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Trump thanks Pakistan for anti Terrorism efforts l Applauds Progress in front of Modi & Supporters

Please, Pakistanis don't feel flattered too soon, this has less to do with West recognizing our sacrifices and more to do with them seeing us as a pawn in yet another bigger scheme of plans, so again, be skeptical if you have learned anything from history.
The theme of the century: the USA vs China...

The first shot has already left the barrel...
That Trump is liable to say anything at any given moment. Why are Indians surprised by this? I'm not.

At this point I say screw the Yanks what good they have done for us in general like I said only the elites benefited from strong ties with Washington at least the status quo has sorta woke up that Washington time as unipolar power is numbered so hitching on Beijing's wagon is now the top tier to do again not saying China is any better I would rather have us ally with Moscow yes I am Russophile I admit I prefer them over China mostly but the Russians will always be mistrustful of us so pragmatic relations will occur same with Iran Pakistan at this point whether the Anglo Babus like it or not is now going the Eurasian way

Your view is getting more currency in Pakistan these days. For a time, some folks wanted US to have a strategic balance between India and Pakistan. The arrival of China on the scene has changed everything. Interests between India and US have converged while Pakistan and US have diverged. Yes, it's better to seek more pragmatic relations with US, with a focus on economics and trade.

As for the Russians...can they ever be trusted by Pakistan? Russians are clearly tilted towards India and will be so for awhile.
Who know's, not saying that's not the case since it is an obvious one though nothing surprising as most countries base their ties with others on the basis of mutual interests (except Pakistan, that is), however all these years we've being hearing the narrative ; "Pakistan needs to stop harboring", "Pakistan is not doing enough", "Pakistan is a failed state", "Pakistan is a security threat" etv.......

To now, all of a sudden; "Pakistan is a tourist destination" "Pakistan is safe for women", "Pakistan has done so much to fight terrorism".

Please, Pakistanis don't feel flattered too soon, this has less to do with West recognizing our sacrifices and more to do with them seeing us as a pawn in yet another bigger scheme of plans, so again, be skeptical if you have learned anything from history.
You get these small oppertunitues and you work them in our favour. Why? Why you people make it a zero sum game.
Nobody in the world but Pakistanis are genuinely looking for Pakistani interest.
Stop this habit of finding a sugar daddy.
If they are friendly and nice, it's good that they are acknowledging our efforts.
They need us in Afghanistan. Yes.
But we need same in Afghanistan. We need to close the Afghanistan front to concentrate on India. Afghanistan in a form where taliban were in government in some form, they would make sure Afghanistan is not used for activities in Pakistan. And also trade relations with central Asia increase and major role of security in central Asia alloted to Pakistan.
They just wanted to leave. They have their interest. Now our interest are converged and working towards positive role. In return they are giving us lip service. May be more economic deals and investment plus some weapons in future.
We have fought terrorism but unable to shake the image of pakistan. Now if west is offering us that to shun our bad image then why are we so silly that we would not take what is given with the fear that it is not with good intention.
Everyone looks for their won interest. Even saudia and Turkey invetsment is not for the love of pakistan but their own strategic interest.
Learn to live with multiple friends at time.
Learn to become good acquantence rather then jandost.
I must give Trump credit. He is moving away from a one sided approach in S. Asia that Obama followed. Obama led the USA down a horrible path in S. Asia. Even Trump's S. Asia advisers Alice Wells (working with Hussain Haqqani) argued for a one sided approach.

I think the change is for two main reasons. First, Trump wants out of Afghanistan nation building. Second, was the Balakot strike and Operation Swift Retort. A one sided approach emboldened India into a confrontation that it had to back down from. The situation could have easily led to a mis-calculation and nuclear exchange. A nuclear exchange in S. Asia is not in America's interests. Operation Swift Retort also caused questions about India's military capability in Washington. How can India confront China if they can't stop a determined Pakistani counter-attack?
All the Pakistanies should listen to the whole speech before coming to conclusions.i watched it live and he did not mean what you guys are thinking.
All the Pakistanies should listen to the whole speech before coming to conclusions.i watched it live and he did not mean what you guys are thinking.
Its not just one speech. His behavior vis a vis Pakistan is dramatically different than Obama's and when he originally took office.
All the Pakistanies should listen to the whole speech before coming to conclusions.i watched it live and he did not mean what you guys are thinking.
Yeah well, I saw the repeat...doesn't change the meaning of what was being conveyed.

Yeah, he brought up the whole 'Terrorism' topic which was much expected 'cause he's there for business. He certainly isn't there for the samosas. He's looking to get re-elected & needs the votes of Indian-Americans.

We're just finding amusing that initially when he spoke of terrorism & Pakistan in the same sentence, the crowd went wild & Modi jee was applauding with that sh!t-eating grin of his and saying to himself, "Yeahhhhh!". Then it happened. Trump compliments Pakistan (just once). And now all the Indian Media are talking about it.

Rewind: Please watch & listen to the crowd in the background how that fully packed crowd went silent as if Trump was slaughtering a Cow in front of them for Bakra Eid.

The best bit: Modi's reaction. Priceless.

No, we're not getting excited that Trump meant something that you're insinuating that we guys are thinking. We just like a good laugh every once in a while.
Did he take you to a quiet room and tell you what he meant?
One must have special skills not to see what he ment . otherwise who will create threats on Trump did not have samosa,modi said dolaan trump.must be feeling neglected.

Yeah well, I saw the repeat...doesn't change the meaning of what was being conveyed.

Yeah, he brought up the whole 'Terrorism' topic which was much expected 'cause he's there for business. He certainly isn't there for the samosas. He's looking to get re-elected & needs the votes of Indian-Americans.

We're just finding amusing that initially when he spoke of terrorism & Pakistan in the same sentence, the crowd went wild & Modi jee was applauding with that sh!t-eating grin of his and saying to himself, "Yeahhhhh!". Then it happened. Trump compliments Pakistan (just once). And now all the Indian Media are talking about it.

Rewind: Please watch & listen to the crowd in the background how that fully packed crowd went silent as if Trump was slaughtering a Cow in front of them for Bakra Eid.

The best bit: Modi's reaction. Priceless.

No, we're not getting excited that Trump meant something that you're insinuating that we guys are thinking. We just like a good laugh every once in a while.
Did he take you to a quiet room and tell you what he meant?

Lol... why did you do that? (Can't stop laughing sire).

Trump is gaslighting Pakistanis.

There's a reason why Western propaganda machine is pumping out feel-good content about Pakistan and we Pakistanis should tread with caution.

The US views both Pakistan and India as simple "tools" for their hegemony, for Pakistan its useful for them in Afghanistan, for India its useful due its size and counterweight to China,Washington views both as that nothing else

*Pakistan has for decades sided with one dominant power the US and what they did for us sure for the "army babus" and "fifth column" great nice toys(F-16, tanks, weapons) property deals in NYC and London but for the people nothing instead we were used as tools in the 80s to weaken the Soviets and guess what ditched again we ditched the Talibs for freaking aid money and more shiny new toys grrrrr

*Trump whether you like him or not is at least honest about American hegemony and imperialism than nice toady shoes like Obama and Clinton or heck Bush

I don't know what makes you guys think that Pakistanis are selling themselves so short on mere statement as such? Nobody as after all, Pakistan has the most experience of US relations and learnt a lot. Its all just about flaming Modi and their preparations that Pakistan Evil will be said by Trump at all. Calm down and enjoy the show.

One must have special skills not to see what he ment . otherwise who will create threats on Trump did not have samosa,modi said dolaan trump.must be feeling neglected.

3 Billions Dollar deal is in-fact a huge note to understand. nobody is playing down on this. Unless there are details in public domain; people will talk about what is made public and in the mean time, its just reflection to how Indian Media gone crazy for these remarks. (there is a thread as well). Pakistan isn't putting all eggs in US basket for that statement and what is being discussed behind doors with ambition to extend further defence ties.
Lol... why did you do that? (Can't stop laughing sire).

I don't know what makes you guys think that Pakistanis are selling themselves so short on mere statement as such? Nobody as after all, Pakistan has the most experience of US relations and learnt a lot. Its all just about flaming Modi and their preparations that Pakistan Evil will be said by Trump at all. Calm down and enjoy the show.

3 Billions Dollar deal is in-fact a huge note to understand. nobody is playing down on this. Unless there are details in public domain; people will talk about what is made public and in the mean time, its just reflection to how Indian Media gone crazy for these remarks. (there is a thread as well). Pakistan isn't putting all eggs in US basket for that statement and what is being discussed behind doors with ambition to extend further defence ties.

Let's hope so but they are too many fifth column pseudo Liberals and Pseudo political babus work we gotta be careful
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Let's hope so but they our fifth column pseudo Liberals and Pseudo political babus work we gotta be careful

I don't see them even influencing our diplomatic mission. I agree that they are continuously at work with deception as such but things working in real time and are based upon the reality on the ground. However, these statements are an exhibit of change of narrative which India always expected against Pakistan and in open. This change didn't just come suddenly but our regional policy, importance and foreign diplomacy is paying well. We lacked a lot in past in regard to diplomatic competency and almost failed to squeeze the best of benefits for the nation but things are changing especially since tactics & team is in place with fully consistent of Pakistan First policy. So, now both the nations are working on mutual interest as well as benefit.

As long as our dealing profiting the parties involved, it is all good to go unless, someone incompetent turns blind eye at some point and provides full opportunity to the other side to cash it on and cost us more. Mind you, if a party takes advantage, is not wrong in view of respective national interest but that is our incompetence & negligence because these games are played on same rule of taking everything for the one's benefit.

See here... There is Kashmir mentioned as been out of sight for many and then, the relations with Pakistan without any blame game. Not to forget that man is on Indian Soil invited there for agreements and trade and whatever. Nobody goes gun blazing against anyone or denies on face on such level visits & talks. I am seeing change in there.

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Trump is Trump after all, anyone, be it Indian or Pakistani, deriving any joy from what he said or did not say, is just harbouring a wet dream. Powers like USA are only here to further their own interests...Pakistan of all, should know that by now.
Pakistan is the architect of peace. This is the reason, Allah created this beautiful country with an entirely new nation you never heard before in the entire human history (Pakistani). The world must recognize Pakistans' efforts for making this possible. South Asian Tiger is on way to bring peace in this beautiful world. As Trump has gratefully acknowledged on many occasions.This is a historical moment for everyone as Pakistan will represent itself in Doha Qatar to Sign the historical deal which is a peace deal. India did not get any favor from the USA despite having the tour of Donald Trump for Narender Modi. Let's see how India behave in this situation or create more problem in the region.
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