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Trump’s Request for India’s Help in Afghanistan Rattles Pakistan

i told already he is inviting indians to afghanistan.
good decision
lets indian have a cup of tea with afghan taliban
but no sugar in the tea because they like bullets.

US know where to get cheap mercenaries from, still confused , see last 15 years of your north western borders, WoT and drone bombings.

Indian wont send troops to Afghanistan for fighting

Its your politicians/ generals who have been selling lives of your soldiers/ fellow countrymen for some cash (aid) since 15 years (WoT, fighting US war with Pakistani blood), now they (US) are asking for more
Did Mr. Trump ever take a class of basic geography? Because the last time I checked, India doesn't border Afghanistan and the other access routes don't appear to be so favorable, except for causing manageable nuisance.

So, where exactly would this direct Indian help come from? Through Iran? From above China or Pakistan? Thorough the mountains of Central Asia, perhaps?

What an inexperienced impulse-driven President of USA fails to realize is that here's no victory in Afghanistan, without Pakistan getting on board. Doubt that? Go ahead with the policy of isolation and blame shifting, you will see yourself standing on square-one in a couple years time-frame.
An idiot with a microphone or a Twitter account is still an idiot. Remember he is Irish and against immigrants yet where is his wife from?
Did Mr. Trump ever take a class of basic geography? Because the last time I checked, India doesn't border Afghanistan and the other access routes don't appear to be so favorable, except for causing manageable nuisance.

So, where exactly would this direct Indian help come from? Through Iran? From above China or Pakistan? Thorough the mountains of Central Asia, perhaps?

What an inexperienced impulse-driven President of USA fails to realize is that here's no victory in Afghanistan, without Pakistan getting on board. Doubt that? Go ahead with the policy of isolation and blame shifting, you will see yourself standing on square-one in a couple years time-frame.

They are looking for economical assistance from India not dirty job as you did before..
They are looking for economical assistance from India not dirty job as you did before..
Well if you are that naive, let me tell you that you are being brought over solely for your "nuisance value" and nothing else, certainly nothing constructive. The USA hasn't run out of money so to call a country which has no direct feasible route, that too to Afghanistan, for economic assistance.
Well if you are that naive, let me tell you that you are being brought over solely for your "nuisance value" and nothing else, certainly nothing constructive. The USA hasn't run out of money so to call a country which has no direct feasible route, that too to Afghanistan, for economic assistance.

They want indian soldiers in A-stan which is not going to happen. India already committed a lot of economic assistance to a-stan.
Lol... The idea is denying "Strategic Deapth" To my neighbour.. .. and we are successful in that...

As far back as I can remember, they've never had it anyways.

Pakistan at its widest is less than an Indian state wide ....

And the widest traverses restive lands.

Cheers, Doc
As far back as I can remember, they've never had it anyways.

Pakistan at its widest is less than an Indian state wide ....

And the widest traverses restive lands.

Cheers, Doc
Just think why they need A strategic depth ?... Answer is in your post.... Implications of this strategic depth was far more damaging than you assume.... Clue: Kashmir unrest
Just think why they need A strategic depth ?... Answer is in your post.... Implications of this strategic depth was far more damaging than you assume.... Clue: Kashmir unrest

Yes I know.

I use three dots when I'm trying to be clever ...

Cheers, Doc
Well if you are that naive, let me tell you that you are being brought over solely for your "nuisance value" and nothing else, certainly nothing constructive. The USA hasn't run out of money so to call a country which has no direct feasible route, that too to Afghanistan, for economic assistance.

Because of someone" nuisance" US swinging away.. US helped you since decades, now they are maintaining distance.. am not sure who is nuisance to whom! ..

An idiot with a microphone or a Twitter account is still an idiot. Remember he is Irish and against immigrants yet where is his wife from?

Yet that Idiot matters to rest of world, because of the "POTUS" tag coming along with his name...
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — President Trump’s appeal for India’s help on Afghanistan set off alarm bells on Tuesday in Pakistan, where officials warned that the approach risked jolting a tumultuous relationship. They also expressed relief that Mr. Trump did not call for abrupt reductions in military aid to Pakistan, which the United States has long accused of going easy on militants.

As part of Mr. Trump’s new plan for addressing the 16-year United States conflict in Afghanistan, he asked India — which Pakistan has historically seen as its enemy — to “help us more,” especially with economic assistance.

Mr. Trump also reiterated his predecessors’ calls that Islamabad crack down on militant groups that have waged attacks from bases in Pakistani territory.

“We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars at the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting,” Mr. Trump said on Monday, although he stopped short of cutting off military aid, as some Pakistani elites had feared.

Pakistan and the United States have long had a troubled relationship, increasingly strained by differences over Pakistan’s role in Afghanistan. Even before American military and intelligence operatives tracked down and killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011, American officials chided Pakistan’s military and intelligence agency as harboring or turning a blind eye to militants.

The military also decided not to put forth a formal public response. In what could be viewed as a pre-emptive move, Major Gen Asif Ghafoor, the military spokesman, had said in a press briefing earlier on Monday that no terror group was operating inside Pakistan.

Sehar Kamran, an opposition senator who leads an Islamabad-based think tank, said Mr. Trump’s plan appeared to be “more of the same, under much more colorful language and contradictory bluster.”

“The shift from a timeline-oriented approach to a condition-based one, I think, is only the vocalization of a longstanding practice,” she said, adding. “What is concerning for Pakistan, however, is the contradiction within his statement that expresses both an acknowledgment of the country’s sacrifices while simultaneously downplaying them by continuing accusations of ‘sheltering terrorists,’ and doing not enough with billions and billions paid by America.”

Ms. Kamran said that pushing India to play a stronger role inside Afghanistan would isolate Washington’s friends in Islamabad “without realizing, understanding or perhaps deliberately underestimating the impact of increasing Indian presence on Pakistan’s western border.”

“An unnecessary flexing of military muscles and the deployment of additional troops at this time will only undo much that has been achieved over many years diplomatically, and serve to further antagonize regional countries like Pakistan, China and Russia,” she said.

Analysts said Pakistan’s dependence on American aid had declined in recent years — partly as China flexes its military might in South Asia — giving policy makers in Islamabad more room to maneuver.

“Pakistan is prepared to absorb the impact of a more assertive U.S. policy toward the country,” said Arif Rafiq, a nonresident fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington. “It’s the most economically stable that it’s been in a decade, thanks in part to massive Chinese investment, and it has managed to secure much of its border regions despite the withdrawal of most U.S. combat forces.”

Mr. Rafiq said that Pakistan also knows that it has several options to counter punitive actions by Washington, including closing supply routes to Afghanistan.

“I think what Pakistan hopes for is the U.S. to engage it as a partner in Afghanistan, rather than as a contractor deputed to arrest or kill insurgent leaders named by Washington,” Mr. Rafiq said. “That requires coordination on border security and a structured dialogue process with the Taliban. I think Islamabad will remain rather firm in steering its engagement with both Kabul and Washington in that direction.”

Other analysts offered an even more scathing view of Mr. Trump’s speech.

“By inviting India to be more active in Afghanistan, Trump has confirmed the worst fears of Pakistan’s generals: that America is in cahoots with India against Pakistan,” said Mosharraf Zaidi, a foreign-policy analyst in Islamabad.

“There may never be a perfect approach to convince Pakistan to abandon the Haqqani network, but this speech was a terrible attempt,” Mr. Zaidi said, referring to the Pakistan-based militant group that has been blamed for most of the deadly attacks inside Afghanistan.

However, Maria Sultan, a defense analyst based in Islamabad and director general of the South Asian Strategic Stability Institute, said the Trump policy was “not as bad as we were expecting. The responsibility has been essentially shifted to Afghanistan.”

She warned that intelligence-based operations against groups inside Pakistan might increase. “This will further reduce the space for cooperation between Pakistan and U.S. and will be counterproductive for a long-term relationship,” Ms. Sultan said.
US know where to get cheap mercenaries from, still confused , see last 15 years of your north western borders, WoT and drone bombings.

Indian wont send troops to Afghanistan for fighting

Its your politicians/ generals who have been selling lives of your soldiers/ fellow countrymen for some cash (aid) since 15 years (WoT, fighting US war with Pakistani blood), now they (US) are asking for more

alright but why is your intelligence agency raw is organizing in afghanistan
last year one of your soldier rape an afghani girl near embassy
still no clearance???????
why are you thirsty to them for trade??
what you got to be there?
TTP creation is the same from your agency
isnt that double mother fukr face???????
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