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TTP makes peace: 3 blasts outside ANP leader's house in Karachi

You are still alive chimgadar. Listen to me carefully and stop playing with your dik.
1- Military operation of 2007 failed in swat.
2- military operation of 2009 code name op rahe rast (not rahe nijat) was a military success.
Next time stop jerking at the picture of musharaf and read my posts with attention.

Taliban are actually aliens from mars.
just looking for the opening?
u just got it?
jerking off, is often is a sickness mostly found in dirty mullhas living in torabora madarsa,s with thier dik head followres like you?
now you ,listen to me care fully, no militry opp , was ever been taken place in sawaat by PAK ARMY before 2009?
it was illequiped & undertrained FC trying to push terrorists back? in 2007?
now try stay out of mullha sawaati,s dam dirty bed?
I just asked a colleague from Swat regarding your claims, guess what talk more out of your ***. Jesus man, i have been to sawat last summer. Beautiful place, people were actually thankful of the operation, understandably had their complaints about development. Where do you get your claims i have no idea.

@Abu Zolfiqar has a better grasp than me and he categorically destroyed your "claims" as mere bullshit.
It is indeed peaceful as swatis were not militant tribes like wazirs and mehsuds. Presence of army also give sense of security and law & order. I was talking about period of 2009-2010. Swatis that i have talked with, certainly do not want fazlullah reign again but many of them also want army to be removed from security check posts as according to them peace is now restored.
Swatis of today are suffering from strange kind of emotions....they got punished for their "sins" and would never repeat the same mistake in 100 years, they are not naughty and rebellious like mehsuds......army terrified and disciplined through army operation.
P.s: your colleague must be from army because opinions of faujis are so different from civilians.
just looking for the opening?
u just got it?
jerking off, is often is a sickness mostly found in dirty mullhas living in torabora madarsa,s with thier dik head followres like you?
now you ,listen to me care fully, no militry opp , was ever been taken place in sawaat by PAK ARMY before 2009?
it was illequiped & undertrained FC trying to push terrorists back? in 2007?
now try stay out of mullha sawaati,s dam dirty bed?

What's with you and random question marks?! It really throws me off.
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