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Trump to Imran Khan: Afghanistan could be 'wiped off the face of the earth...literally in 10 days

He needs way to out with nice baynyia..
Blood bath can never be considered Victory, the problem with ruthless killing is that you will only kill innocent Afghani's, Taliban , AQ and ISIS will be hiding deep in those Mountain caves where even American admits hard to get . So No Trump you simply can not Win Afghan war in 10 days, unless your Victory Objective is to kill 1 Million people , than yes you can win .
very true
its the innocent on both side that die
culprits escape and hide
they make us like this sir . we were very kind on them if you remember . but now if USA nuke them i will distribute sweets .
Nuclear radiation will badly affect Pakistan also and already we are facing environmental problems and our exports will fall as world will fear affect of radiation on our products for some years
United States of America has awesome power. It could wipe out 3/4 of the earth and not flinch. So it's capability to nuke Afghanistan is as applicable to any other country. However in the times we live in great powers can't do genocide like they used to.

There is also a message for pakistan in it as well---.

With the US---if it goes out of line---you have to address the issue right away---otherwise they take it for granted that all is well---.
IK should have said kill them and see if a single **** is given??
maybe they were let go deliberately , remember Tora bora Bombings ?
This is true actually. John Kerry was the first American politician to admit this several years later.

They have very powerful weapons which can go right through cave entrances and collapse entire cave complexes from within.
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