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Trump’s Request for India’s Help in Afghanistan Rattles Pakistan

We may increase the scale of assistance..... But No boots on ground.. not from Indian Army to the say least.....
Let us agree it is a mess and it is better to be safe in that mess....

No...I guess not...but I am sure Indian presence will increase. Afghanistan for India is very important, and Modi will surely not squander this opportunity.
Afghans and Soviets went their with the guns we are neither going to capture Afghans nor we have intention to rule them or install a government of our choice.

If in the process fck up Pakistan we wont have problem with that.

Like how your mama's phudda and ghand-hole gets f**ked by big strong alpha Pakistani/Muslim lund while your papa likes to watch. Your papa likes to watch your mama take it in every hole by a gang of Pakistanis/Muslims every night. Your papa also likes it when your mama swallows a good pint of Pakistani/Muslim juice. After which both your mama and papa worship and pay their respects to Pakistani/Muslim lund. Thats why you indians are all sadomasochists who are obsessed with us and come on PDF. There's no other explanation for this.
china se poch jaa ke ( chamanttt moh pe pardi hai raseed ke china ke moh pe doklam * me , musharaf k ebhi pardi thi kargil *me aab kisiani billi ki tarah bachta fir raha hai ) , who is coward .

* hindu baniya darpok hai , kuch nahi karega ! >? !!!

China slap India when ever he feel doing it, remember you don't enjoy 7-1 advantage over them. But Afghanistan is our backyard and Indians very well know Pakistan will make sure to kill many of them before they pull out.

Neither ; it is the Afghans who like us and want us

If Afghans did nt want us ; we would be out in a minute

First get there like Trump is asking.
You're coming after the wrong guy here.

You want to know the real facts on the ground in Afghanistan? You talk with the Soldiers & Marines. See what they think of drug-addicted, child raping, awol going A"NA". Not the Generals or Ambassadors who come to visit outposts for 2 hours listening to the good stories.

Pakistan has failed itself here. By continuing to act like it has the greatest role to play in Afghanistan to a country that decides it's military strategy in the hands of politicians who were spoon-fed their entire life. Pakistan inherited Afghanistan after the Soviets left and Taliban took over. It let itself be plagued by tribalism of someone else's politics when it can't even handle it's own.

Ask any American on the street of NYC or Charlottesville Pakistan is the one providing safe haven.

Pakistan's "strongly worded" response should be to double down on it's results it's achieved. 40% of Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban not Pakistan. Pakistan's Army has advanced to it's International border with Afghanistan. Pakistan had fortified it's border with fences, walls, trench, and posts. Most importantly ut needs to give Afghan refugees a dignified return to their country. Demarcate the border. And wipe it's hands "clean". Of everything Pakistan has accomplished, perhaps it might need to remove itself and see the results.

Pakistan is a nobody compared to the US. It's news media will barely attract attention. Type in Pakistan to a google search Indian sources come up. Type in Pakistan to youtube, Indian sources. You get the idea. Pakistan's voice will never penetrate to Americans. All the coverage on Pakistan is negative. And to a President who gets his news from what he watches on Fox and Friends, god help you. The only thing saving Pakistan is some guy/lady who's duas are accepted. Not NS's "revolution", IK's dharnas, or COAS's "we want recognition" to CENTCOM's commander.

Who's better than an American to explain the American policy and thinking behind it? I believe, the facts on the Afghan ground haven't changed, if not gotten worse, for a long period of time.

So the only way to win, is to not play, somehow?

Get more indian raw agents into Afghnistan.
More Spies cause more unrest across afghan pak border......... blane it on pak terror groups

Doval will licking his lips

Get a few billion $$ in aid as well from USA in pretext of helping

NICE ,,,,,,,,, VERY NICE

Like how your mama's phudda and ghand-hole gets f**ked by big strong alpha Pakistani/Muslim lund while your papa likes to watch. Your papa likes to watch your mama take it in every hole by a gang of Pakistanis/Muslims every night. Your papa also likes it when your mama swallows a good pint of Pakistani/Muslim juice. After which both your mama and papa worship and pay their respects to Pakistani/Muslim lund. Thats why you indians are all sadomasochists who are obsessed with us and come on PDF. There's no other explanation for this.

There alpha males you boast about ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE this

NO OFFENSE but they looked retarded & handicapped

Afghans and Soviets went their with the guns we are neither going to capture Afghans nor we have intention to rule them or install a government of our choice.

If in the process fck up Pakistan we wont have problem with that.

What was karzai then ? A Pakistani puppet ?

First of all, USA started war in Afghanistan to remove Taliban because they were accused of harboring OBL and co. Talubans told ok give us evidence and then we will let our justice to do the work.... I suppose it is this way justice work if no extradition agreement exists between two countries.

I'm not supporting Taliban but I'm speaking about the principles of justice at international level.

So now they are loosing because a third world country aka Pakistan successfully managed coached and or supported a group who is fighting an occupational force ?

Oh my God ! I never would have believed that mt country is so powerful..

Like how your mama's phudda and ghand-hole gets f**ked by big strong alpha Pakistani/Muslim lund while your papa likes to watch. Your papa likes to watch your mama take it in every hole by a gang of Pakistanis/Muslims every night. Your papa also likes it when your mama swallows a good pint of Pakistani/Muslim juice. After which both your mama and papa worship and pay their respects to Pakistani/Muslim lund. Thats why you indians are all sadomasochists who are obsessed with us and come on PDF. There's no other explanation for this.
Please keep proper language many thanks
What was karzai then ? A Pakistani puppet ?

First of all, USA started war in Afghanistan to remove Taliban because they were accused of harboring OBL and co. Talubans told ok give us evidence and then we will let our justice to do the work.... I suppose it is this way justice work if no extradition agreement exists between two countries.

I'm not supporting Taliban but I'm speaking about the principles of justice at international level.

So now they are loosing because a third world country aka Pakistan successfully managed coached and or supported a group who is fighting an occupational force ?

Oh my God ! I never would have believed that mt country is so powerful..

Please keep proper language many thanks
Tell me bro what will you do if you have the capability to bomb a country which has been harbouring terrorists which you have been fighting ,and the country too claims they are fighting the terrorists and taking money from you and in the end you find the biggest terrorist you are looking for living next to that countries biggest military base what will you do .

Get more indian raw agents into Afghnistan.
More Spies cause more unrest across afghan pak border......... blane it on pak terror groups

Doval will licking his lips

Get a few billion $$ in aid as well from USA in pretext of helping

NICE ,,,,,,,,, VERY NICE

There alpha males you boast about ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE this
View attachment 420296

NO OFFENSE but they looked retarded & handicapped


These are the guys that were gang-banging your mama in every hole while your papa watched...........:lol:
Your mama also swallowed the juice and took it in her ghand-hole from each of these men.......your papa saw all of this......:lol:

Your mama's phuddi is now a phuddah with lots of falludah for these men....:lol:
i told already he is inviting indians to afghanistan.
good decision
lets indian have a cup of tea with afghan taliban
but no sugar in the tea because they like bullets.
That's good let india do more in afghanistan to make taliban angry then india will be tasting the same flavor that we have been.
Who's better than an American to explain the American policy and thinking behind it? I believe, the facts on the Afghan ground haven't changed, if not gotten worse, for a long period of time.
So the only way to win, is to not play, somehow?

Pakistani-American. There really doesn't seem to be a shift per se. The Americans have always wanted India to get involved, and while Trump did criticize Pakistan he also acknowledged it's contribution. But it's up to Pakistan to see 100% of their contribution not have 20% given to them as a pat on the back.

Facts on the ground haven't changed. The Afghan population is tired of war and will support whoever has the most guns in the neighborhood. Be it Americans, Brits, Italians, A"NA". But the US is no $100s of Billions short of $$$. With the only thing to show is Chinese State Enterprises coming, mining, and hauling. The Chinese to this day haven't opened up their side of the Wakhan Corridor.

4,000 more troops aren't going to make much of a difference when the army they're supposed to be handing off security operation to is addicted to opium. 1 false positive of a p!ss test by a Marine is career over for him/her. The A"NA" and Police walk around higher than Sputnik.

A lot of people say "best defense is a great offense." But why get involved? The Swiss allowed German/Franch/Italian/Austria-Hungary supply lines to crisscross their country in WW1 and WW2. Only problem is the Allies nor the Axis gave a sh!t about the other because the Swiss vaulted their gold.

Pakistan tried to get involved with the Afghan Peace Process. But the portions of the Afghan Govt. didn't like the deal and outed the death of Mullah whats his face. So no peace and beginning of a major Taliban offensive, once they got beating each other out for the top leadership position. Since then the Taliban have launched major attacks and taken over entire cities thousands of miles from the Durand Line.

Best way to play is to not play at all. Throw out unregistered refugees. And finalize the final dignified Afghan refugee camp closures. Winter is already here, so it'll be inhumane to throw them out, but come spring. The Afghans either leave with dignity or are thrown out with only their clothes. Take a lesson from Iran's handling of their portion of the Afghanistan border. Thousands of Afghans are preyed upon in the camps and slums by Taliban, there's no denying that. Remove the problem and give it to the country who's the zimadar of the problem.
Pakistani-American. There really doesn't seem to be a shift per se. The Americans have always wanted India to get involved, and while Trump did criticize Pakistan he also acknowledged it's contribution. But it's up to Pakistan to see 100% of their contribution not have 20% given to them as a pat on the back.

Facts on the ground haven't changed. The Afghan population is tired of war and will support whoever has the most guns in the neighborhood. Be it Americans, Brits, Italians, A"NA". But the US is no $100s of Billions short of $$$. With the only thing to show is Chinese State Enterprises coming, mining, and hauling. The Chinese to this day haven't opened up their side of the Wakhan Corridor.

4,000 more troops aren't going to make much of a difference when the army they're supposed to be handing off security operation to is addicted to opium. 1 false positive of a p!ss test by a Marine is career over for him/her. The A"NA" and Police walk around higher than Sputnik.

A lot of people say "best defense is a great offense." But why get involved? The Swiss allowed German/Franch/Italian/Austria-Hungary supply lines to crisscross their country in WW1 and WW2. Only problem is the Allies nor the Axis gave a sh!t about the other because the Swiss vaulted their gold.

Pakistan tried to get involved with the Afghan Peace Process. But the portions of the Afghan Govt. didn't like the deal and outed the death of Mullah whats his face. So no peace and beginning of a major Taliban offensive, once they got beating each other out for the top leadership position. Since then the Taliban have launched major attacks and taken over entire cities thousands of miles from the Durand Line.

Best way to play is to not play at all. Throw out unregistered refugees. And finalize the final dignified Afghan refugee camp closures. Winter is already here, so it'll be inhumane to throw them out, but come spring. The Afghans either leave with dignity or are thrown out with only their clothes. Take a lesson from Iran's handling of their portion of the Afghanistan border. Thousands of Afghans are preyed upon in the camps and slums by Taliban, there's no denying that. Remove the problem and give it to the country who's the zimadar of the problem.

I figured that much. We are aware of that also, but the latest change in policy, signals a bigger role for India in Afghanistan, than ever before. Suffice to say that it has gotten Islamabad worried. As for the contributions, to request to have it acknowledged, seemed pathetic and desperate. See, war and bloodshed appears to be in the Afghan DNA, its not something you can get tired of, these guys have been fighting with others and within themselves for the last century or so. I have always believed one thing, the Afghans like to live this way, there's no other explanation for them, not wanting to make things right. The Afghan addiction to opium can be explained by the same, recurrent and persistent violence greatly increases the reliance on mind-altering drugs. The ANA or by extension, the Afghan nation, have picked up a maladaptive coping-mechanism, while continuing to partake in more violence. They have chosen to replace the sorrow, grief, anger and frustration caused by chronic conflicts, high unemployment, extreme poverty and unending insecurity with short term feelings of transcendent relaxation, blissful apathy and euphoria, caused by opium which is cheap and easily available in Afghanistan. The ANA's addiction to opium, to make a safe bet, is going nowhere, regardless of what the US tries to do there. In the end, its the Afghan forces that have to take control of the country, no foreign coalition is going to stay in that land indefinitely.

I agree with you, when you say that we have tried everything, now lets try doing nothing for a while. Whats the Afghan Govt, anyway, for us to deal with? There's no central authority in that country. I believe that we are on the right path, the terrorist stronghold in the North West Pakistan, specially the tribal areas have been dealt with, effectively. For the first time, the traffic on the border is being regulated, the border has been fenced to a certain extent and more checkpoints have been built. Maybe, the planners in Islamabad, learned something this time. Maybe, the former obsession with finding strategic depth, has gone for good.
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