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Turkey Coronavirus & updates

They didnt even try to contain it at the beginning, horrible.
Whatever sympathy i had for Iranians is gone now after the debacle they pulled with shrines. "They are the place of healing" "Nobody can stop us from going there" . God Damned Idiots. Kissing the infected grill at shrines, what in the hell did they think would happen?

Still 1 confirmed case.
Hope you can keep it contained. Shit is about to hit the fan here. About 20 cases here. Miraculously and unexpectedly our government has some control over it for now at least. If it spreads now, it will be an exponential increase. Schools are closed in KArachi, PSL matches will be without crowds and there was a National security Council's meeting earlier today and army is getting involved.

They still need to tighten the measures more i think.
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this is not that coronavirus we have the virus now seems to be not so deadly but you should have a look on these pages and see that related viruses are popping out from time to time.. lets see if this is really gonna leave if temperatures get better

They still need to tighten the measures more i think.

ppl just need to do basic stuff keep distance, do wudu 5 times a day, before you eat wash your hands, dont play with your nose, and wash your hands with liquid soap when you enter your house and before doing stuff like cooking, before beginning with wudu, before... , dont touch every surface for fun...
the most problem are kids you cant teach them to do it everytime so you need to gain control over them..

if its really bad than its good to let parants , wife children at home and just one male goes out to buy stuff they need.. now we have whatsapp computer we can all see us via this technology for a short period of time it may be a good idea to react this way
Turkey confirms 2nd coronavirus case
2nd confirmed COVID-19 case in Turkey from person close to first diagnosed patient: Health minister
Havva Kara Aydın |13.03.2020

Turkey’s health minister Fahrettin Koca


Turkey’s health minister announced on Friday another case of the coronavirus (COVID-19), only the second case seen in the country.

“He is from the immediate circle of our first patient, who was followed up as soon as the diagnosis was made,” Fahrettin Koca said on Twitter.

“We have taken the necessary measures to keep the possible spread of the virus within these limits. We will overcome this problem together,” he added.

Turkey’s first case was announced earlier this week, a man who had recently returned from Europe. The patient was completely isolated, along with monitoring of his family and those who came into contact with him.

After emerging in Wuhan, China last December, the novel coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, has spread to at least 114 countries.

The global death toll is now over 4,600, with more than 125,000 confirmed cases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which has declared the outbreak a pandemic.


Turkey shores up coronavirus precautions to prevent outbreak
MAR 13, 2020 12:38 AM GMT+3

Beyoğlu Municipality workers disinfect the area around Istanbul's famous Taksim Square on Thursday, March 12, 2020 (AA Photo)

Turkey is taking all necessary precautions against the novel coronavirus in line with statements from the Health Ministry, Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gül said Thursday.

Gül said the ministry has prepared an urgent course of action in line with its Science Committee.

The committee is following an urgent plan day by day, he said on Twitter.

"Visits abroad and visits from abroad have all been canceled unless absolutely necessary until the end of April," he said.

All events and public activities have also been halted until the end of April.

Personnel arriving from abroad are being directed to hospitals and have been granted 14 days' leave from work from the time of their arrival.

Disinfection is being carried out continuously in all courthouses, ministry buildings and penal institutions. Personnel is also being trained on the proper guidelines for disinfection.

In all closed penal institutions, prisoners and detainees with high fevers or coughs are being sent to hospitals and tested for the coronavirus. Those who test negative are taken back to the prisons.

Until now, no prisoner or detainee has tested positive for the virus.

Prisoners with no signs of illness are still being kept in separate sections when possible.

Visitors who have recently been abroad are not allowed to visit prisoners.

If necessary, all visits will be suspended for a while.

All penal institutions have enough equipment for detecting signs of the virus including thermometers as well as disinfecting products, masks, protective suits and gloves.

Turkey confirmed its first case of the novel coronavirus Wednesday, with the health minister urging citizens to avoid international travel unless absolutely necessary.

The coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, originated in Wuhan, China last December and has spread to at least 114 countries.

The global death toll is now over 4,600, with more than 124,500 confirmed cases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which has declared the outbreak "a pandemic."

2 cases in a country that is neighboring Iran, which is extremely affected with more than 10k cases, can this be true?
2 cases in a country that is neighboring Iran, which is extremely affected with more than 10k cases, can this be true?

No, government is lying no doubt, i hope summer comes soon!

I don't think that government is lying since there are bunch of groups who are seeking for 7/24 government's mistakes. I even can bet on that these groups have reached to the patient and his family to confirm the situation.

Answer is; Yes, two positive cases. And more under quarantine from his close family/friends circle.
2 cases in a country that is neighboring Iran, which is extremely affected with more than 10k cases, can this be true?
Look Turkey is highly divided country plus turkish twitter is in the top 5 largest by number so if there were more cases make no mistake we would be seeing plenty of videos
For example Iran which is behaving like medieval state with extremely restricted internet cannot stop constant new video leaks on social media why do you think TR government could stop the sharing if there’s new cases?
Good thing is Turkey reacted much quicker than some European countries.

Border to Iran is closed citizens evacuated and under quarantine.
I don't understand why Europe doesn't take serious precautions. They are still not closing borders.
Maybe they want get rid of their old population? @Reconquerer @Bismarck @Vergennes
Because they are idiots who dont dare to take decissions. It is not only in this case but the same regarding foreign policy etc. Europe is indecisive for a while now. They will only act when it is too late.
I don't understand why Europe doesn't take serious precautions. They are still not closing borders.
Maybe they want get rid of their old population? @Reconquerer @Bismarck @Vergennes

Austrian border with Italy for example was closed last week. And because of this slow reaction the border region with Italy has the highest infected numbers in the country.

However this week they learned their lessons and closed schools from next Monday on, only grocery stores and pharmacy are open.

People are in panic they are buying like crazy :lol:
i have a question. is it possible to use a face mask again after treat it in microwave oven for a couple second? is there somebody to answer this question seriously?
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