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Trump Told Russia To Get Clinton's Emails. The Same Day, They Obeyed.


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Trump Told Russia To Get Clinton's Emails. The Same Day, They Obeyed.

Amanda Terkel,HuffPost• July 13, 2018

In the morning of July 27, 2016, Donald Trump encouraged Russian hackers to find emails that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a press conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russia appeared to be listening and heeded Trump’s call, according to a bombshell revelation on Friday. A grand jury convened by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for their involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.

The indictment states that on July 27 ? the same day as Trump’s press conference ? Russian hackers, “for the first time,” attempted to break into email accounts, including those used by Clinton’s personal office. Notably, the indictment specifies that the hack happened in the evening, meaning the Russian officials could have done it after Trump’s press conference.

Around the same time, they also tried hacking the Clinton campaign ? although the hacking of the campaign began earlier, before Trump’s call.

Whatever you do or say the Trumpety Trump is going no where.
Clinton is Putin's pet. Clinton cuts defense budget and floods America with Mexicans. Without America, Russia rules the world.
Inside Putin's feared GRU spy network that casts a shadowy web of covert operations across the globe and whose agents are blamed by Mueller for trying to influence the 2016 US election

Special Counsel handed down indictments against 12 members of the GRU

Full name is Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

An afterthought in USSR , it is now country's largest foreign intelligence agency


Russians best at hacking. They can hack any country's election and elect anyone they like. While at the same time their counter hacking is so good no country can hack Russia election.

They say Russians are the smartest people on the planet. They are absolutely right.
Trump Told Russia To Get Clinton's Emails. The Same Day, They Obeyed.

Amanda Terkel,HuffPost• July 13, 2018

In the morning of July 27, 2016, Donald Trump encouraged Russian hackers to find emails that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a press conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russia appeared to be listening and heeded Trump’s call, according to a bombshell revelation on Friday. A grand jury convened by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for their involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.

The indictment states that on July 27 ? the same day as Trump’s press conference ? Russian hackers, “for the first time,” attempted to break into email accounts, including those used by Clinton’s personal office. Notably, the indictment specifies that the hack happened in the evening, meaning the Russian officials could have done it after Trump’s press conference.

Around the same time, they also tried hacking the Clinton campaign ? although the hacking of the campaign began earlier, before Trump’s call.


Russia seems to be comfortably place itself within the deepest and most sensitive intricacies of the US politics.

That's a great leverage that the USSR did not have.

Is Mr. Putin too smart or the US regime turned less scientific?
Well, considering the US economy is good, Trump is a shoe in for a second term. I suppose Democrats will scream Russia hacked the 2020 election and put Trump into another term. No?
Well, considering the US economy is good, Trump is a shoe in for a second term. I suppose Democrats will scream Russia hacked the 2020 election and put Trump into another term. No?

2020 elections will be one of the funniest to watch. I am looking forward to it. It will be the first big political war between white and non-white.
G.R.U. is a Russia military spy net. It won't take the order from individual. That must be an order from high ranking. Obviously there was a secret deal between the spy nets of the two nations. So when Americans look into who helped Trump, Russian politicians asked, "where was US spy when we elected Trump as president?" It's the US spy that colluded with the Russian's to elect Trump as president.
Trump is a fool but let's not kid ourselves. He is far worse to Russia than Hillary would have been. If I were Russia I would have liked Gary Johnson or Jill Stein as president. Those two are really easy on Russia.
Trump is a fool but let's not kid ourselves. He is far worse to Russia than Hillary would have been. If I were Russia I would have liked Gary Johnson or Jill Stein as president. Those two are really easy on Russia.

Trump is under domestic partizan pressure. So, he needs to show a tougher face than warranted, hurting, in fact, US long-term interests.

US foreign policy is not flexible anymore. It is very direct, "my way or highway" style. Maybe it works in the short term, but it also eats away from credibility.

Not that I complain. Gods bless Trump.
Trump is under domestic partizan pressure. So, he needs to show a tougher face than warranted, hurting, in fact, US long-term interests.

US foreign policy is not flexible anymore. It is very direct, "my way or highway" style. Maybe it works in the short term, but it also eats away from credibility.

Not that I complain. Gods bless Trump.

Trump is a man of no principle. Hillary is. Trump is a lunatic bastard self centered low life. Russia don't like him.
Ex-FBI agent: Trump got elected, thanks to Russia
David Knowles,Yahoo News •August 1, 2018

“Yes. I think just alone the hacking, particularly of the DNC and the time to release by WikiLeaks and DCLeaks and others of hacked materials offset the media narrative,” Watts, who has been an outspoken critic of the current president, told “Bots & Ballots” host Grant Burningham.

For many agents in the FBI, Watts said it became clear that the biggest goal for “active measures” was advancing Trump’s presidential bid, in part by utilizing vulnerable social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

“By the time 2016 came around, it was very clear that they had four campaign messages that they wanted to push. The first one was very anti-Hillary Clinton, and that was from the beginning. The second one was very pro-Trump,” Watts said. “The third one was when the hacking kicked in, which was that Bernie Sanders got a raw deal from the DNC, and you can see that in these hacked emails. That’s really when we started to see that hacking was starting to power influence. And the last one, which was very minor, was that you still need to show up for Jill Stein. So, the equation was quite clear, it was how do we elevate Trump to the top spot and sort of suppress Clinton turnout and people wanting to support her.”

In “Messing With the Enemy,” his new book on modern cyberwarfare campaigns, Watts said that the election results in traditionally Democratic states like Michigan and Wisconsin prove just how effective the Russian campaign was. Still, Watts notes that because of incomplete social media data and notoriously inaccurate polling, that it’s “almost impossible to prove one way or another whether Russia won the election” for Trump. What is clear is that Trump’s election was itself a victory for Moscow.

Ex-FBI agent: Trump got elected, thanks to Russia
David Knowles,Yahoo News •August 1, 2018

“Yes. I think just alone the hacking, particularly of the DNC and the time to release by WikiLeaks and DCLeaks and others of hacked materials offset the media narrative,” Watts, who has been an outspoken critic of the current president, told “Bots & Ballots” host Grant Burningham.

For many agents in the FBI, Watts said it became clear that the biggest goal for “active measures” was advancing Trump’s presidential bid, in part by utilizing vulnerable social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

“By the time 2016 came around, it was very clear that they had four campaign messages that they wanted to push. The first one was very anti-Hillary Clinton, and that was from the beginning. The second one was very pro-Trump,” Watts said. “The third one was when the hacking kicked in, which was that Bernie Sanders got a raw deal from the DNC, and you can see that in these hacked emails. That’s really when we started to see that hacking was starting to power influence. And the last one, which was very minor, was that you still need to show up for Jill Stein. So, the equation was quite clear, it was how do we elevate Trump to the top spot and sort of suppress Clinton turnout and people wanting to support her.”

In “Messing With the Enemy,” his new book on modern cyberwarfare campaigns, Watts said that the election results in traditionally Democratic states like Michigan and Wisconsin prove just how effective the Russian campaign was. Still, Watts notes that because of incomplete social media data and notoriously inaccurate polling, that it’s “almost impossible to prove one way or another whether Russia won the election” for Trump. What is clear is that Trump’s election was itself a victory for Moscow.


Prove it. If they nuke Russia on the pretext Russia hacked 2016 election, then Russia nuke America and kill every American.

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