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TTP scums crossing border after destroying the fence.

The point here - and in conjunction with the thread highlighting TTP bases being encouraged along the border - is not that the fence has been breached by terrorists....but rather, WHY have they been allowed to infiltrate by our supposed partners in the Afghan peace process? USA and Kabul must be aware, if not encouraging this

There are a couple of points to consider.

1. Pakistan should immediately complain to Mr Blinken, that his words about reviewing one side's contributions to peace ring hollow when another party is being encouraged to proceed as normal in conducting terror raids across the Durand line.

2. This could potentially be a plot to justify retention of more US troops in Afg because of ongoing "instability". Fencing the border, security for CPEC, and stability for Pakistan are all actually NOT in the US deep state's interests.

My conclusion is that Pakistan must highlight this with Kabul and Washington, directly blaming them for it, and telling them that we too will review the peace process unless these attacks cease.

Enough is enough. I understand that some US troops may be beneficial against such terrorist groups, however, if those US troops are not actually acting against said entities (or worse, in cahoots with them), then Pakistan needs to push decisively against these clandestine manoeuvres.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @Cliftonite
Mirza sahab there are many supporters who hold the door open for TTP within Pakistan. Some sectarian outfits, some religious outfits. None of it is done without inside help.

Fencing and manning must be done on a priority basis. And the no man's land in FATA brought into the mainstream.
A proactive approach is needed by Security Establishment like one adopted by Turkey in Iraqi Kurdistan and Syria. Decimate their bases and training, command and control centers inside Afghanistan. Never allow them to group and carry out actions inside Pakistan. Create a buffer zone inside Afghanistan.
These TTP b...Tards should be dealt with firmly ASAP, our borders on the West will never be peaceful hence an urgent need to deploy drones and CCTV in the volatile sectors.
WHY have they been allowed to infiltrate by our supposed partners in the Afghan peace process? USA and Kabul must be aware, if not encouraging this

The 'supposed partner' owe their very existence (and necks!) to the American support and presence. They know that the Talibans are ruthless and they don't want to be hung up like Najeebullah was. And they rightfully don't trust the Talibans!! And hence the behavior of the supposed partners!

I don't know why we delude ourselves about Afghans? Forget even the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and study the history of the Afghans even before that-- selling themselves to either the Americans or the Soviets. I am hoping there is enough change in the Afghan mindset now --there has to be--but the reality of Afghanistan is that on one-side there are drug lords backed by foreign occupying forces while on the other side there are primitive brutes! They are essentially INCOMPATIBLE!! And either side will do whatever it takes to gain power--as much power as possible.

As to the Americans--- they have a very long history of peddling in the affairs of remote nations. To the Americans the rewards can be and sometimes had been great. If not then-- 'oh well!' wash hands off the whole affair and go back to the security of two giant oceans and two pliant neighbors thousands of miles from the engagement.
Thermal cameras
Motion sensors
Ground surveillance radars should be placed with continuous patrolling

Fence is a barrier not a complete and absolute solution. Additional steps like a small road beside the fence for quick response for the movement of the soldiers, remotely operated machine guns, drones for surveillance and quick attacks in addition to above mentioned items is required. Obviously the tools deployed will depend upon the terrain, weather, blind spots, frequency of attempted attacks and other factors but once rats are identified, trapped or captured must be eliminated instead of taking to the courts. We don't need human rights lectures as where is UN when our boys are attacked from across the border. We have build the fence and paid through the blood of our soldiers in addition to the costs involve so its Afghan responsibility not to let any one near the fence. We can declare a buffer zone inside the Afghan side up to a mile and any one seen by our drones must be treated as hostile and attacked. Few months of our aggressive stance and then see how Mr Ajit Doval the arsehole will be forced to retreat.
I'm having to say that unfortunately "Current establishment's leadership is as dry as dust."
Lethargic and pathetic response. The generals and politicians tried to reason and appease all these years since Trump took reign. Lengthy negotiations were held and facilitated from our side in the hope to achieve long lasting peace. Today Trump is gone and we can already see an increase in hostile activity. A very bad omen for things to come. Pakistan should embrace itself for the worst. To put it bluntly, the talks have been a waste of time. Some might argue it is too premature to conclude anything. The signs are clear. The statements too. We shouldn't be under any illusion. The deep state is back into the WH corridors and they are plotting. The state and the armed forces should be prepared for the worst and respond in kind. We are returning to the Obama era of do more demands. This is just a minor glimpse of all of that.
Pakistan has decided against hot pursuit of these miscreants due to Afghan peace process. I believe Pakistan will actively engage these scumbags inside Afghanistan in near future. PA wont let their hard earned gains go to waste to these midgets.
Crossing in a remote area is very possible even in the supposedly hyper surveillance areas of Israel and Gaza.

A better approach is to deliver a message to where these men originated from.
Crossing in a remote area is very possible even in the supposedly hyper surveillance areas of Israel and Gaza.

A better approach is to deliver a message to where these men originated from.

Sorry, but these are all excuses.
A few days ago I was reading about Af-Pak border fencing. Writer said it is just temporary there is no enough man power because of the terrain. Soon militants will destroy this fence where there is blindspot.

I ignored because of usual Indian and West randi rona and because I have trust in our defense forces.
The fencing is not temporary. In fact it is very good, equal or better than India's fencing on our eastern border. It is the nature of the enemy . On our eastern border ( IB ) two professional armed forces of sovereign nations are facing each other subject to command and control of their respective commands. The Afghan border is different. Afghanistan is not a sovereign or politically united country with both an ongoing foreign occupation and a Civil War. There is significant hostile third party intelligence and sabotage activity directed at Pakistan from within Afghanistan either with the collusion or passive support of the puppet government in power. There is no command and control and there are non-state actors who
exploit the instability. A fence no
matter how good is only a partial restraint. On our eastern border our commandos could penetrate that barrier easily and so could enemy commandos. Neither don't because both armies are under command and control directives.

So, a fence won't stop the TTP. Deep penetration air strikes, special operations events, would need to be planned inside Afghanistan, the puppet government's protests notwithstanding. The war must be carried to the enemy, The enemy must not carry the war to us.
Forget all the chitchat. Why are we producing and buying drones and not using them in such remote places? If you are unable to deploy enough men to patrol the areas why not use cost-effective tech to monitor large swaths of area? The truth is that we are lethargic in our response. It is a miracle that we eventually built a fence. This idea too was very controversial for many years. I remember how everyone had their excuses. The terrain is inhospitable. The area is large. The fence won't work. We did it in the end. Now it will take another decade to realise that drones can be used for surveillance and strikes against miscreants.

How much more are you going to appease the Afghan enemy? The talks are finished and the deal is dead. The Biden administration is surrounded by Obama war hawks. We have been here before. Afghanistan is today the same hostile place as it was during the Obama days. This is the time to prepare against hostility.

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