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Tuaf destroys Pantsir/BUK/S-300Airdefence

That also was in bad taste. Chinese who have nothing to gain from Syria are posting like they are Russian puppets or Shia extremists.

If this is the strength and bravado of anti-US Eurasian coalition, it leaves alot to be desired frankly.

Pakistan should be careful lest Russia and China turn out to be nothing but paper tigers. Afterall both are militarily untested in more than two decades, compared to Turkey and Pakistan who have proven themselves formidable on the battlefield.

We should work on ourselves and work on expanding our partnership with Turkey.

Afghanistan broke the myth of US power, now it seems Turkey is breaking the myth of Russia.
US myth broken, China and Russia are paper tiger, I wonder who is going to lead the world.:yu:
BTW your recognition is not needed.
Your recognition is not needed, I hope my People would always enjoy peace and harmony while you guys enjoying war.:-)

US myth broken, China and Russia are paper tiger, I wonder who is going to lead the world.:yu:
BTW your recognition is not needed.

I never thought that
having Covid
is one of the way
to enjoy.
Not really. Turkey proved was that syrian operators are incompetent, and poorly trained to operate such advanced systems.

Besides, no air defense system is as good as the manufacturers claim. Its actually very difficult for a SAM missile to actually hit a target, when the target knows a missile is heading it's way.

I agree with you to a certain extent but still proves russian tech is hyped up. Just to warn and make those aware who buy or intend to buy chinese weapon are also junk because copy of russian junk is also junk.
Not really. Turkey proved was that syrian operators are incompetent, and poorly trained to operate such advanced systems.

Besides, no air defense system is as good as the manufacturers claim. Its actually very difficult for a SAM missile to actually hit a target, when the target knows a missile is heading it's way.
This issue was asked to head of SSB Ismail Demir;

He said that we are opening a corridor for our UCAVs with Electronical Jamming.
a few thousands Dollars MAM-L destroyed $15 million PANTSIR-S1

Most of the Syrian defense systems are there to counter small low altitude drones. Pantsir is no match for a MALE or HALE UCAV. Also it seems Russian SAMS are very prone to ECM measures leaving them sitting duck. This raises some serious questions regarding Long Range SAM'S considering shitty performance of Russian systems in SYRIA. Cant believe pakistan was actually thinking about deploying these systems.

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