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TTP makes peace: 3 blasts outside ANP leader's house in Karachi

Swatis supported fazlullah and his war against state of pakistan....if they are now denying it now then they are lying. Fazlullah lost control over his men who were mostly outsiders and many ugly incidents took place which might have turned off some swatis but not enough to back down from nizam e adal.
Unlike swatis, people of dir and buner didnt support taliban and successfully repelled invasions of swati taliban....they were never appreciated by you people.

I haven't come across any such article or news personally , so I will not comment on what or whom they supported in what period of time . They had a sigh of relief after the Second Battle of Swat where the Taliban again had to retreat into mountains and caves with their jewels . A warlord and a terrorist and an animal can only have so much control over other animals and fellow terrorists and I believe that the Fazlullah was no exception to that rule . Even if they wanted Nizam-e-Adl , it wasn't the case afterwards they saw the Taliban Sharia in their lands , there were no incidents , all the terrorists played to their ideology and their way of life . What is so surprising about that and complain of the Chief terrorists losing control and authority ?

You people ? Who are you people then ? Only after the army arrived , were the people of those areas able to successfully contain the psychopathic ideology .

@Abu Zolfiqar Correct me on this part of history , if I have made a mistake here .
utter LIES and nonsense.....Swatis were arm-twisted and scared into submission (until the Army came)

fazlullah is history now from swat, as are his women-beating school-destroying thugs

@Pak-one -- sorry to be the bearer of bad news :(
Taliban in swat were brutal to security forces, khooni chowk was for their enemies...the events in khooni chowk were not bothering two million swatis in rural areas. Large scale military operation came as surprise for swatis, they never expected it. The beheading of faujis at khooni chowk or hanging of dead pir was not shocking for them, jets, tanks, gunship helicopters were. They became mohajirs and the life of IDP in camps was most painful period of their lives. They are not tough people like tribals and were not used to wars and displacements. When they returned back, they saw their houses, properties and shops flattened to the ground due to bombarment of military and air force. They have still not recovered from losses due to military operation, they still whine about it.
And military didnt forgive them, extrajudicial killings, disappearances, hangings, mass graves of suspected taliban took place after operation. I have been by swatis, that suspected militants were dropped from planes as punishment. They dont disclose these post-operationt horrors to outsiders specially non-pakhtuns.
Taliban in swat were brutal to security forces, khooni chowk was for their enemies...the events in khooni chowk were not bothering two million swatis in rural areas. Large scale military operation came as surprise for swatis, they never expected it. The beheading of faujis at khooni chowk or hanging of dead pir was not shocking for them, jets, tanks, gunship helicopters were. They became mohajirs and the life of IDP in camps was most painful period of their lives. They are not tough people like tribals and were not used to wars and displacements. When they returned back, they saw their houses, properties and shops flattened to the ground due to bombarment of military and air force. They have still not recovered from losses due to military operation, they still whine about it.
And military didnt forgive them, extrajudicial killings, disappearances, hangings, mass graves of suspected taliban took place after operation. I have been by swatis, that suspected militants were dropped from planes as punishment. They dont disclose these post-operationt horrors to outsiders specially non-pakhtuns.

So you agree Talibans are actually Pushtun Nationalists using the name of Islam to further their cause?
And military didnt forgive them, extrajudicial killings, disappearances, hangings, mass graves of suspected taliban took place after operation. I have been by swatis, that suspected militants were dropped from planes as punishment. They dont disclose these post-operationt horrors to outsiders specially non-pakhtuns.

Yes the Taliban saints and the evil military , isn't it the norm with you supporters of murderers ? Taliban in Swat were found killing/harassing/maiming the common people and executing and punishing them for their perceived " unislamic " acts . The Radio Mullah and his herd are well known for closing schools , restricting women and their rights , extorting money from people , marrying girls to his chosen followers , denying the basic and fundamental rights of the citizens and neutralizing every person viewed as a threat to their barbaric ideology - last but not least showing bravery and manliness by sending a " terrorists " to shoot a 14 year old Malala Yousufzai - feeling threat from a little girl . We expect nothing better from terrorists but to paint them as angels is beyond me specially considering that the majority of Pakistanis who have died , are from the same Pashtun areas and your arguments are usually based on nationalism .

Dropped from planes ? Remember the nuclear waste that was being dumped into " Pashtun lands " instead of usual sites - when you were the last time here ? It cant really get any more absurd ! The convenient excuse as always , the radio silence - plausible deniability and the fear factor , thank you for wasting our time .
@Abu Zolfiqar
Taliban of swat were not against girls education, they destroyed both boys and girls schools in 2007 and 2009 military operations because army used to use school buildings as army camps. If you watch fazlullah interviews of that time, he clarify the issue to media reporters and says that it is propaganda of ISPR against him. I didnt believed him at that time but realized that army actually station itself in school and other governament buildings in pakhtunkhwa and FATA where there are no cantontments.
Propaganda is an effective tool and is it excessively used by army against taliban.
Swatis supported fazlullah and his war against state of pakistan....if they are now denying it now then they are lying. Fazlullah lost control over his men who were mostly outsiders and many ugly incidents took place which might have turned off some swatis but not enough to back down from nizam e adal.
Unlike swatis, people of dir and buner didnt support taliban and successfully repelled invasions of swati taliban....they were never appreciated by you people.

swatis didn't vote ANP and PPP?
I do not support actions of taliban in swat, many criminals and people with different motives joined taliban ranks to fulfill their goals...it was a mess and it needed to be sorted out. But honestly swatis got terrified by a military operation, on the scale to invade a country.
Army played games in swat. They let taliban to have control over swat, allowed them to grow...so that they can launch large operation to earn billion of dollars from america....
Swatis supported fazlullah and his war against state of pakistan....if they are now denying it now then they are lying. Fazlullah lost control over his men who were mostly outsiders and many ugly incidents took place which might have turned off some swatis but not enough to back down from nizam e adal.
Unlike swatis, people of dir and buner didnt support taliban and successfully repelled invasions of swati taliban....they were never appreciated by you people.

It was a reign of terror. Just like a lot of people dont say anything against MQM living in Karachi doesnot mean they accept MQM.

Swat traditionally been a very peaceful, non-extremist type of place. Your allegation about people of Swat is extremely flawed and in fact malicious.
I do not support actions of taliban in swat, many criminals and people with different motives joined taliban ranks to fulfill their goals...it was a mess and it needed to be sorted out. But honestly swatis got terrified by a military operation, on the scale to invade a country.
Army played games in swat. They let taliban to have control over swat, allowed them to grow...so that they can launch large operation to earn billion of dollars from america....

swatis didn't vote ANP and PPP?

did shariat e sufi mohammadi brought peace in swat?

do swatis want shariat now? and do they want deobandi wahabi shariat?
They did that after military operation of swat in 2007 failed. They were asked by military to go for negotiations with TNSM and nizam e adal was enforced. You wont remember but swatis actually celebrated at the news of nizam e adal. Sharia was demand of people of swat since 70s after things got worse with disolution of state of swat. Secularism doesnt mean you become opponent of sharia and refuse a popular demand.
Any how this nizam e adal was a topi drama by pak army, they were buying time after failure of 2007 operation. It worked as TNSM were caught off-gaurd by large invasion of pak army in 2009.
ohh now militry operation rahe nijaat failed in sawat?
plz take out kali nawar of your jaws, cause its tobacco has twisted your mind ?
BTW is chief TTp dog, is in sawaat? no
ohh pakarmy has cleaned sawaat from the , cancer called TTp?
ohh now militry operation rahe nijaat failed in sawat?
plz take out kali nawar of your jaws, cause its tobacco has twisted your mind ?
BTW is chief TTp dog, is in sawaat? no
ohh pakarmy has cleaned sawaat from the , cancer called TTp?
You are still alive chimgadar. Listen to me carefully and stop playing with your dik.
1- Military operation of 2007 failed in swat.
2- military operation of 2009 code name op rahe rast (not rahe nijat) was a military success.
Next time stop jerking at the picture of musharaf and read my posts with attention.

So you agree Talibans are actually Pushtun Nationalists using the name of Islam to further their cause?
Taliban are actually aliens from mars.
swatis didn't vote ANP and PPP?

did shariat e sufi mohammadi brought peace in swat?

do swatis want shariat now? and do they want deobandi wahabi shariat?
Firs of all deobandis are not wahabis, its ahle-hadith who are wahabi/salafi.
Sharia is demand of most of the pakhtuns but swatis got anxious for sharia and got fooled by fazlullah because they were missing the swift justice in the golden period of state of swat....they thought sharia would bring back the golden period of state of swat.
Malakand region has also huge influence of jumat e islami, the breeders of extremism.
It is said that most of the students of lal masjid were from swat, lal masjid incident provoked the anger of swatis and fazlullah made use of this anger.
Fazlullah was allowed to grow by MMA governament, infact it is said MMA secretly supported fazlullah and his movement.
Firs of all deobandis are not wahabis, its ahle-hadith who are wahabi/salafi.
Sharia is demand of most of the pakhtuns but swatis got anxious for sharia and got fooled by fazlullah because they were missing the swift justice in the golden period of state of swat....they thought sharia would bring back the golden period of state of swat.
Malakand region has also huge influence of jumat e islami, the breeders of extremism.
It is said that most of the students of lal masjid were from swat, lal masjid incident provoked the anger of swatis and fazlullah made use of this anger.
Fazlullah was allowed to grow by MMA governament, infact it is said MMA secretly supported fazlullah and his movement.

I just asked a colleague from Swat regarding your claims, guess what talk more out of your ***. Jesus man, i have been to sawat last summer. Beautiful place, people were actually thankful of the operation, understandably had their complaints about development. Where do you get your claims i have no idea.

@Abu Zolfiqar has a better grasp than me and he categorically destroyed your "claims" as mere bullshit.
I do not support actions of taliban in swat, many criminals and people with different motives joined taliban ranks to fulfill their goals...it was a mess and it needed to be sorted out. But honestly swatis got terrified by a military operation, on the scale to invade a country.
Army played games in swat. They let taliban to have control over swat, allowed them to grow...so that they can launch large operation to earn billion of dollars from america....

America pay dollars for stopping Afghan Talibans, unrest in Pakistan & taliban control here is in her favor to prove that Pak's nuclear assets are not safe so must be taken.
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