developed by South Korean companies, like Hanwa, LG and others

Dont underestimate Korean.

TFX will still use F 110 engine (American engine). We dont know their current collaboration with RR but as far as we know there is no contract yet being signed for engine development, more like still in talking phase.

Korean's are getting help all over the place. They are able to select and choose foreign sub-systems without a hidden embargo delaying development. There are even some Turkish sub-systems in the KFX, like SDT data-links,

I don't underestimate S.Koreans capability, they could make it all by themselves, but they would pay a heavy price and time penalty in doing so.

Turkey has parallel engine projects, does S.Korea ? Will KFX ever be ITAR-Free?
Korean's are getting help all over the place. They are able to select and choose foreign sub-systems without a hidden embargo delaying development. There are even some Turkish sub-systems in the KFX, like SDT data-links,

I don't underestimate S.Koreans capability, they could make it all by themselves, but they would pay a heavy price and time penalty in doing so.

Turkey has parallel engine projects, does S.Korea ? Will KFX ever be ITAR-Free?

Correct, KF 21/IFX program has so many subsystem from many countries, particularly USA and European. But I believe the same thing will happen to Turkish fighter as well.

South Korean has Hanwa, both Hanwa and Turkish engine companies (TEI) have JV with American company, GE.

TEI is JV Turkish/USA (GE)

Hanwa for instant has turbofan factory in Vietnam for civilian use @Viet
Correct, KF 21/IFX program has so many subsystem from many countries, particularly USA and European. But I believe the same thing will happen to Turkish fighter as well.

South Korean has Hanwa, both Hanwa and Turkish engine companies (TEI) have JV with American company, GE.

TEI is JV Turkish/USA (GE)

Hanwa for instant has turbofan factory in Vietnam for civilian use @Viet
Well, the kimchi are in a privileged position they enjoy technology transfer. As for us, yes, Hanwha has 3 factories in Vietnam. We make a wide range of engine and plane parts for R&R, W&P and other engine makers. You can use the parts in both civil and military.

Best bet for them now. Although I do believe the US may say ditch the S-400 and you are back in the F-35.
How does that question relate to what you and I wrote. Again, why would Turkey go for KFX when TFX is only a year behind it. Can you justify what you wrote previously, no, you can't because it was absolute trash so you're trying to change the topic.

Korean's are getting help all over the place. They are able to select and choose foreign sub-systems without a hidden embargo delaying development. There are even some Turkish sub-systems in the KFX, like SDT data-links,

I don't underestimate S.Koreans capability, they could make it all by themselves, but they would pay a heavy price and time penalty in doing so.

Turkey has parallel engine projects, does S.Korea ? Will KFX ever be ITAR-Free?
Don't you get what I said previously? Turkish ego literally put them in its current situation, where they're losing their supposed edge against the other guy. No KFX participation, no F-35, no F-16V and probably not even MLU M7.2 tape access for the lot of Block 25-40 F-16 that Turkey have.

Joining KFX would be the dumbest thing Turkey could do . Koreans are not good in ther head, i remember they offered everything but engineering. Every engineering will be done in Korea, in aviotion and engine Korean are not much better then Turkey.

They don't have project for engine, all that dumb people who give MTU as example should look to ther KFX program. What if Americans decide not give the engine :p: ? Remeber Americans refused to give Radar.

The radar is not even Korean, Israel company is helping them so basicly a Israel Radar will be used. It is not easy to pull a radar in years, so it will be licence build radar. Most important systems are foreigner partners, Turkey will not use partners for important systems. That is radar, software and optics. Event the air to air missile will be foreigner. Look ejection seat and mechanic or hydraulic systems can be foreigner products.

Bur radar and software, what Indonesia will gain from this is a big question :p: .
Obviously, Greeks getting F35 , so Turkey need a good match. US is even reluctant to supply F16. Turkey has good relations with Germany who is major partner of this consortium.

Joining KFX would be the dumbest thing Turkey could do . Koreans are not good in ther head, i remember they offered everything but engineering. Every engineering will be done in Korea, in aviotion and engine Korean are not much better then Turkey.

They don't have project for engine, all that dumb people who give MTU as example should look to ther KFX program. What if Americans decide not give the engine :p: ? Remeber Americans refused to give Radar.

The radar is not even Korean, Israel company is helping them so basicly a Israel Radar will be used. It is not easy to pull a radar in years, so it will be licence build radar. Most important systems are foreigner partners, Turkey will not use partners for important systems. That is radar, software and optics. Event the air to air missile will be foreigner. Look ejection seat and mechanic or hydraulic systems can be foreigner products.

Bur radar and software, what Indonesia will gain from this is a big question :p: .

What Indonesia will gain ???

We have been there since the start of the program (2011), developing the plane, this platform can also be useful to grow our component industry, not to mention now Indonesian Aerospace has the chance to make indigenous Stealth wingman drone to accompany the plane.

This program will also likely to grow Indonesian Aerospace much further in term of sales and production since I predict Indonesia will order about 200 KF21/IFX, not to mention Indonesian Aerospace will also become part of the supply chain for parts with quite significant percentage of workshare.

Translation from Google translate:

February 6, 2014 (Angkasa/Space Magazine)

KFX / IFX program continued , Government Asked to Immediately Selecting Design


Korea was once considered Indonesia engineer do not understand about the design of a jet fighter. But the notion was quickly turned , when the Indonesian team describes the design and the various inputs. The Indonesian side also the one who finally managed to convince that the aircraft take-off weight of 50,000 pounds must .

Confirmation of the Parliament of South Korea on the resumption of the program KFX / IFX team warmly welcomed designers from Indonesia. They include asking both governments immediately call the engineers involved in preparing work that has been long overdue. They also want the governments of both countries to make sure one of the two designs that have been produced in the Technology Development phase for cultivation in the next phase .

"Program KFX / IFX is a multi - program years , costly, and involve various sectors and foreign partners. For that there must be a definite declaration on it goes. For Indonesia it is important to determine the financing schemes and their human resources planning, "said Dr Rais Zain, M. Eng , KFX / IFX Configuration Design Leader for Angkasa , in late January.

"In the near future Indonesia will also work on the N219 and R - 80. We do not have enough engineers to work three programs, especially KFX / IFX will take place until the 2020s. The government is expected to call home engineers who are now working abroad to come help the regeneration process. Outside there are approximately 200 people . If half of it can be returned to the country, it is enough to help, " added Rais who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering ITB, Bandung.

As reported by the national media, the confirmation of the continuation of the program of making front - liner Korean - Indonesian fighter jets received by the Ministry of Defense on January 3, 2014. Notice is further announced Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro told reporters, Wednesday, January 8, 2014, on the sidelines of Rapim Kemenhan in Jakarta. Explanations related to exposure delivered weapon system procurement plans in the Strategic Plan II, 2015-2019.

The Indonesian government hopes the project of making the 4.5 generation fighter jet could be done because it would be a referral program to remove the dependence of the transfer of technology from other countries. Besides KFX / IFX, Indonesia is also pursuing a program of making submarines , warships, propellants , rockets, and tank size medium. For submarines, Indonesia is also cooperating with the same country.

Superior to the Su - 35 Program, KFX / IFX was stopped temporarily by Korea's new leader Park Geun - Hye end of 2012 after reviewing the state financially in the country. This prestigious project was worked on since the beginning of 2011, shortly after President Lee Myung - bak and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono confirmed the bilateral cooperation in the defense field in Jakarta. From the Technology Development Phase that has been completed, a team of scientists has completed a number of conical design that later became two.

The two designs is a model of the stealth fighter jet -winning twin-engine air superiority with horizontally - tails in the back, and the other one is with canards on the front. "Each has consequences different financing and partners. Thus , it must first be decided which one is selected. It is important that when followed, all parties are ready to do it , "said Rais Zain , whose day-to- day lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering,ITB, Bandung.

As stated Wamenhan Sjafrie, Korean parliament has prepared 20 million U.S. dollars (temporary , Indonesia : $ 5 million) to continue this program in 2015. At that time , the team will go to the Engineering Manufacturing Development Phase. In addition must have a high thrust engine with a power to be able to fight in the air, the aircraft must also have weapons stored in the internal weapons bay , the data - link capable of randomizing communications, advanced radar target voters, and anti - jamming device.

The prototype is expected to finish by the end of the Strategic Plan II . Even if there are things that need to be criticized , it is a matter of operation requirements are much more determined the Korean Air Force . This was inevitable because the Korean bear 80 percent of the funding, and the country actually have a real enemy. This program is targeted to spawn a jet fighter with performance equivalent or superior to the opponent fighter jets which are the Sukhoi Su - 35.

Prerequisites requirement dismissed the proposed counter designs by KAI ( Korean Aerospace Industrie) recently, which is intended to cut development costs. In the configuration ( see Space, December 2013 ), looks KFX type E is only one engine powered with weapons outside the radar sweep prone opponent.

Angkasa examine admiration of ADD ( Agency for Defense Development, Defence Research and Development Agency of Korea ) submitted to the Indonesian engineer team. Initially, the team assumes Korea really had no idea about the design of Indonesian fighter jets.

However, the assumption was turned when Indonesian engineers began to describe the design and the various inputs to the design of Korea. The Indonesian side also who ultimately ensure that the aircraft must have a takeoff weight of 50,000 pounds.(A.Darmawan/Angkasa magazine).


We also have avionics company that has been acknowledge by Boeing


Suppliers in Indonesia​


"Indonesia’s manufacturing support for Boeing commercial airplanes includes suppliers producing avionics systems, composite parts and precision machine parts."

Indonesian experience in developing planes,UCAV. etc

Indonesian wind tunnel facility


South Korea has developed AESA radar quite long

South Korea to test AESA fighter radar​

08 MARCH 2022

by Akhil Kadidal

South Korea is preparing to test the performance of its indigenously developed active electronic scanned array (AESA) radar, meant for integration into the KF-21 fighter aircraft.

The announcement, which was made by the country's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), specified that the domestic flight-testing, scheduled to start from mid-March, will “verify and supplement” the performance of the radar system.

The tests will “mitigate risks associated with the initial development of the radar system for deployment aboard fighter jets”, and help to “optimise the development of software”, a DAPA statement said.

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USA doesnt sell even F-16 block70 to Turkiye , how to get back on the F-35 program ?
U.S Congress under the influence of İsraeli , Armenian , Greek , İndiian , FETO lobbies

Turkiye lost 20 years to wait for the F35 to replace F-4s and F-16s
in 2000s İtaly offered Eurofighter Typhoon to Turkey but Politicians-Generals preferred to join the F-35 program in 2002

RESULT : Full of dependence on USA and USA plays F-16 / F-35 card to ask Turkiye for endless concessions in Syria , in the Eastern Mediterranean , etc

Turkish Airforce has only American Jets ( what a mistake to depend on one country )

Greece = American F-4 / F-16 and French Mirage-2000 / Rafale
Egypt = American F-16 , French Mirage-2000 / Rafale and Russian MIG-29M2 / SU-35
S.Arabia = American F-15 , European Eurofighter Typhoon

even The UAE buys 80 Rafales from France and Arabs said to Americans go to hell with your F-35s

Europe needs Turkiye against Russia
The UK-İtaly can sell Eurofighter to Turkiye .. even Turkiye is working with British BAE Systems and Rolls Royce to develop the TF-X Fighter Jet also Turbofan Engine
Turkey may have to rely on their Loyal wingman drones to form their frontline force until the T-FX is ready
Turkey may have to rely on their Loyal wingman drones to form their frontline force until the T-FX is ready

Baykar MIUS unmanned stealth Fighter Jet will be able to fight against the highest capacity Fighter Jets with specifically given its aggressive maneuvering capability and stealthiness against radars

Endurance : 5 Hours
Combat radius : 500 nm
Service ceiling : 35,000 ft
Cruise speed : supersonic 1,4 mach
Payload : 1.5 Tons

-- AESA radar and next-generation avionics, sensor fusion
-- Internal weapon stations
-- Stealth flight capability
-- The ability to hide from Radars
-- Aggressive maneuverability with delta canard and vertical stabilizers
-- Smart fleet autonomy equipped with artificial intelligence
-- Turbofan engine

MIUS will be able to perform air to air combat , strategic attack missions, suppression/destruction of air defense systems and missile attack missions

The first flight of a superprototype in 2023


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