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TTP gets a taste of their own medicine

And yet these people reach out to other provinces and cause anarchy and chaos, did you forget what they did on 21st september 2012 in Islamabad, btw you in islamabad????
i feel like brainwashing job for ttp has been outsourced to punjab and for physical training they are sent tribal areas......

Lahore...itnaa baraa baraaa merii location mein likhaa hovaa haiii ! :disagree:

Dunno yaaaar some of that fall out should be in the Punjab as well; the brain washing goes across the Provinces the only thing thats different between Punjab & the rest is 'Governance' ! And those responsible are behind bars.

Just give a sincere Govt. one chance & we'd be out of this mess in a matter of years (I'd say 2 at tops) - Imran Khan is that guy ! :tup:

Bakiii suuub Dakkuuu haiiin hamariii Govt. sirfff incompetent choooor hain; so do they get somethings done even if they could have been done a lot...lot better.

For example I went to Joseph Colony the other day - the Construction is coming along quite nicely !
yaar that makes it even more complicated. this is the reason why the army shouldnt withdraw but at the same time swat type operations in the tribal belt have not really resulted in success. military personal cannot go out before making sure that the area they are going to is safe. now this is not security. and if this is so for the military then what to talk about the people.
thats y im wondering what can a possible strategy be which can mix the development work with the eradication of criminal element (TTP)?

I agree & I think that the Military already has the same idea & are just waiting for a less corrupt Government to come to power after the elections so that Military Victories are Consolidated through Development & Civil Apparatus stepping in - As they had been hollering for in the case of Swat & many Tribal Agencies.
Lahore...itnaa baraa baraaa merii location mein likhaa hovaa haiii ! :disagree:

Dunno yaaaar some of that fall out should be in the Punjab as well; the brain washing goes across the Provinces the only thing thats different between Punjab & the rest is 'Governance' ! And those responsible are behind bars.

Just give a sincere Govt. one chance & we'd be out of this mess in a matter of years (I'd say 2 at tops) - Imran Khan is that guy ! :tup:

Bakiii suuub Dakkuuu haiiin hamariii Govt. sirfff incompetent choooor hain; so do they get somethings done even if they could have been done a lot...lot better.

For example I went to Joseph Colony the other day - the Construction is coming along quite nicely !

Sorry i am tablet so can't see your location. You are right but wrong at the same time. They might not be chors themselves but they do have links and support for militants, ever wonder why pmln and jui-f is not on ttp's new hitlist?
In such a system, I forgot to mention that I'd be taking charge as the new Emperor.... :rofl:

Webby, can you now gauge my true goals, my wishes don't only encompass Naswaristan, but all of Pakistan... and maybe BD.... those guys are really lost, they'd need my guidance! :D
@WebMaster :P

Ok, can I be the diplomat + Minister who gets unlimited immunity :raise:

Yaraa waisee hamareiii Politicians kaa touuu right hand abbbb amputate ho hiii janaa chahiyeee ! :devil:

Saaainn touuu Saaainn sadaaa Luffy viii Saaaiin ! :blink:
Saaainn? :blink:

The Indian empire will give you stiff competition though- you annex BD and we shall move onto Sri Lanka and the island nations of the IOR! :devil:Although between you and me (as emperors) we could probably solve all pending issues, perform a perfect duet and get Armstrong some tail all in one day. :enjoy:
Can I be the Chief of Armed force, would love to troll nations :P
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Sorry i am tablet so can't see your location. You are right but wrong at the same time. They might not be chors themselves but they do have links and support for militants, ever wonder why pmln and jui-f is not on ttp's new hitlist?

The same reason Imran Khan isn't; because they keep on saying - Talk to them !
Ok, can I be the diplomat + Minister who gets unlimited immunity :raise:

Saaainn? :blink:

Can I be the Chief of Armed force, would love to troll nations :P

Sure thing, Commander- start with Maldives and bring the war home to SL- be careful not to muck up the Maldivian beaches though- so para drop in- no beach heads.
Yups, from there. No dude, I don't know. Anyone who lives after Sector F8 is a wannabe "I'm from Islamabad" :omghaha:

I'll check them out this time around... probably some new iteration of Wahabi mullahs. I always have fun with such people. I get to push their buttons in their den... :D

@Hyperion you live around islamabad ? Did you hear about this mullah at Tarnol? They call themselves Saifi or sallafi something like that
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cease fire technically means that they can go where-ever they want. if that is so, then what is the guarantee that they wont occupy more territory? or regroup themselves? should it not be something more clever than a plain ceasefire?

If they agree to give up on militancy, suicide bombings, attacks on police and army then they are your average guys...but it is upto Pak army to make this decision, its upto them how to achieve such cease fire...the main problem between two is trust, both have violated mutual peace deals.
We saw territoral ambitions in case of swat talibans who were aiming for dir, buner and then to islamabad. At the same time there was wave of taliban expansion into settled areas. But that chapter is closed....talibans is not a independance or separatist movement, they simply want to enforce their ideology on pakistani people and for that they cant conqueor territories like they did in afghanistan.
I have to say that imran khan is right about one thing, most of the TTP are simply seeking revenge for military operations in their areas, with resulting deaths and destruction and that for american dollors. If pak army pull out from FATA then militancy may subside.
Yes, you may. Just one condition, you have to take an oath that all women under the empire are at the discretion of the Emperor only, an minute deviation from this particular clause will result in "off with the head" :D

Ok, can I be the diplomat + Minister who gets unlimited immunity :raise:
Sure thing, Commander- start with Maldives and bring the war home to SL- be careful not to muck up the Maldivian beaches though- so para drop in- no beach heads.

Thanks, I will be your humble Chief. I would want to go down under first and come sweep the whole IOR, how does that sound..

Of course I will use insurgents in Aus first :lol:

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