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Turkey backed GNA shot down Russian made Orlan-10 recon plane used by Haftar forces

Kurds that see turkey as their homeland are my brothers kurds that see kurdistan as their homeland can only be my enemies
Same thing with ethnic turks who worship gulen for them fetostan is their real homeland
Actually the so called peace process is the biggest mistake in erdogan’s political career
If turkey wasn’t stalled by the “peace process” and if turkish government and army wasn’t filed with feto snakes we would have intervened in 2012 or 2013 that would be game over
If my comparison is wrong then try to see this way
You have your own terrorists that want pakistani territory try to understand us from that angle you have lost 70000+ people turkey has lost 40000+ people due to terror and separatism
Would you negotiate with separatists or not??
why should turkey which is one of the oldest countries give territory to one specific group that is today majority in SE turkey thanks to stupid armenians who betrayed turks and got the lesson in hard way SE turkey had always christian majority population despite this fact pkk kurds claim like they own the land since the beginning of human race
There are turks in iraq iran and syria but there was never turkish separatism in those areas
You have iraq and lebanon divided by sectarian means do you really think that if we give political rights to pkk kurds that turkey won’t become another shithole ME country???
Remember pkk kurds are one thing patriotic kurds are another don’t confuse these two different groups

I understand ur point as we have faced separatism as well. My point was that take the non pkk kurds to ur side. Negotiations can be done with anyone and can have different outcomes. Im Happy for Turkey to take its own stand but i also wish Turkey doeant isolate itself too much. Pakistan though will always stand by its Turk brothers.
I understand ur point as we have faced separatism as well. My point was that take the non pkk kurds to ur side. Negotiations can be done with anyone and can have different outcomes. Im Happy for Turkey to take its own stand but i also wish Turkey doeant isolate itself too much. Pakistan though will always stand by its Turk brothers.
Non-pkk kurds are already with turkey
There are 100K kurds in turkish armed forces intel chief is kurd there were several presidents of kurdish origin probably there are kurdish generals they have same right now if not better rights just as any other minority in the western “democratic” states
Thank you for your support and we also stand with pakistan
Turkey is isolated because west asks from turks to give up land(so that ethnostate is formed that will serve US interests in the region) and gas/oil rights in east med(if we accept greek version then we have lost access to aegean sea can you imagine this)
So if we sign capitulation you will see how much turkey would be “praised”
I prefer this assertive turkey rather than coward(west) version that will be liked by west
Non-pkk kurds are already with turkey
There are 100K kurds in turkish armed forces intel chief is kurd there were several presidents of kurdish origin probably there are kurdish generals they have same right now if not better rights just as any other minority in the western “democratic” states
Thank you for your support and we also stand with pakistan
Turkey is isolated because west asks from turks to give up land(so that ethnostate is formed that will serve US interests in the region) and gas/oil rights in east med(if we accept greek version then we have lost access to aegean sea can you imagine this)
So if we sign capitulation you will see how much turkey would be “praised”
I prefer this assertive turkey rather than coward(west) version that will be liked by west

Domt even talk about greek morons. An assertive Turkey is what we want too and is danger to west. Turkey should take all those islands near Turkey, greeks are big hypocrites.
My Turkish brothers may disagree with me but Ataturk was the pawn of foreign powers who made Turkey secular.

Sorry to say I love the Ottomans but the last sultan called Vahdettin was a puppet to make matters worse he was not just a Allied puppet but also his son in laws pawn. You are a sultan you are controlled by your son in law.

Son in laws name was damat ferid pasha. Not to mention in the Turkish independance war they controlled the army of the caliphate which was 7000 strong. But a lot of the soldiers who fought in that army easily deserted to the Turkish National army.
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