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Turkey could acquire around 80 Eurofighter Typhoon Fighter Jets

Arm twisting the yanks that they have options
Yanks won't believe it, Typhoon is not suitable for Turkey needs.

No matter what gesture Turkey play, F-35 project is dead.

Turkey can't get any advanced fighter jet, because Turkey is NOT in anyone's camp.

France dislike Turkey, China won't sell J-10 to Turkey. Russian may sell, but Turkey won't buy Russian jets.
Buy German MTU engined aircraft at your own peril, lest you forget what happened to the engine of the Altay Tank from MTU after the embargo, the right move is to upgrade f-16s to F-16V standard, maybe get back into F-35 program, but thats less likely.

It would be better for Turkey to wait and see how this Russia affair plays out, whether it spurs the US to put aside its beef and Strengthen Turkey to bolster NATO's southern and Eastern flank, or whether other alternatives must be pursued.
All of this wouldn't happen had the turks kept their ego down and accepted the position as junior partner to KFX/TFX instead of demanding a 50/50 percent partnership. KFX/TFX could maintain its original description as fifth gen aircraft (instead of 4.5 gen aircraft with future upgrade to 5th gen) and it could've been fielded much sooner
Typhoon is not cheap has Turkey the money? By the way typhoon will be replaced by Fcas. Developed by France, Germany and Spain.

All of this wouldn't happen had the turks kept their ego down and accepted the position as junior partner to KFX/TFX instead of demanding a 50/50 percent partnership. KFX/TFX could maintain its original description as fifth gen aircraft (instead of 4.5 gen aircraft with future upgrade to 5th gen) and it could've been fielded much sooner

Not 50:50 but 40 (Korea):40 (Turkey):20 (Indonesia). Korea ask Indonesia first to join the program in 2009 before asking Turkey.

The start of KF21/IFX program is in 2011 and at the time there are only Korea and Indonesia.

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It would be better if Turkey was just allowed to upgrade its 200 strong F-16 fleet, itself. Turkey can already make an AESA radar as well as A2A missiles to go with them. The US should just return the money put into the F-35 program. Going for a domestic option will force Turkey to Develop the weapons it needs to stay competitive in its region (such as a missile to put stick the Meteor), and have systems it can exports.

The KFX would also be a good plane for Turkey to buy, if it is allowed to.
Thus Turkey's steadfast support for Ukraine and full alignment with NATO in this emerging situation. It would be better if Turkey got back on the F-35 program.

USA doesnt sell even F-16 block70 to Turkiye , how to get back on the F-35 program ?
U.S Congress under the influence of İsraeli , Armenian , Greek , İndiian , FETO lobbies

Turkiye lost 20 years to wait for the F35 to replace F-4s and F-16s
in 2000s İtaly offered Eurofighter Typhoon to Turkey but Politicians-Generals preferred to join the F-35 program in 2002

RESULT : Full of dependence on USA and USA plays F-16 / F-35 card to ask Turkiye for endless concessions in Syria , in the Eastern Mediterranean , etc

Turkish Airforce has only American Jets ( what a mistake to depend on one country )

Greece = American F-4 / F-16 and French Mirage-2000 / Rafale
Egypt = American F-16 , French Mirage-2000 / Rafale and Russian MIG-29M2 / SU-35
S.Arabia = American F-15 , European Eurofighter Typhoon

even The UAE buys 80 Rafales from France and Arabs said to Americans go to hell with your F-35s

Europe needs Turkiye against Russia
The UK-İtaly can sell Eurofighter to Turkiye .. even Turkiye is working with British BAE Systems and Rolls Royce to develop the TF-X Fighter Jet also Turbofan Engine
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Typhoon is not cheap has Turkey the money? By the way typhoon will be replaced by Fcas. Developed by France, Germany and Spain.

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During 2015, European wanted to join KF21/IFX program with 20 % stake if KF21/IFX program choose Airbus as the partner and uses European engine, but Korean chooses Lockheed Martin to join the program in 2015 ( and GE for engine provider) despite LM dont provide the financial, only assistance and technology as part of the ofset of Korean F35 acquisition.

Not surprise as USA is the Korean important allies
Americans are not giving them any. They are angry at Erdoğan.

They can't rely on Turkey either after all the backstabbing,but the Turks have a chance to show the Americans what good allies they are. Still...I don't know. The Russians don't want to attack any NATO country and the Americans probably want to let the Ukrainians do all the fighting.
As long as Western Europe is safe, I don’t think US is going to militarily jump in and risk a Nuclear exchange for Turks and or these useless ex-Soviet Eastern Europe countries.

The principle of providing assistance​

With the invocation of Article 5, Allies can provide any form of assistance they deem necessary to respond to a situation. This is an individual obligation on each Ally and each Ally is responsible for determining what it deems necessary in the particular circumstances.

This assistance is taken forward in concert with other Allies. It is not necessarily military and depends on the material resources of each country. It is therefore left to the judgment of each individual member country to determine how it will contribute. Each country will consult with the other members, bearing in mind that the ultimate aim is to “to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area”.

At the drafting of Article 5 in the late 1940s, there was consensus on the principle of mutual assistance, but fundamental disagreement on the modalities of implementing this commitment. The European participants wanted to ensure that the United States would automatically come to their assistance should one of the signatories come under attack; the United States did not want to make such a pledge and obtained that this be reflected in the wording of Article 5.
Turkey airforce is facing what happened to Pakistanis airforce same struggles with issues from USA refusal to sell or help us. France favoured india for its Raphael planes we did not to buy there mirage. We managed with China to get okay fighter jf17 , Turkey typhoon might be the only good option. Gripen usa parts , France not be trusted, Russia planes perform badly , China planes ?
All of this wouldn't happen had the turks kept their ego down and accepted the position as junior partner to KFX/TFX instead of demanding a 50/50 percent partnership. KFX/TFX could maintain its original description as fifth gen aircraft (instead of 4.5 gen aircraft with future upgrade to 5th gen) and it could've been fielded much sooner

TFX isn't too far behind KFX, KFX would not have brought any benefits to Turkey. Also KFX is full of US and Israeli sub-systems, any of those countries could deny sales and support to Turkey.
TFX was the best way to go, S.Koreans missed out on determination and will of Turkish engineers - Not Turkey.
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