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TTP gets divided Victory achieved


Apr 28, 2011
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air strikes effect...
No TTP groups mostly were fighting Pakistani Forces because they were pissed of we becoming partners of USA and betraying Muslims of Afghanistan and Tribal areas and the policies adopted by dumbo Muhsharraf which destroyed and damaged Pakistani its forces and its people and now as USA is running away they are not interested in fighting much they want peace good thing is its Mehsud who have separated and most people NW belong to Mehsude Tribe and if Mehsud rise up against TTP and throw them out they would have to go to Afghanistan and than we have to only take out TTP leadership hiding in Afghanistan
No TTP groups mostly were fighting Pakistani Forces because they were pissed of we becoming partners of USA and betraying Muslims of Afghanistan and Tribal areas and the policies adopted by dumbo Muhsharraf which destroyed and damaged Pakistani its forces and its people and now as USA is running away they are not interested in fighting much they want peace good thing is its Mehsud who have separated and most people NW belong to Mehsude Tribe and if Mehsud rise up against TTP and throw them out they would have to go to Afghanistan and than we have to only take out TTP leadership hiding in Afghanistan

Calm down. US has not had any friends here and we didn't 'betray' anyone. Whoever wants our favours must align their interest according to ours.
Calm down. US has not had any friends here and we didn't 'betray' anyone. Whoever wants our favours must align their interest according to ours.
Sorry to disappoint you we did betray and it proved to be disaster in result we lost 50000 people including soldiers right now most Tribal casualties not known but this is great development hope more groups leave TTP now
A huge Taliban Group mostly of Mehsud tribes have separated from TTP and they have called current TTP leadership paid killers yes we are closing in now and winning those groups who want peace with Pakistan this is how you win the battle not going after every one which I was saying for long
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @RazPaK @AUz @tarrar @mafiya @Chak Bamu @Areesh @A.Rafay @Stealth @fatman17 @Luftwaffe @Slav Defence @balixd @Xeric @Rafi @Arsalan @ajpirzada
In Musharaf Era we were cornered and at that time CIA, R&AW had much more room to do dirty work, but during the period of Gen Kiyani we start achieving this goal step by step. Huge achievement of our agencies. Congratulations:pakistan:.

D I KHAN: In a major blow to the Tahreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP), an influential Mehsud Group has decided to part ways with the TTP leadership citing differences over the way the banned outfit is being managed and run, Samaa reports.

Azam Tariq Mehsud, a spokesman of the Mehsud Group, announced the decision in a press conference, saying current TTP leadership is getting funding from abroad to kill people.

Azam, who was also a member of the central TTP shura, criticized the system under which TTP is resorting to extortion and robberies, adding TTP has been held hostage by certain elements involved in conspiracies.

Latest development is seen as a major setback for the TTP. In recent months several, groups under the banned outfit have been involved in fighting resulting in deaths of several local commanders. – SAMAA
Mehsud Group parts ways with TTP
Sorry to disappoint you we did betray and it proved to be disaster in result we lost 50000 people including soldiers right now most Tribal casualties not known but this is great development hope more groups leave TTP now

We never made an allegiance to begin with. This is how nation state functions. We had a choice between having what we have and being bombed to stone age. We chose the least bad option.
Its a team effort by both military and govt by implying carrot and stick effectively.....kudos to both of them.

The bottom line is IKs yesterdays press conference yet again turns on his own face by this development....idiot!!

Imran Khan is an ideological person as I have studies him. One the very few remained in Pakistan who don't change their views or a period of time. Imran Khan was against military operation in 2007 and he is now also. His whole point revolves around innocent deaths. He cannot say Drones are bad and F-16s are good! because collateral damage is there. Like a liberal, he is anti war. That's it. I hope Army and Government will come up with some sort of guarantee that innocents won't be killed. e.g.,

  • evacuation of people prior to strikes like we did in Sawat and South Waziristan and
  • proper settlement and
  • formal announcement that negotiations reached their nadir and operation was inevitable.
  • A parliamentary session for this purpose or
  • an all parties conference.
  • Also an in-camera presentation by officials would help.
I don't think it should be so hard as life of each innocent tribesman is important. just imagine F-16s are bombing south Punjab and Mureedke to eliminate terrorists? will civil society be silent then?
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Don't count your chickens before they hatch. The TTP and other assorted terror groups cannot be trusted. They have a mind of their own, though their agendas may be similar, and that is to make Pakistan a radical Islamic State with Sharia law according to their interpretation.

As Army at the moment cleaning up the mess in NW, This is the time to stand alongside our forces........instead what Ik is doing is totally opposite of it and that too for pitty political reasons.......Idiot khan!!

As Army at the moment cleaning up the mess in NW, This is the time to stand alongside our forces........what Ik is doing is exactly opposite and that tooo for pitty political reasons.......Idiot khan!!

This is what he said every time that if negotiations fail, and operation becomes inevitable, he would stand by Military. But nobody is now paying heed to him.
This is what he said every time that if negotiations fail, and operation becomes inevitable, he would stand by Military. But nobody is now paying heed to him.

His yesterday's press conference is totally uncalled for.....i mean if it is ever necessary, he should only remain critical towards PMLN, Rigging, Geo, Najam S.....but not towards NW operation....he is now becomes a fool.
His yesterday's press conference is totally uncalled for.....i mean if it is ever necessary, he should only remain critical towards PMLN, Rigging, Geo, Najam S.....but not towards NW operation....he is now becomes a fool.

IMO, Imran Khan, even if he is right, he gives stupid statements. He should learn some diplomacy and get rid of his advisers like Shireen Mazari etc. i agree with you that his yesterday's press conf was not required. He could have raised this issue in parliament and tell his PoV there.. if required.
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