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Turkey ‘Admits’ Russian Air Cargo Legal

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Turkey ‘Admits’ Russian Air Cargo Legal​

The Turkish authorities recognize the legitimacy of the cargo seized from a Moscow-Damascus passenger plane but have a problem with its processing, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Thursday.

“The Turkish side does not in principle question the legitimacy of the cargo that was seized but is unhappy with the transportation notification procedure,” spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said.
“Our Turkish partners have now effectively retracted the initial allegations that there was ammunition on board,” he added.

The Syrian Air airliner was forced to land in Turkey on October 10 over suspicions it was carrying weapons.

Turkish F-16 fighter jets forced down the Airbus A320 some three hours after it had taken off from Moscow's Vnukovo international airport. Turkey eventually permitted the A320 to resume its flight after a five-hour inspection of the aircraft which resulted in the seizure of a number of items.
Moscow said there were no weapons on board, that the delivery was "entirely legal" and that Russia would demand the return of the equipment.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, however, the "radar equipment" on board was "dual purpose," meaning it could have both civilian and military applications.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the intercepted plane was carrying Russian-made military gear and ammunition destined for the Syrian military. Syria’s Foreign Ministry also claimed the jet had no weapons or illegal items on board.

Moscow has repeatedly blocked international sanctions against the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over what it says is a pro-rebel bias. Tens of thousands of people have killed been since the outbreak of civil war in Syria in March 2011, according to opposition groups.

Russia has insisted its ongoing arms deliveries to Syria are of defensive equipment that cannot be used against civilians, relate to contracts signed long ago, and are in accordance with international law.


Turkey ‘Admits’ Russian Air Cargo Legal​

The Turkish authorities recognize the legitimacy of the cargo seized from a Moscow-Damascus passenger plane but have a problem with its processing, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Thursday.

“The Turkish side does not in principle question the legitimacy of the cargo that was seized but is unhappy with the transportation notification procedure,” spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said.
“Our Turkish partners have now effectively retracted the initial allegations that there was ammunition on board,” he added.

The Syrian Air airliner was forced to land in Turkey on October 10 over suspicions it was carrying weapons.

Turkish F-16 fighter jets forced down the Airbus A320 some three hours after it had taken off from Moscow's Vnukovo international airport. Turkey eventually permitted the A320 to resume its flight after a five-hour inspection of the aircraft which resulted in the seizure of a number of items.
Moscow said there were no weapons on board, that the delivery was "entirely legal" and that Russia would demand the return of the equipment.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, however, the "radar equipment" on board was "dual purpose," meaning it could have both civilian and military applications.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the intercepted plane was carrying Russian-made military gear and ammunition destined for the Syrian military. Syria’s Foreign Ministry also claimed the jet had no weapons or illegal items on board.

Moscow has repeatedly blocked international sanctions against the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over what it says is a pro-rebel bias. Tens of thousands of people have killed been since the outbreak of civil war in Syria in March 2011, according to opposition groups.

Russia has insisted its ongoing arms deliveries to Syria are of defensive equipment that cannot be used against civilians, relate to contracts signed long ago, and are in accordance with international law.



so it can be used for military too
i got what i need tnx mr.lion

These claims has been denied by the Turkish foreign ministry.

"We've never said the cargo is illegal. Turkey said the transportation process is illegal"
Rusya: Trkiye kargonun silah olmadn kabul etti - Hrriyet PLANET

Turkey was within its rights in grounding a Syrian plane en route from Moscow to Damascus on Oct. 10 in line with the Chicago Convention, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said.

INTERNATIONAL - Turkey had the right to ground Syrian plane: Russian FM

So you call it air piracy?


It is funny to see an Assad-supporter who was recently cheering/wishing for chemical attack, now becomes a strong follower of the international laws, accusing Turkish Republic with piracy.
"Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, however, the "radar equipment" on board was "dual purpose," meaning it could have both civilian and military applications" .

You expect him to say it was for military applications ? He answered it himself , and he even said in one of his speech that under a treaty we was allowed .
Why would Turkey admit Russian air cargo is legal when they said it is illegal a week ago? Sounds to me like bogus news. Turkey got intelligence that illegal cargo was being loaded on the planes. Why wouldn't they stop the plane you moron. It is illegal to transfer military equipment on commercial planes.

Its funny..Only Assadian regime called this as piracy..And now, you are coming here, and repeating what that murderous regime is saying..Following blindly without questioning even the most ignorant statements..Typical Assadian..

As you have no knowledge of International Law( no surprise here ) someone has to inform you on some basic things Assadian..Whether there were military items on the board or not, thats of no importance here, Turkey has every right to intercept that plane according to 1944 Chicago Convention
as Mr Lavrov told himself, cargo had dual purpose..Thats why Russia didn`t make this incident big deal and moved on:

LUXEMBURG, Oct 15 (NNN-QNA) -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has asserted that the incident where a Syrian Airlines' A320 jet the Turkish Air Force coerced to land in Ankara will not affect Russian-Turkish relations.

"I reassure you that no one should worry about the state of the Russia-Turkish relations. They are developing on a stable and solid basis," Lavrov remarked following his meeting with European Union Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton here, as reported by TV channel (Russia Today).

And for the BIG, BOLD AND RED part, Your argument holds no weight as a hasbara peddler Assadian..If you want to know what piracy is, go to Damascus and talk to your master Assad
Why would Turkey admit Russian air cargo is legal when they said it is illegal a week ago? Sounds to me like bogus news. Turkey got intelligence that illegal cargo was being loaded on the planes. Why wouldn't they stop the plane you moron. It is illegal to transfer military equipment on commercial planes.

Oh lol it is because they are afraid of Russia.
Oh lol it is because they are afraid of Russia.

We fvcking forced a plane to land which was carrying Russian 'stuff' into Syria. Tell me how they are afraid of Russia... Moreover Turkey never 'admitted' such thing. Although i have no trust for him but Erdo said it was carrying munitions, we have the pictures and everything...

I know that brain of yours is too busy with growing hair but please, try to show some common sense.
If you are trolling as you usual, then its cool...
We fvcking forced a plane to land which was carrying Russian 'stuff' into Syria. Tell me how they are afraid of Russia... Moreover Turkey never 'admitted' such thing. Although i have no trust for him but Erdo said it was carrying munitions, we have the pictures and everything...

I know that brain of yours is too busy with growing hair but please, try to show some common sense.
If you are trolling as you usual, then its cool...

Clearly did not read the post I was quoting. Any country can ground a plane going through its airspace, although I know that Turks like to pat themselves on the back on every occasion possible. My point was directed towards the fact that Turkey first stated that munitions were on the plane, but then backtracked and said there were not. Sounds like cowardice to me....
Clearly did not read the post I was quoting. Any country can ground a plane going through its airspace, although I know that Turks like to pat themselves on the back on every occasion possible. My point was directed towards the fact that Turkey first stated that munitions were on the plane, but then backtracked and said there were not. Sounds like cowardice to me....

What makes you think Turkey is backtracking?
What makes you think Turkey is backtracking?

Because I remember reading on Hurriyet passionate statements by Erdogan saying that munitions were on the plane and that Russia was not above the law.
Because I remember reading on Hurriyet passionate statements by Erdogan saying that munitions were on the plane and that Russia was not above the law.

he never said that , its hard to translate , but he said it was coming from a company similar to MKE of turkey which is a defence company , and even russia admitted theirs radio for military
What right did Turkey have to seize this plane to begin with?
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