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Check the crime/rape rate in Saudi Arabia and compare it with any other so called modern country with Modern Laws. Then you'll able to see what benefits it bring.

See you shouldn't have said that.

"Statistics on incidents of rape and convictions were not available. Cases of rape were difficult to document in view of the associated social stigma against the victims; however, rape against women and boys and domestic violence against women remained serious problems. The majority of rape cases were never reported because victims face stringent societal reprisal, often being deemed unfit for marriage or even punished as a result of having been raped."

"In Qatif, the sentencing of the female victim of rape to lashing provided an example of discrimination and acceptance of societal abuse of women. There were no laws specifically outlawing domestic violence. According the Ministry of Social Affairs, more than 550 domestic violence cases were reported during the year.The Riyadh Central Hospital counted 102 abuse cases of women from January to August. On November 19, Al Madina newspaper reported that in the previous two years, there were 325 reported cases of domestic violence against women in the Mecca region. According to the NSHR, women continued to suffer largely unreported abuse at the hands of their husbands, fathers, and brothers. Violence against women was widely tolerated by the community. Abusers were rarely prosecuted, and investigations were rarely carried out for complaints of violent attacks, rape, murders, or suicides of women. Women who reported rape faced imprisonment and accusations of adultery."

Do you know that a husband can rape his wife in Saudi Arabia? He won't get punished for it.

Read the rest about SA:
Saudi Arabia

Women in Saudi Arabia make up 5% of the workforce, the lowest proportion in the world.

MEMRI: Latest News

Here is more on the way women are supposed to live their lives in SA:

Currently, women are not banned from employment, however they are not allowed to work in a mixed sex workplace. The permission for a woman to go out of her house for work, is subject to other conditions. These include:

1.The woman should need to work in order to acquire money she needs.
2.The work should be in a place that is only for women, and there should be no interaction with non-mahram men, such as if she works in teaching girls, whether in administration or technical support.
3.The work should be suited to the woman's body physique and mentality.
4.It should not lead to her neglecting her household duties.
5.Her work should not lead to her travelling without a close male relative.
6.Women are allowed to work with their husbands' permission only.
It is not considered permissible for women to be appointed as judges. Positions of high public office is also reserved for men.

If you fail to understand how this makes a country backward, I really pity you. Please don't embarrass yourself by talking about how the Saudis protect women.

Sorry mods for going offtopic here, but I had to reply. If people want, we can carry forward this debate elsewhere.

thats coz alot of rapes in saudi probably don't reported due to the fact they'll probably punish the women instead.

I remember the incident of the saudi woman who was raped by 6-7 men. Instead of prosecuting the rapists, the judge sentenced the poor woman to 200 lashes!!

The King ended up 'pardoning' her to avoid international condemnation.
So what you are trying to establish here is that we shun Shariah (Quran and Hadith)?
I'll ask you a question and please answer it truthfully. Have to ever read whole Quran / Hadith (i.e. with meanings)?

PS. I totally condemn the twisted ideology of TTP.

The Salafi 'sharia' was concocted by the saudi salafis and is not representative of islamic tenets. And that is why you don't like the 'twisted ideology' of the TTP.
Guys. I'm not sure what triggered you to become protectors and saviours of womenfolk lately all of a sudden :lol:

But No more Off-topic posts, please.


ڈرو اس دن سے جب لوگ ان حکمرانوں، سیاستدانوں اور دانش وروں کا گریبان تھام کر سوال کریں گے بتائو کیا ہمارا تورا بورا بنا ہے یا کہ نہیں۔ ہم پر ڈرون حملے ہوئے، ہمارا ہر شہر اور قصبہ خون میں نہلایا گیا ہے۔ ہم تو اس بد نصیب قوم میں شمار ہو گئے جس میں مارنے والا بھی اللہ اکبر کہتا تھا اور مرنے والا بھی۔ کاش ہم اس لمحے تمہاری بات نہ مانتے، غیرت، حمیت اور عزت و وقار کا فیصلہ کرتے، ہم مرتے لیکن ہمیں ایک یقین ہوتا کہ ہم جسے مارنے جا رہے ہیں وہ اللہ اکبر نہیں کہتا ہمیں موت سے پہلے یہ یقین ہوتا کہ ہم حق کی موت مر رہے ہیں

اوریا مقبول جان​

What I am asking you is to question what benefits sharia brings to a country. Modern laws are much better than sharia.

Yes I have.

Since, you've read the Quran and Hadith and you find other models more appropriate. So, what do you propose among the modern systems, old testament or new testament, democracy or communism, socialism or marxism. Also please elaborate how modern laws are better than Shariah. Care to elaborate. :what:

PS. I'm expecting a detailed and thorough response.
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