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Turkey Almost Went to War With Israel

Turkey has to be praised for not being trigger happy and acting in a calm manner. Not that the lives of 9 people are worthless but a war would have destroyed all of Israel and many Turkish cities, with hundreds of thousands of casualties. It was definitely a most stupid move by Israel , hope they have learnt from their mistakes.
Have u heard bait alankabout(house of spider) ?
Anyway israhell is too insignificant for Iran to take their citizen lives. Iranian are not coward, they will stifle israhell like sunami and even worse.

I hope we never find out.
Yeah that war wasn't going to happen at all. Neither we or the Israelis are that stupid. Sending that flotilla without proper escort was the fatal mistake and you missed your chance to fire back. Only if you have some soldiers on that ship to protect the people aboard, Israeli soldiers wouldn't just spray our citizens. Even if they do, you could've got your "revenge" without triggering a full scale war. Any response after all that will make you the aggressor and that will have serious consequences.
Jackie, Chan, huh? Well, I'll leave you to do your own research now. Perhaps you'd like to watch "Frozen" next?

Changing subjects now sire? Would you be kind enough to tell us the soldiers that boarded ship were of of regular unit or of Special forces?

***The training of Shayetet 13 recruits lasts 20 months, and is considered one of the toughest courses in the IDF. During their training, cadets train extensively in Krav Maga, a hand-to-hand combat system which is Israel's national martial art.

*******. Aboard the MV Mavi Marmara, the commandos were attacked by dozens of activists armed with knives, iron bars, slingshots

****************Three soldiers were captured, carried below deck, and were temporarily held in a passenger hall.

They should be name shyte 13 unit.
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Gun snatching with bare hands through Krav maga. A basic part of Israeli commando curriculum (youtube video)

So We can assume, Isralie wanted to teach lesson and send a message to others not to fiddle with them. That's why their Super duper commandos escalated things up to a point where they had to withdraw weapons.

In Fukouka own words

Seeing peaceful JEWS doesn't mean that minutes later they don't pull out their sticks when the cameras are off. That's a typical zionist behaviour
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range | World news | The Guardian

The results revealed that a 60-year-old man, Ibrahim Bilgen, was shot four times in the temple, chest, hip and back. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan Dogan, who also has US citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm, in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. Two other men were shot four times, and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back, said Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of the council of forensic medicine.
So they were shot at close range, not from above, as had been claimed earlier.[/quote]

So show us the footage prior to Israel boarding the ship
Here's the footage that was shown on Israeli TV within hours of the incident:

So you can't back up your claims with any examples, so typical of you. Your lies are amassing.
As I understand it, you asked me for an example of an unjustified non-specific accusation leveled against Israel. Your own writing - which continually labels Israeli settlements as "illegal" without being able to cite what law makes them illegal - is the first thing that comes to mind.

Why are you bringing up something random?
It's not random. It means that the test you've proposed is useless.

There exists no mandate law, there's international law.
That's incorrect. The very basis for UNRWA's existence as an independent agency separate from the UNHCR is that the Arabs it cares for fall under the Mandate for Palestine.

Yes there is, you just don't recognize it. It's amazing how people occupy Palestinian land, subjugate them and kill them in thousands and if the Palestinians respond in any miniscule way with winged pipes they're the evil. :rolleyes:
You're perfectly aware that Palestinian Arab families are subjugated by the Arab terrorists, not Israelis.

Quit going over the place and deflecting.
You demand a lot, and I give a lot of answers. You can do your own research - enough to realize that for some situations, like the one you cited, events are so recent that investigations aren't yet definitive. However, that doesn't stop you from your spewing, does it?

A lie can go around the world twice while truth has yet to put on its pants.
Changing subjects now sire? Would you be kind enough to tell us the soldiers that boarded ship were of of regular unit or of Special forces?

***The training of Shayetet 13 recruits lasts 20 months, and is considered one of the toughest courses in the IDF. During their training, cadets train extensively in Krav Maga, a hand-to-hand combat system which is Israel's national martial art.

*******. Aboard the MV Mavi Marmara, the commandos were attacked by dozens of activists armed with knives, iron bars, slingshots

****************Three soldiers were captured, carried below deck, and were temporarily held in a passenger hall.

They should be name shyte 13 unit.

I'm telling you their men don't have the will to fight face to face. I used to live in Gaza during the occupation and their forces are very nervous people. They rely on air power/technology in any fight, or else face to face they can't make any gains.

So they were shot at close range, not from above, as had been claimed earlier.

Most were shot at close range with bullet wounds in the back, there were reported casualties prior to Israel boarding the flotilla.

Here's the footage that was shown on Israeli TV within hours of the incident:

This is the edited footage of them boarding the ship, no footage of anything prior to that. So if Israel didn't shoot at the activist prior to that then what do they have to hide? Show us the full footage.

As I understand it, you asked me for an example of an unjustified non-specific accusation leveled against Israel. Your own writing - which continually labels Israeli settlements as "illegal" without being able to cite what law makes them illegal - is the first thing that comes to mind.

No, you made a claim that almost all accusations made against Israel have no truth to them. I asked to provide a few examples since they're so many according to you. And you haven't.

It's not random. It means that the test you've proposed is useless.

It means you've made another baseless allegation.

That's incorrect. The very basis for UNRWA's existence as an independent agency separate from the UNHCR is that the Arabs it cares for fall under the Mandate for Palestine.

Nope, international law is the modern day law.
You're perfectly aware that Palestinian Arab families are subjugated by the Arab terrorists, not Israelis.

Not at all.

You demand a lot, and I give a lot of answers.

I didn't demand anything other than asking you to support your claims/allegations. You started going in circles after I asked of that.
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I'm telling you their men don't have the will to fight face to face. I used to live in Gaza during the occupation and their forces are very nervous people. They rely on air power/technology in any fight, or else face to face they can't make any gains.

The Shahadah of a disabled men, Sheikh Yaseen and 9 innocent bystanders is perfect demonstration of their fear in face to face combat
The Shahadah of a disabled men, Sheikh Yaseen and 9 innocent bystanders is perfect demonstration of their fear in face to face combat

That's true, and the right word my dear brother is 'istishhaad'. :)
Many people say that the Navy should have escorted MM. But i think nobody on Turkish side at the time was expecting such level of madness from Israel. I surely didn't. I remember the day, looking at TV with my swollen eyes right after i woke up, trying to make an understanding while refusing to believe the reports. Then came the images showing the boarding, crying members of Shayetet 13, and wounded civillians...
Many people say that the Navy should have escorted MM. But i think nobody on Turkish side at the time was expecting such level of madness from Israel. I surely didn't. I remember the day, looking at TV with my swollen eyes right after i woke up, trying to make an understanding while refusing to believe the reports. Then came the images showing the boarding, crying members of Shayetet 13, and wounded civillians...
I coudn't believe it either. When I went to school the next day all of my friends were shocked. They were looking at me like I was a hero just for being a Turk. One things for sure those guys on that ship showed the world what turks are capable of. Beating supposedly some the worlds best naval commandos in mele combat and then throwing them over board.
Israel is small country and turkey is very powerful and has support from all muslim countries. And USA is too busy in Afghanistan, so they will never help Israel, if Israel declares war with turkey.
only one Word : Nuke
I coudn't believe it either. When I went to school the next day all of my friends were shocked. They were looking at me like I was a hero just for being a Turk. One things for sure those guys on that ship showed the world what turks are capable of. Beating supposedly some the worlds best naval commandos in mele combat and then throwing them over board.

Along with the retarded Israeli decision maker who thought it would be a good idea to land soldiers one by one at the middle of a ship full of Islamists, those amateur and incapable naval commandos was probably the main reason of civillian deaths
Can Iran defeat israel?(take apart nukes)

Not really.

Neither Iran nor Israel have the "strategic reach" to each other..That is, they don't share a border and can't fight a 'direct war'...

Only U.S can defeat Iran, with due respect.
There were reported casualties prior to Israel boarding the flotilla.
All phony. Anyone can tell the narrative propagated by Erdo makes no sense: if the Israelis were shooting from the air they should have kept shooting or at least boarded holding live ammo as long as there was opposition on deck - or else Israel's finest are so incompetent Arabs would have defeated the Jews by beating them with wet noodles decades ago. No, the Israelis boarded holding paintball guns because - despite the threats uttered from the ship via radio - they had been led to believe it was another ordinary board & inspect job and they could expect the usual cooperative reception that's supposed to take place under international law.

This is the edited footage of them boarding the ship, no footage of anything prior to that. So if Israel didn't shoot at the activist prior to that then what do they have to hide? Show us the full footage.
The video appears to be quite definitive. I don't see what difference a few more seconds would make: you could always claim, "Well, the Israelis started shooting before this..."

No, you made a claim that almost all accusations made against Israel have no truth to them. I asked to provide a few examples since they're so many according to you. And you haven't.
"A few examples" of "almost all" doesn't jibe; that's linguistic tyranny, for you could always demand more. And I don't think I need to supply any. You know enough for your own account and if you want more, you can visit the Zionist websites yourself.

It means you've made another baseless allegation.
No, I didn't make the claim, the Muslims in the thread did.

Nope, international law is the modern day law.
I presume by rejecting the laws on the books and invoking the phrase, "modern day law" you're returning again to your argument that "international law is what the majority says it is". That idea may indeed appeal to bigoted majoritarian societies, yet that is not what international law is.

Hard as it is to accept, the Jews of Israel did nothing wrong by returning to their ancient homeland, purchasing land from Arabs or settling in public lands. The Mandate - endorsed by both the West and Turkey - didn't just allow this but explicitly encouraged Jews to do so. Instead, the Arabs who tried to murder and expel the Jews were and are in violation of both international law and their referenced obligations under Ottoman practice: by violence, rebellion, revolt, and fleeing to the camps of enemy armies, they surrendered their civil and property rights. The Jews of Israel owe Arabs like yourself absolutely nothing and neither you nor your grandparents have any moral or legal claim upon them. What you've received for the past century is charity - not something you're owed, but given to you out of pity by the West and Israel, and in the hope of fostering a lasting irritant and enemy by surrounding tyrants.

(The reason why I wrote "century" instead of "seventy years" is that the idea Jews owed displaced Arabs something seems to have originated in the pre-WWI aliyah days: when Jews bought lands from absentee landlords, they sometimes tried to help the Arab tenant farmers they kicked out by buying them farmland elsewhere, outside of Palestine. That's why the Jews land-purchasing outfits bought realty in Syria. They were under no obligation to do so for under Ottoman law and practice tenant farmers could be kicked out after they harvested their crop; but in the Arabs' mind it was twisted into something wicked.)

If you want to escape being the object of other's agendas, you're going to have to adopt a different course. You're going to have to stand with the Jews and promote their values. For conquering and killing the Jews won't let you escape from under the thumbs of tyranny, that just enables it further.

Along with the retarded Israeli decision maker who thought it would be a good idea to land soldiers one by one at the middle of a ship full of Islamists -
I suspect - though I don't have proof - that it was Erdogan himself who assured the Israelis all would be O.K. The Israelis were set up by him as part of his plan to invoke blind patriotism to suppress Turks' freedoms. Certainly his response was consistent with this hypothesis. Like I said, I've no proof, though I wonder that Turks don't themselves call for an investigation to see whether or not Erdogan plotted the slaying of his own countrymen for political gain.
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