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Turkey closes its airspace for Russian planes.

Considering Israel holds most strings in USA and their foreign policy, Israel is not gonna sit idle. WW3 is expected now that both Turkey and Russia marked their ignition to the leading events of WW3.
Very true.
Only thing I have different opinion that, Israel usually avoid direct conflict with great power, or regional strong nation like Turkey. Israel more than happy to use U.S. to do their dirty jobs.
Turkey is member of NATO so if it is attacked all NATO members are obliged to intervene.
Turkey would never be Nato. Turkey may keep fooling itself but Turkey is not nato. It won’t take long for nato to throw Turkey under the bus.
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Very true.
Only thing I have different opinion that, Israel usually avoid direct conflict with great power, or regional strong nation like Turkey. Israel more than happy to use U.S. to do their dirty jobs.

A highlight on “usually”.
They were more than happy To engage Pakistani aircraft in the past, even though the IDF aircraft were still violated
Considering Israel holds most strings in USA and their foreign policy, Israel is not gonna sit idle. WW3 is expected now that both Turkey and Russia marked their ignition to the leading events of WW3.
Too much Imran Hossein propaganda?

what’s a tiny israel gonna do with its 8 million population surrounded by 300 million arabs?

there is no other choice for them then to make peace they have no real military power to start a big war.
Too much Imran Hossein propaganda?

what’s a tiny israel gonna do with its 8 million population surrounded by 300 million arabs?

there is no other choice for them then to make peace they have no real military power to start a big war.
Tiny Israel holds the worlds as hostage since they have access to our banking accounts, and influences in major nato worlds whether in politics, economy and banking resources.
Considering Israel holds most strings in USA and their foreign policy, Israel is not gonna sit idle. WW3 is expected now that both Turkey and Russia marked their ignition to the leading events of WW3.
Actually,I don't know if you are familiar with Orthodox prophecies,but some of the Saints and Elders have said that when Turkey will attack Greece,Russia will fall on Turkey out of their own interests and destroy them.

Let me tag some other people here well who might be interested in this @Hassan Al-Somal @PakFactor

From what they say,the Turks will attack us and Saint Paisios had said that they will take 1-2 islands. There will be shelling between Greek and Turkish forces,they said there will be wounded greek soldiers but no dead. This will probably take a few days because the Russians will rush down to help us for some reason. From what they've said,the Turks will be fighting in other countries as well and they will take all the troops from there. They will also move all the troops from Cyprus and that's how the Greek Cypriots will retake the island. These were said back in the 80's and early to mid-90s when Turkey had no soldiers and interests in neighboring countries by the way.

After that,they said the Russians will absolutely defeat the Turks,prophecies dating to the Byzantine times mention "fire"

“...And the Blond race will possess the City of the Seven Hills for six or five, and herbs will be planted in her, and many will eat them in vengeance of the Saints, and three provident administrators will govern..." -Saint Methodios of Patara

Apparently,like Saint Paisios and some other Elders and Saints had said,the Americans and some European countries will rush to grab a piece of Turkey for themselves as well. The prophecies talk of a fierce battle in Constantinople and the area around it.

In a poem prophecy attributed to Elder Joseph of Vatopedi:

"In the Sea wherever a ship is found will none remain/ and from the blood the sea will become red.
The City will burn whole, and not even a trace will exist/ of a materialist man because much he has commited
Only the temple of the Lord’s Wisdom/ the Jewel of His Bride, His Holy Church.

Three days will the battle last/ and he who comes alive out of this will have great luck
18 Nations with great ferocity angered/ will be slaughtering without sense, bathed in blood."

In the prophecy of Saint Methodios of Patara:

"Then the nations sitting in the South corner will be disturbed, and Phillip the Great will rise with 18 tongues, and they will gather at Eptalofos and they will make such a war as has never been made. And they will run through the passages and lanes of Eptalofos, and the slaughter of men will be as a river moves, and the sea will be blurred from the blood to the depths of the abyss."

In a prophecy by an unanonymous prophet from 1053 A.D it says:

"Battle of seven states for Constantinople and slaughter for three days. Victory of the largest state over the six. Union of the six states against the seventh and slaughter for three days."

Saint Kosmas Aitolos had said:

«In Constantinople will spill so much blood that a 3 year-old calf would swim in it

«The Turks will go away, but will come back again and will arrive up to the Hexamilia (6-miles location). Finally you will drive them out into the “Red Apple tree”. From the Turks the 1/3 will be killed, the other third will be baptized, and only 1/3 will go to Red Apple Tree«

«They will pass filthy troops from the Esperia places of the West and they will ask: where is the City, is it near? Those who will say it is near they will not harm, those who will say it is far away they will kill

«The great battle will be in the City. There, all nations will gather, and so much blood will be spilled as for a calf to swim in. Winner will be the blond race. We will be with the blond race«.

Saint Paisios had explained Saint Kosmas' prophecy about the Examilia,as being the 6 nautical miles.

He also said that the Russians would give us Constantinople not because they love us,but as a solution to their problems.

He said that Constantinople will be ruled by Greeks,Russians and Europeans.

There's also this prophecy from the tomb of Saint Constantine the Great:

Screenshot_2022-04-26 The Prophecy Engraved on the Cover of St Constantine's Tomb.png

Another one:


And this one:

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Actually,I don't know if you are familiar with Orthodox prophecies,but some of the Saints and Elders have said that when Turkey will attack Greece,Russia will fall on Turkey out of their own interests and destroy them.

Let me tag some other people here well who might be interested in this @Hassan Al-Somal @PakFactor

From what they say,the Turks will attack us and Saint Paisios had said that they will take 1-2 islands. There will be shelling between Greek and Turkish forces,they said there will be wounded greek soldiers but no dead. This will probably take a few days because the Russians will rush down to help us for some reason. From what they've said,the Turks will be fighting in other countries as well and they will take all the troops from there. They will also move all the troops from Cyprus and that's how the Greek Cypriots will retake the island. These were said back in the 80's and early to mid-90s when Turkey had no soldiers and interests in neighboring countries by the way.

After that,they said the Russians will absolutely defeat the Turks,prophecies dating to the Byzantine times mention "fire"

“...And the Blond race will possess the City of the Seven Hills for six or five, and herbs will be planted in her, and many will eat them in vengeance of the Saints, and three provident administrators will govern..." -Saint Methodios of Patara

Apparently,like Saint Paisios and some other Elders and Saints had said,the Americans and some European countries will rush to grab a piece of Turkey for themselves as well. The prophecies talk of a fierce battle in Constantinople and the area around it.

In a poem prophecy attributed to Elder Joseph of Vatopedi:

"In the Sea wherever a ship is found will none remain/ and from the blood the sea will become red.
The City will burn whole, and not even a trace will exist/ of a materialist man because much he has commited
Only the temple of the Lord’s Wisdom/ the Jewel of His Bride, His Holy Church.

Three days will the battle last/ and he who comes alive out of this will have great luck
18 Nations with great ferocity angered/ will be slaughtering without sense, bathed in blood."

In the prophecy of Saint Methodios of Patara:

"Then the nations sitting in the South corner will be disturbed, and Phillip the Great will rise with 18 tongues, and they will gather at Eptalofos and they will make such a war as has never been made. And they will run through the passages and lanes of Eptalofos, and the slaughter of men will be as a river moves, and the sea will be blurred from the blood to the depths of the abyss."

In a prophecy by an unanonymous prophet from 1053 A.D it says:

"Battle of seven states for Constantinople and slaughter for three days. Victory of the largest state over the six. Union of the six states against the seventh and slaughter for three days."

Saint Kosmas Aitolos had said:

«In Constantinople will spill so much blood that a 3 year-old calf would swim in it

«The Turks will go away, but will come back again and will arrive up to the Hexamilia (6-miles location). Finally you will drive them out into the “Red Apple tree”. From the Turks the 1/3 will be killed, the other third will be baptized, and only 1/3 will go to Red Apple Tree«

«They will pass filthy troops from the Esperia places of the West and they will ask: where is the City, is it near? Those who will say it is near they will not harm, those who will say it is far away they will kill

«The great battle will be in the City. There, all nations will gather, and so much blood will be spilled as for a calf to swim in. Winner will be the blond race. We will be with the blond race«.

Saint Paisios had explained Saint Kosmas' prophecy about the Examilia,as being the 6 nautical miles.

He also said that the Russians would give us Constantinople not because they love us,but as a solution to their problems.

He said that Constantinople will be ruled by Greeks,Russians and Europeans.

There's also this prophecy from the tomb of Saint Constantine the Great:

View attachment 838053

Another one:

View attachment 838054

And this one:

View attachment 838055

We have similar prophecies as well; we would lose Constantinople but Muslims we will regain it back.

Interesting about the 1/3 aspect we have one whereas an army will be gathered in Syria to come fight us 1/3 will sink, 1/3 will die and 1/3 will be victorious but none will rejoin due to large scale death.
We have similar prophecies as well; we would lose Constantinople but Muslims we will regain it back.

Interesting about the 1/3 aspect we have one whereas an army will be gathered in Syria to come fight us 1/3 will sink, 1/3 will die and 1/3 will be victorious but none will rejoin due to large scale death.
That is why it is Al-Malhama Al-Kubra meaning Great Battle. It may reduce billions to millions with Arabs in minority.

Only then the Golden Age of Islam may begin which is possible within million populations I guess. At the end, only ALLAAH Alone knows best.
We have our own prophecies saying different things from Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi but i won't share them here
That is why it is Al-Malhama Al-Kubra meaning Great Battle. It may reduce billions to millions with Arabs in minority.

Only then the Golden Age of Islam may begin which is possible within million populations I guess. At the end, only ALLAAH Alone knows best.

The end result would be a Pyrrhic Victory at best for the Muslims — based on interpretation of Hadith and its description of conflict. In my view and studies, hence I’m not to enthusiastic of the end of time conflict (it’ll be pointless) you can say the other side got tired of slaughtering us to the point we will never be a threat again and they’ll disengage.
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