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Truth of Wuhan coronavirus Dr. Li's death


Jun 7, 2011
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So, basically, the man's legacy is taken away because he is dead? Oh, let's forget about him, he is dead, there are still frontline medical personnel working.

This is probably the lowest of the low attempt on bashing someone who cannot stand up and fight for himself, and you know why? Because he is dead....

Sometime it's the most easiest and the most courteous things to do is admit that you are wrong, and let this man died in peace, but no....These type of "shredding responsibility" have to be posted so it does not make China look bad. But you know what? This is exactly why China looks bad in the first place
I sympathize with Li because he is a doctor who unfortunately was infected with the novel corona-virus by a patient and died as a result. He left behind his wife and an unborn baby. This must be a huge blow to a family, and I can fully understand the feelings of his family.

However, many people (or bots) take advantage of his death to vent their dissatisfaction with the government, which is inappropriate from my perspective.

He didn't die because of the government, he was not treated unfairly or maybe a bit, but he didn't get any real punishment. No one knew what the pathogen was at the time. And it is a rule that disease notices cannot be issued privately. Although this rule may not be very reasonable. In addition, he has no intention to tell the public to be a whistle-blower.

As you can see, he has told others, don't spread his message to the public. He just wants to remind his classmates to protect themselves. Perhaps the real whistle-blower is the one who disobeyed Li's request and spread Li's words to the public.

Paying too much attention to Li's death, rather than the slow response & low efficiency of the government and China CDC in the early stage, looks like a diversion.



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The problem is, while what you said is true, it did not lift the responsibility when the story comes out on 30 December, if the Chinese CDC did something when this report first surface. They "May" be able to do something about it early on.

While we will never know what will happen if China start tackle the problem earlier in December, because they weren't done back then. we can only guess, but if past example were of any notice, country usually in better shape if they target the virus earlier than later. But one thing is for sure, people died because of this delay.
Nathan Rich, a criminal and a loser, talking about a doctor who pretty much sacrificed his life.
No need to care about who he was. Care about what he is saying now. Mocking his past is not a decent way of debate


I don't think the situation would be better even if the government told public the virus is infectious between humans earlier. Beside as the video said people will flee, there are always some people who act immaturely(We saw too many them even with the strick rules). The spread can not be stopped.

The problem is, while what you said is true, it did not lift the responsibility when the story comes out on 30 December, if the Chinese CDC did something when this report first surface. They "May" be able to do something about it early on.

While we will never know what will happen if China start tackle the problem earlier in December, because they weren't done back then. we can only guess, but if past example were of any notice, country usually in better shape if they target the virus earlier than later. But one thing is for sure, people died because of this delay.
Do you think if any other country can do it better than China? Okay. You let people know earlier. Could that stop the spread? Or as the video said, spread even faster.

The only way workable here is blocking the city. Which is what Chinese government did. A little late though.
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Do you think if any other country can do it better than China? Okay. You let people know earlier. Could that stop the spread? Or as the video said, spread even faster.

The only way workable here is blocking the city. Which is what Chinese government did. A little late though.

lol, nearly 3000 new case everyday with a city that has already been under quarantine since 23 January is doing something better? And that is the number Chinese government wants you stooges to know, I don't ever believe that is the actual case.

And anyone have any sort of medical knowledge will tell you the earlier you tackle a disease is better, losing 23 days is not exactly a good start.

If you believe what that video said, you should have your head check. But of course, if you agree on bashing a dead doctor who done nothing but try to save life, I think you do really need to have your head check.
He was a classmate of one of my friends, they were still chatting at 7pm through Weixin, and he died around 9pm. When this disease gets bad, it develops very fast.


However, many people (or bots) take advantage of his death to vent their dissatisfaction with the government, which is inappropriate from my perspective.

He didn't die because of the government, he was not treated unfairly or maybe a bit, but he didn't get any real punishment. No one knew what the pathogen was at the time. And it is a rule that disease notices cannot be issued privately. Although this rule may not be very reasonable. In addition, he has no intention to tell the public to be a whistle-blower.
As I know, life in CN is so much stressful already, trade war make million Cnese lost jobs ( 2/3 factories in Guangdong r leaving CN due to trade war plus high worker salary), salaries cut half, long working hours etc, the epidemic just make them feel like having Nothing to lose and willing for uprising like in Lybia-HK.

Thats why I always compare CN wt Lybia, almost same GDP per cpt, rich Govt officials but too many jobless people due to Middle income trap ( hire cheap foreign worker and fire local workers due to high salary)
The problem is, while what you said is true, it did not lift the responsibility when the story comes out on 30 December, if the Chinese CDC did something when this report first surface. They "May" be able to do something about it early on.

While we will never know what will happen if China start tackle the problem earlier in December, because they weren't done back then. we can only guess, but if past example were of any notice, country usually in better shape if they target the virus earlier than later. But one thing is for sure, people died because of this delay.
Its easy for you keyboard warrior to claim what shall be done earlier since we all know it later. What happen if the coronavirus is not as contagious as what we know? So every now and then we shut down the whole city just becos of a slight possible of contagious virus. China response is considered very fast. From december 30 to decision to shut down the city in less than a month decision. Mind you, this is a new virus. Nobody can really fully understand how it evolves and spread totally until now and here we have an expert telling how is shall be done like a nobel prize medical scientist?

Shall I can also brag how easy a soccer match scoreline can be predicted after a days of the match happened but is that really the case for it?
lol, nearly 3000 new case everyday with a city that has already been under quarantine since 23 January is doing something better? And that is the number Chinese government wants you stooges to know, I don't ever believe that is the actual case.

And anyone have any sort of medical knowledge will tell you the earlier you tackle a disease is better, losing 23 days is not exactly a good start.

If you believe what that video said, you should have your head check. But of course, if you agree on bashing a dead doctor who done nothing but try to save life, I think you do really need to have your head check.
This is new, highly infectious, with long window time disease. I'm not saying China did best. But who could do it better than China if it happens to their country? As I said, only workable way is blocking cities. Would US do that?

On December 31 National Health Commission expert team arrived in Wuhan when there are only 27 patients in hospital. On January 23 Wuhan was blocked. You called the 23 days were wasted. Could you give the experts team some time?

You are a HK "黄尸”. I don't have any hope for your objective attitude to China. You still insist that Dr. Li was arrested by Chinese police. Even western media have changed the word. You only believe negative news about China.
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Its easy for you keyboard warrior to claim what shall be done earlier since we all know it later. What happen if the coronavirus is not as contagious as what we know? So every now and then we shut down the whole city just becos of a slight possible of contagious virus. China response is considered very fast. From december 30 to decision to shut down the city in less than a month decision. Mind you, this is a new virus. Nobody can really fully understand how it evolves and spread totally until now and here we have an expert telling how is shall be done like a nobel prize medical scientist?

Shall I can also brag how easy a soccer match scoreline can be predicted after a days of the match happened but is that really the case for it?

So you are saying China presented with a "New Threat" and the response is not act with precautious??

If you are saying China bet on the lower end (and it obviously lost) is a good thing, then I got nothing else to say...That's not SARS, or SARS like virus. Let's just wait and see, it may get better right,?

Speaking about soccer, you do know China have enough infected people in just 10 days to fit them all into a standard soccer stadium?

This is new, highly infectious, with long widow time disease. I'm not saying China did best. But who could do it better than China if it happens to their country? As I said, only workable way is blocking cities. Would US do that?

On December 31 National Health Commission expert team arrived in Wuhan when there are only 27 patients in hospital. On January 23 Wuhan was blocked. You called the 23 days were wasted. Could you give the experts team some time?

You are a HK "黄尸”. I don't have any hope for your objective attitude to China. You still insist that Dr. Li was arrested by Chinese police. Even western media have changed the word. You only believe negative news about China.

I don't know would US do that, but Canada certainly did during SARS. You don't play with life here, I hope you know that.

And 23 days is not a small gap. and at the end of the day, that is where it hurt, Oh, and if Chinese authority take action on 31 December, they will not miss the massive human movement during the Lunar New Year on the 25th. Everyone know this is when the Chinese goes everywhere during the new year. And would you think if the Chinese authority act on 31 Dec and stop the human movement and that would limit the spread Further?

And lol Dr Li was not arrested. They just ask him to a Police Station so they can scold them? LOL, tell that to people that think that make sense. And what I believe does not have anything to do with the death of this doctor, so does mostly what you said here.

Bashing this doctor is a coward act, if you believe he should be bashed like this, then you are a coward yourself. It's that simple.
If you are saying China bet on the lower end
It's not a bet. At beginning the patients number is very limited. And they all had been to the water market. It is very reasonable to believe they were all infected by some animal. Not human. And it is hard to make a conclusion if the patient number is too small. The long window time makes it harder.

Canada certainly did during SARS.
You can say that if the first ever SARS infected person was found in Canada.
So you are saying China presented with a "New Threat" and the response is not act with precautious??

If you are saying China bet on the lower end (and it obviously lost) is a good thing, then I got nothing else to say...That's not SARS, or SARS like virus. Let's just wait and see, it may get better right,?

Speaking about soccer, you do know China have enough infected people in just 10 days to fit them all into a standard soccer stadium?
Did I make things up about coronvirus is a new strand which until now even scientist cannot fully understand? This strand is similar to SARS but also bird flu but not fully understand. So how do you know what is the best response to deal with? Do you want China factory to shut down on even 1% possible of a spread of influenza and affect the world supply chain(Not confine to China only but possible any country if epidemic happnened)? As I say, it easy for you to criticize and claim what best possible action to be taken in the first place earlier since things has already unfolded. I am sure China would shut down whole wuhan earlier if SARS is confirmed but no. This is a new virus, no scientist within a weeks or a month can confirmed how it spread and how it reacts. In fact, this virus is even more contagious than SARS so previous action to be taken for SARS cannot be used. China shall be commemorated brave enough to shut down a city of 11million people in just a month after the virus was confirmed. I dare to bet no country can do it as fast and decisive as CPC.
Its easy for you keyboard warrior to claim what shall be done earlier since we all know it later. What happen if the coronavirus is not as contagious as what we know? So every now and then we shut down the whole city just becos of a slight possible of contagious virus. China response is considered very fast. From december 30 to decision to shut down the city in less than a month decision. Mind you, this is a new virus. Nobody can really fully understand how it evolves and spread totally until now and here we have an expert telling how is shall be done like a nobel prize medical scientist?

Shall I can also brag how easy a soccer match scoreline can be predicted after a days of the match happened but is that really the case for it?
WHO and medical doctors around the world repeatedly louded China's quick response to this very new virus, but haters gonna hate, no use reasoning with haters, China did it quick enough to contain the virus large within Hubei province, it's already a great feat achieved given it is an unknown new virus to the humanity, if China didn't react this fast, today's Singapore could be like today's Wuhan already.


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