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Trump to Imran Khan: Afghanistan could be 'wiped off the face of the earth...literally in 10 days


There is also a message for pakistan in it as well---.

With the US---if it goes out of line---you have to address the issue right away---otherwise they take it for granted that all is well---.
Yes, looks like this was a message to all stakeholders in the region.

On a positive note, Afghans have no escape from this situation; these junglee people will have to mend their ways now to ensure lasting peace in the region. Great for Pakistan.
United States of America has awesome power. It could wipe out 3/4 of the earth and not flinch. So it's capability to nuke Afghanistan is as applicable to any other country. However in the times we live in great powers can't do genocide like they used to.
u.s cannot nuke russia and china that is why trump not make such comments on Syria as russia is present there and threatening russia will lead to u.s being wiped out of earth also.The problem is that we are too weak so trump is threatening with nukes
I wonder if Imran even talked at all?
Trump did all the talking lol
although I am not bothered. if someone talks to much then he gives himself away.

00:21:41 Imran did talk again about peaceful settlement of Afghan war

Just one USS carrier like Gerald F. Ford could take out entire PAF in 48 hours and the have enough planes left to take on another local country.

wrong comparison
such battles of the present day are not fought in isolation. that carrier group cant wipe out the PAF it will need help from rest of American forces.
u.s cannot nuke russia and china that is why trump not make such comments on Syria as russia is present there and threatening russia will lead to u.s being wiped out of earth also.The problem is that we are too weak so trump is threatening with nukes
The idiots that are egging on the nuking of Afghanistan are the same ones who croak "Muslim" and spit "Islam" at every turn. Do they not know that there are 36 million Muslims in Afghanistan? And there are children, women and old people. Are they all responsible for whatever issues that exist? So what these so called "Muslims" are saying is when you have differances with some Muslims it's okay to nuke them. Besides that moral issue that will simply fly over there heads we have the geo-politics to think about.

  • The only reason Trump invited PMIK was the US is stuck in Afghanistan and knows Pakistan is cool with the Taliban [who are also Afghans by the way]. Pakistan's influence and compact with Afghan Taliban is what gives premium to Pakistan and makes us important to USA. Without Afghanistan US would not even invite us to a beggars party and would just tilt 100% toward India. The reason why USA has left Modi out in the cold and slapped the Indians in the face is because of Afghanistan. Specifically our influence on Afghan Taliban which is needed to bring peace. In a bizzare way all those dead Afghans and more that are fighting USA everyday give imporance to Pakistan as we can give USA exit out of the 18 year headache they have.

  • If they nuked Afghanistan out there would be massive radiation into K-Pk and Balochistan. Kiss goodbye to Peshwar, Quetta and Gwadar. In addition what exactly would stop the US to give us the same medicine or Iran?
USSR tried, wonderful ignorance
You are comparing military might of USSR in the 1980s to that of superpower US in the 21st century? There is no comparison in the power projection capabilities of the two.

Trump's point is straightforward; he does not desire deaths of millions of people in Afghanistan and its surroundings. He desire a peaceful resolution of issues in Afghanistan which will be great for Pakistan as well. Understand the message.
Guys go to 24.30. What Kargil failed to do PMIK did. Both leaders are actually discussing Kashmir thus highlighting that issue and contrary to the Indian position of Kashmir being strictly a Pak/India issue the suggestion that US might get involved to mediate the problem.
You are comparing military might of USSR in the 1980s to that of superpower US in the 21st century? There is no comparison in the power projection capabilities of the two.

Trump's point is straightforward; he does not desire deaths of millions of people in Afghanistan and its surroundings. He desire a peaceful resolution of issues in Afghanistan which will be great for Pakistan as well. Understand the message.

Its been 18 years.

Peace dont come from talk of war and destruction.
uch battles of the present day are not fought in isolation. that carrier group cant wipe out the PAF it will need help from rest of American forces.
Well aware of that and I know it fits in the wider carrier group but my point stands. Rest is splitting hairs.

Thank you for posting it for the Pakistanis---. I was about to---.

Well clearly you are not one of us...enjoy the beer and stay there. Fact is that they cant use nukes aside from that they have even used MOSBs so jog on trump

Guys go to 24.30. What Kargil failed to do PMIK did. Both leaders are actually discussing Kashmir thus highlighting that issue and contrary to the Indian position of Kashmir being strictly a Pak/India issue the suggestion that US might get involved to mediate the problem.
But dont expect anything as the Indians will refuse
I would also like to add that if it is okay for USA to nuke Muslims in Afghanistans [because it has issues with them] why is it not okay to wipe out the Muslims in India by the Indian majority who equally can claim it has issues with them? I mean we have 'resident Indians' here up in arms at every lynch but now the same people are fine with nuking a entire Muslim population. Where is the moral equivalence here?

But dont expect anything as the Indians will refuse
Indeed. But that does not mean we should not try to raise it as a issue. what better place then White House? Far more effective then a plan flying a banner over a cricket match.
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