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TuAF F-16 Block 30s to fly with Turkish computers


Dec 27, 2009
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TuAF F-16 Block 30s to fly with Turkish computers | TRDEFENCE


Turkey will start integrating indigenous flight mission computers on its fleet of Block 30-type F-16 fighting falcons, daily Hurriyet newspaper reported.

The decision came after a key Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSIK) meeting that, for the first time, gave the green light for development of Turkey’s first modern jet trainer and combat aircraft. Turkey’s move to start using its own mission computers on F-16s will greatly increase the country’s self-sufficiency in aerial defence and add to its growing pool of know-how and aerospace technology.

Turkish F-16s foreign-originated mission computers and hidden source codes have long been a matter of controversy, with some claiming that foreign manufacturers held the power to disable Turkish jets by executing hidden segments of software not revealed to Turkish authorities. The decision to start using indigenously-developed Turkish mission computers and flight software will effectively eliminate these worries.

Turkey’s military eletronics giant Aselsan will design and assemble the new mission computers.
A very big step for getting our own fighter jet.. Keep it up Aselsan we proud of you.
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