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Turkey closes its airspace for Russian planes.

Actually,I don't know if you are familiar with Orthodox prophecies,but some of the Saints and Elders have said that when Turkey will attack Greece,Russia will fall on Turkey out of their own interests and destroy them.

Russia could not destroy even weak unarmed Afghanistan , Chechenya and Ukraine
first go and beat weak-unarmed Afghanistan and Ukraine , then come to fight against Turkiye

in the next 10 years Turkiye becomes high tech military power with dozens of mega projects like TFX , KIZILELMA , STM500 , MILDEN , ISTIF , TF-2000 , HAVASOJ , SIPER , even anti Ballistic Missile System and all kinds of Missiles including supersonic - hypersonic and 1.000-3.000 km Ballistic-Cruise Missiles

we have seen Russian Armed Forces in weak-unarmed Ukraine
full of Russian fiasco

btw 20 % of population in Russia is muslim ( Turkic People )
and in the next 30 years 40% of Russian Army will be muslim soldiers

From what they say,the Turks will attack us and Saint Paisios had said that they will take 1-2 islands. There will be shelling between Greek and Turkish forces,they said there will be wounded greek soldiers but no dead. This will probably take a few days because the Russians will rush down to help us for some reason. From what they've said,the Turks will be fighting in other countries as well and they will take all the troops from there. They will also move all the troops from Cyprus and that's how the Greek Cypriots will retake the island. These were said back in the 80's and early to mid-90s when Turkey had no soldiers and interests in neighboring countries by the way

NATO Member Greece is nothing for Russia
also Greece was become American base

in 1974 USSR did nothing for Greeks against Turkiye
today Turkiye is more stronger , richer and more important

so Russia is not stupid to fight against Turkiye for useless Greece to lose $100 billion trade volume target between Turkiye and Russia

in western block , only Turkiye has good relations with Russia
Russia is not stupid to lose Turkiye

We have muslim prophecies

-- Muslim Turks will win wars against Christians-Jews

-- Costantinople was conquered by Muslims ( Turks )
-- Rome also will be conquered by Muslims
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Russia could not destroy even weak unarmmed Afghanistan , Chechenya and Ukraine

in the next 10 years Turkiye becomes high tech military power with dozens of mega projects like TFX , KIZILELMA , STM500 , MILDEN , ISTIF , TF-2000 , HAVASOJ , SIPER , even anti Ballistic Missile Missile System and all kinds of Missiles including supersonic - hypersonic and 1.000-3.000 km Ballistic-Cruise Missiles

we have seen Russian Armed Forces in weak-unarmed Ukraine
full of Russian fiasco

btw 20 % of population in Russia is muslim ( Turkic People )
and in the next 30 years 40% of Russian Army will be muslim soldiers

NATO Member Greece is nothing for Russia
also Greece was become American base

in 1974 USSR did nothing for Greeks against Turkiye
today Turkiye is more stronger , richer and more important

so Russia is not stupid to fight against Turkiye for useless Greece to lost $100 billion trade volume target between Turkiye and Russia
You never know what happens in the future.
That's like our prophecies reversed

Funny because that's exactly Turkish foreign policy the last 60 years at least
There is Turkish foreign policy since approx 5 years when Erdo finally managed to get the army under control. Before this 5 years Turkey was isolated and had no foreign policy let alone an independent foreign policy.

That's like our prophecies reversed

Funny because that's exactly Turkish foreign policy the last 60 years at least
You speak of 60 years but truth is it just since 5 years and wait another 5 years you'll witness things about Turkey which currently would seem as impossible.
Russia could not destroy even weak unarmed Afghanistan , Chechenya and Ukraine
first go and beat weak-unarmed Afghanistan and Ukraine , then come to fight against Turkiye

in the next 10 years Turkiye becomes high tech military power with dozens of mega projects like TFX , KIZILELMA , STM500 , MILDEN , ISTIF , TF-2000 , HAVASOJ , SIPER , even anti Ballistic Missile System and all kinds of Missiles including supersonic - hypersonic and 1.000-3.000 km Ballistic-Cruise Missiles

we have seen Russian Armed Forces in weak-unarmed Ukraine
full of Russian fiasco

btw 20 % of population in Russia is muslim ( Turkic People )
and in the next 30 years 40% of Russian Army will be muslim soldiers

NATO Member Greece is nothing for Russia
also Greece was become American base

in 1974 USSR did nothing for Greeks against Turkiye
today Turkiye is more stronger , richer and more important

so Russia is not stupid to fight against Turkiye for useless Greece to lose $100 billion trade volume target between Turkiye and Russia

in western block , only Turkiye has good relations with Russia
Russia is not stupid to lose Turkiye

We have muslim prophecies

-- Muslim
Russia could not destroy even weak unarmed Afghanistan , Chechenya and Ukraine
first go and beat weak-unarmed Afghanistan and Ukraine , then come to fight against Turkiye

in the next 10 years Turkiye becomes high tech military power with dozens of mega projects like TFX , KIZILELMA , STM500 , MILDEN , ISTIF , TF-2000 , HAVASOJ , SIPER , even anti Ballistic Missile System and all kinds of Missiles including supersonic - hypersonic and 1.000-3.000 km Ballistic-Cruise Missiles

we have seen Russian Armed Forces in weak-unarmed Ukraine
full of Russian fiasco

btw 20 % of population in Russia is muslim ( Turkic People )
and in the next 30 years 40% of Russian Army will be muslim soldiers

NATO Member Greece is nothing for Russia
also Greece was become American base

in 1974 USSR did nothing for Greeks against Turkiye
today Turkiye is more stronger , richer and more important

so Russia is not stupid to fight against Turkiye for useless Greece to lose $100 billion trade volume target between Turkiye and Russia

in western block , only Turkiye has good relations with Russia
Russia is not stupid to lose Turkiye

We have muslim prophecies

-- Muslim Turks will win wars against Christians-Jews

-- Costantinople was conquered by Muslims ( Turks )
-- Rome also will be conquered by Muslims

conquered by Muslims
Those Orthodox prophecies are politically motivated it doesnt seem legit porphecies the Greek ruler probably ordered a bunch of priests to make these prophecies to give sense of hope for Greek people.

Especially the part about 2 or 3 islands is laughable immediately you know its so fake because i know If Turks make a move they will not even stop at greece it will go far beyond greece.
There is Turkish foreign policy since approx 5 years when Erdo finally managed to get the army under control. Before this 5 years Turkey was isolated and had no foreign policy let alone an independent foreign policy.

You speak of 60 years but truth is it just since 5 years and wait another 5 years you'll witness things about Turkey which currently would seem as impossible.
Oh don't say that,remember the Gaza flotilla? That wouldn't have happened with a Kemalist government.
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