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TTP Video Release Fighting PA - Uzbek Leader Indoctrinating Children and Naive Tribal

Nice to see in video their ***** getting kicked by falcons and cobras...i wish Army could leak few videos where some really brutal killings of these thugs is shown ( I have heard in Swat, foreign sponsored talibs were dropped fro helis). Dont know about others, but doing this would surely lift my spirits..
Seeing this video has really angered me esp this is a FOREIGNER ON OUR SOIL HERE WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION TELLING PEOPLE TO FIGHT OUR ARMY AND TRYING TO ESTBALISH IS EMIRATE IN OUR TERRITORY ?? how dare he ! sorry to sound harsh but seriously these foreign uzbek shits need to be ethnically cleansed from pakistan all these b@stard in pak are nothing but anti-state taliban militant scum why the hell can't they go do jihad in their own country ? uzbeks go the fu ck back home.
The thing I want to ask them is WHY they don't fight Americans if they know that Americans are "Evil"? Why fight Pakistan Army? And why fight in Pakistan? Why bomb innocent Pakistanis?

Why bite the hand that feeds them?

They are doing their daddy's work in destabilizing Pakistan.
Trust me when Pak soldiers get to them, there will be no sympathy for foreigners. HRCP/US/Amnesty/HRW/Imran Khan/JI can cry all it wants, but we don't want uzbek/arab prisoner. We don't care why they're fighting. What their cause is, what their pain is, what their root cause is.
I wish PA catch this *** alive and BUND WARD his arse in Adiala for the rest of his life ...
The thing I want to ask them is WHY they don't fight Americans if they know that Americans are "Evil"? Why fight Pakistan Army? And why fight in Pakistan? Why bomb innocent Pakistanis?

Why bite the hand that feeds them?

They are doing their daddy's work in destabilizing Pakistan

Hmm..pretty weird logic.

Can you explain to me how the Uzbeks are supposedly supported by the Americans considering the Uzbeks are closely aligned with Al Qaeda, and were sheltered by BM, who was eliminated in an American drone attack?

Can you also explain why anti-US and pro-Taliban parties like JI are desperately trying to persuade the military to stop the SW operation against the local scum as well as the Arab/Uzbek swine??

Is the JI also working for the 'US-Uzbek alliance'?:)
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There's absolutely NO rehab option for the takfiri terrorist leadership. The ARE to be crushed. The PA has no option whatsoever but to destroy their network and make them completely impotent for the safety of all Pakistanis.

But, What do you do with 10, 11, 12 year old kids and other naive young'ns caught forced to fight under them? Shouldn't they be given a chance to choose and build their lives once again?

Com'on people. We're Muslims. We're civilized, hospitable, and very rich in history and tradition. We respect our enemies, and are ought to allow them a chance to rebuild their lives so that Allah SWT mercy may bestow on us.
As I have been saying before, it is not poverty, injustice, and education that is the root cause of terrorism. It is this belief of having a Salafi/Islamic state in Pakistan that is the root cause. And not only Pakistan, Pakistan is just supposed to be the beginning, it is supposed to be the world. You see this is a supremacist ideology. You can make people literate, provide justice, and provide better living, but that will not prevent them for fighting for Allah's law. This is also explains why peace deals with these people don't work. What are we to tell them, please stop demanding your divine law, the one that you have faith in and fighting for which is your ultimate goal? Good luck to talking to these people.

The more fundamental a person gets, the more his demands for sharia law increase. Needless to say, the countries that base their laws on shariah are bound to be the most backward and poor (Saudi Arabia has oil but backward, Sudan, Yemen), for you simply cannot compete in the 21st century if your society is based on 7th century principles.
The more fundamental a person gets, the more his demands for sharia law increase. Needless to say, the countries that base their laws on shariah are bound to be the most backward and poor (Saudi Arabia has oil but backward, Sudan, Yemen), for you simply cannot compete in the 21st century if your society is based on 7th century principles.

So what you are trying to establish here is that we shun Shariah (Quran and Hadith)?
I'll ask you a question and please answer it truthfully. Have to ever read whole Quran / Hadith (i.e. with meanings)?

PS. I totally condemn the twisted ideology of TTP.
So what you are trying to establish here is that we shun Shariah (Quran and Hadith)?
I'll ask you a question and please answer it truthfully. Have to ever read whole Quran / Hadith (i.e. with meanings)?

PS. I totally condemn the twisted ideology of TTP.

What I am asking you is to question what benefits sharia brings to a country. Modern laws are much better than sharia.

Yes I have.
The more fundamental a person gets, the more his demands for sharia law increase. Needless to say, the countries that base their laws on shariah are bound to be the most backward and poor (Saudi Arabia has oil but backward, Sudan, Yemen), for you simply cannot compete in the 21st century if your society is based on 7th century principles.

In Saudi Arabia just few laws are according to shariah. That's why the crime rate is low over there.
What I am asking you is to question what benefits sharia brings to a country. Modern laws are much better than sharia.

Yes I have.

Check the crime/rape rate in Saudi Arabia and compare it with any other so called modern country with Modern Laws. Then you'll able to see what benefits it bring.
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Check the crime/rape rate in Saudi Arabia and compare it with any other so called modern country with Modern Laws. Then you'll able to see what benefits it bring.

thats coz alot of rapes in saudi probably don't reported due to the fact they'll probably punish the women instead.
Not in KSA. The women are not held liable as is the case with the hudood law in Pakistan thanks to Zia sahib.
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