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Trump to Imran Khan: Afghanistan could be 'wiped off the face of the earth...literally in 10 days

Get Ya Wig Split

Feb 22, 2017
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United States
United States

He's actually right.
If he wanted to, the US military could commit genocide in Afghanistan and wipe it off the Earth.

Thankfully we live in a time where that is less likely to happen as it would go against all modern morality and norms.
This actually shows the American mindset on Afghanistan and by extension on all weaker muslim countries.

I have said this before and I am saying this again.. America doesn't want to win this war and neither do they want to get out of Afghanistan completely and here is why :-
He is not wrong … If they wanted to they have all the means to do that …. Kill 10+ million and kick remaining out of Aghnistan.. that's it..... problem solved ..
Is this fact very hard for people to understand?????? Leave all other "this and that" we have to safe Afghnistan from this tragic end..
Absolutely true.

If US is to exterminate Afghanistan, it can do so in a short span. However, a huge number of people will die in the process (>10 million).

American push for political reforms in Afghanistan, should not be mistaken for failure or weakness.

Hint: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/50...ce-of-us-forces-in-afghanistan-former-general

Afghan Taliban are also giving concessions.

I believe Trump administration is seeking a political endgame in Afghanistan which will be acceptable to Afghan Taliban and Pakistan as well (best for all). And there is ample progress in this direction as per hints from Taliban and other sources. Let us see.
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US President should not be saying that. Is he aware of US objectives in Afghanistan? To assist Afghani government development? As far as military object against AQ it's been achieved and over now.

Looking back it, seems like he is making case to US public for Afghanistan withdrawal or partial withdrawal.
Blood bath can never be considered Victory, the problem with ruthless killing is that you will only kill innocent Afghani's, Taliban , AQ and ISIS will be hiding deep in those Mountain caves where even American admits hard to get . So No Trump you simply can not Win Afghan war in 10 days, unless your Victory Objective is to kill 1 Million people , than yes you can win .
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