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Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

How is it gonna work while one side deal was not even involved in planning it & reject it from very beginning? the problem of the Palestine is merely "justice" and till it ain't getting done conflict would continue ... the american's problem over here is as the same as the Palestinian people which is both being taken hostage by zionist as the rest of the world .. trump needed their lobby and influence to enter oval office and got it without public vote back in 2016 which was paid back later on by handing out Golan height & Jerusalem on a golden plate to isreal beside tearing up Iran nuclear deal (all at expense of violating all international laws and norms) now he need them once more time to get rid of on going impeachment and also reelection incoming presidential election ... actually it's a good timing for bibi and trump but again Palestine would be neglected as it's been in the past several decades. but like a drop of water hitting a stone eventually a depression is made and then a hole justice would find it's way.

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Hagia sophia used materials from destroyed pagan temples the Ummayad mosque which was a former church. The church was actually built on top of pagan temple.

Cordoba was built by Muslims while Hagia sophia was built by Christians. If christians want hagia sophia give back Cordoba you hypocrite.

By the way Istanbul is Turkish and will always be Turkish until the end of time.

It is very different when religions are introduced by occupying armies from the outside, or due to internal affairs of a state.
Cordoba would be a war crime today, Hagia Sophia would not.

The way Turkey tries to makes enemies out of most surrounding countries is not the best of strategies for a stable situation.
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Hagia Sophia, The temple in Mecka, the Temple of Solomon and the S:t Peter Church was not built by Occupiers, while Al Aqsa and Cordoba was.
Big Difference.
you knew Al Aqsa was not built over the ruin of temple of Solomon . and Muslim had nothing to do with that temple destruction it was destroyed 700 years before the building of Al Aqsa. Al Aqsa was built over the ruins of another Mosque that was built over the ruin of a church
Plan still unfolding. The sickening fundamental is the support of Israel's 'new friends' in the region; Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, UAE and Oman.

Yes, give the Palstinians an Indian reservation, and their Arab 'brothers' will force them to accept it.

Treachery at its lowest.

Here we go again, your brainwashed delusions will force you to involve Saudi in everything that happens in the world. Trump literally thanked UAE, Oman, and Bahrain, and they even sent representatives. Did he thank Saudi? did Saudi send any representatives? No? so if you allow yourself to utter such fantasies, then you should allow others to do the same, so I'll start:

The sickening fundamental is the support of Israel's 'new friends' in the region; Britain, Pakistan, Sweden, Tunisia, Iraq, Comoros, Bahrein, UAE and Oman.

So make sense right?

And if Saudi, who has never had any relations with Israel, not the present and not in the past is considered a friend then what about countries who actually had relations and still have, like Turkey, Iran, and Qatar?

Iran have dealt with Israel after the 1979 revolution, they have filled the Israeli coffers with cash in the iran contra deal.

The following arms were supplied to Iran:[31][32]

  • First arms sales in 1981 (see above)
  • 20 August 1985 – 86 TOW anti-tank missiles
  • 14 September 1985 – 408 more TOWs
  • 24 November 1985 – 18 Hawk anti-aircraft missiles
  • 17 February 1986 – 500 TOWs
  • 27 February 1986 – 500 TOWs
  • 24 May 1986 – 508 TOWs, 240 Hawk spare parts
  • 4 August 1986 – More Hawk spares
  • 28 October 1986 – 500 TOWs
Qatar had open relations with Israel, and Turkey still has. They conduct military drills, they have trade deals in weapons and everything else.

Lets see what that thing called Arab leauge will bark:-)...

Maybe they will mention Ahmet Burak Erdogan (Erdogan's son) and how he should stop doing dealing with Israel with his company (MB shipping company)


Turks that slam others who even don't have relations with Israel for conspiring with Israel should really really shut the hell up.

Here's your sultan glorious moments:



Your hypocrisy is really stinking the whole world.
If christians want hagia sophia back then give back cordoba to the Muslims or turn it into a musuem if not shut up.
There is always this discussion about Andalus and Constantinople on the net and the Muslim used it as excuse which is not correct because Constantinople was Christian and turned into Muslims by ottomans while Spain was Christian and Muslim invaded it then the Christians liberated it so the Muslims stole a land that doesn’t belong to them which is Hagia Sophia while the Christians took a land that already belonged to them which is Córdoba but aside from all that Abrahamic garbage nonesence if anyone who would claim ownership of Jerusalem, Córdoba, Constantinople and the ummaiyad mosque it should be the pagans.

Which is avoiding the issue.

It is a matter of principle.
If Muslims want control over Al-Aqsa BECAUSE it is a holy place to them,
then tit-for-tat demands that Muslims relinguish control over the Hagia Sophia to the Orthodix church.

Anything else is pure hypocricy.
There is post of the net for many of them barking about the mosques in Spain and the Babri mosque in India but they are proud how Hagia Sophia became a mosque one one then was barking about mosque in Spain turned church while proud how qutb Minaj was built by stones that was taken from Hindu temples??!!!!:lol:
There is always this discussion about Andalus and Constantinople on the net and the Muslim used it as excuse which is not correct because Constantinople was Christian and turned into Muslims by ottomans while Spain was Christian and Muslim invaded it then the Christians liberated it so the Muslims stole a land that doesn’t belong to them which is Hagia Sophia while the Christians took a land that already belonged to them which is Córdoba but aside from all that Abrahamic garbage nonesence if anyone who would claim ownership of Jerusalem, Córdoba, Constantinople and the ummaiyad mosque it should be the pagans.
You are correct about your last sentence about pagans but if we want to talk in detail about haghia sophia then you should mention how it was first orthodox church then converted to catholic then to mosque and now museum so before musim take iver we should talk how western christians waged war against their “brothers”
As for the babri mosque there was indian report that says its not built on hindu temple ruins
You are correct about your last sentence about pagans but if we want to talk in detail about haghia sophia then you should mention how it was first orthodox church then converted to catholic then to mosque and now museum so before musim take iver we should talk how western christians waged war against their “brothers”
As for the babri mosque there was indian report that says its not built on hindu temple ruins
I was comparing the Muslims who brag about the babri mosque but at the same time glorifying Mahmoud of ghaznavi who destroyed many Hindu temples or how qutb monarchy was built by stones coming from destroyed Hindu temples.
It is very different when religions are introduced by occupying armies from the outside, or due to internal affairs of a state.
Cordoba would be a war crime today, Hagia Sophia would not.

The way Turkey tries to makes enemies out of most surrounding countries is not the best of strategies for a stable situation.
Cordoba would be a crime according to you but haghia sophia won’t is this unbiased opinion or not
Turks actually had always enemies just happened since 2011 these snakes to start conspire against turkey assad supported terroristic separatism for 40 years but when turkey strikes back everyone is biased and accuses turkey for syrian civil war
Us/europe support separatism against turkey
Greece also is doing the same but when they recieve strong response they go and cry to EU

I was comparing the Muslims who brag about the babri mosque but at the same time glorifying Mahmoud of ghaznavi who destroyed many Hindu temples or how qutb monarchy was built by stones coming from destroyed Hindu temples.
I am not disputing that muslim conquerors just like their christian counterparts have done some things that would’ve considered war crimes in 21century but regarding babri mosque indians themselves have report that contradicts hindu claims
We should also stop singling out only ottoman empire but keep mouth shut for western/russian(christian) empire
At least turkish is only official in anatolia(historical land where turks are situated since 1071) what about russian/french/english that is forced on refions where there aren’t russians/french/english people

Should i mention that 14 african states are forced to keep vast majority of their money in france plus they pay tax to France but hey let’s talk about armenians greeks and others we had ww1 they sided with enemies lots of killed for that betrayal both sides have victims but turkish casualties are deliberately forgotten but why those same french have killed 5 milion algerians inside algeria which is located in another continent far away from europe(france)
According to humanistic europe france is good but turkey is bad i am tired of double standards sometimes i wonder why turks haven’t killed all who were non-turks in 16th century it would have spared world from WW1
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Maybe they will mention Ahmet Burak Erdogan (Erdogan's son) and how he should stop doing dealing with Israel with his company (MB shipping company)


Turks that slam others who even don't have relations with Israel for conspiring with Israel should really really shut the hell up.

Here's your sultan glorious moments:



Your hypocrisy is really stinking the whole world.

Opppssss what have you done here mate? You have exposed the secret of Erdogan family.
you knew Al Aqsa was not built over the ruin of temple of Solomon . and Muslim had nothing to do with that temple destruction it was destroyed 700 years before the building of Al Aqsa. Al Aqsa was built over the ruins of another Mosque that was built over the ruin of a church

Al-Aqsa was likely built BECAUSE it was the site of the temple of Solomon.
The temple of Solomon was replaced within a century after its destruction
by the Second Temple , which was extended by Herod, and destroyed by the Romans
which built a pagan temple. When the Romans converted to Christianity,
they started building churches.
So you believe that a religion which build a religious site on top of a religious site of another religion has a clean conscious?
Al-Aqsa was likely built BECAUSE it was the site of the temple of Solomon.
The temple of Solomon was replaced within a century after its destruction
by the Second Temple , which was extended by Herod, and destroyed by the Romans
which built a pagan temple. When the Romans converted to Christianity,
they started building churches.
So you believe that a religion which build a religious site on top of a religious site of another religion has a clean conscious?
There is no evidence of the existence of Solomon temple and Muslims believe that Solomon is one of their prophets. Also Jerusalem it self was built on Canaanite lands who the Jews stole it after massacring them.
very bad deal for Palestine, while some may think "oh but the US will give billions of dollars in aid to Palestine" no that will not happen, while Trump promised that investments will happen in Palestine, but the US itself made it clear they themselves will not contribute a single dollar, so where will the money come from? the UAE? KSA? if they have any money to spare for Palestine then why don't they donate it now already?
Trump's promise of some high tech industrial zone in Palestine was just a prank from him, this "high tech" zone in Palestine will be probably be a giant garbage incinerating plant in which garbage from Israel would be burned, this way Israel can stay green while the Palestinians would be burning the trash, does any one seriously think the US will be building Boeing & Iphone factories in Palestine instead of Israel or some other Asian country?

any way Palestine is finished, Al-Quds will forever be Jewish property, Al-Aqsa will be Jewish property too though obviously muslims will still be allowed to visit, aside from whining & complaining at the UN the muslim world can do nothing about it.

the deal will happen, even if the Palestinians don't accept it, it will still happen.

all the time on youtube comment sections I see people saying "pfft, Israel is just few millions while we are one & a half billion, we will crush them", in reality? Israel has made it clear whose hopes will be crushed.
Here we go again, your brainwashed delusions will force you to involve Saudi in everything that happens in the world. Trump literally thanked UAE, Oman, and Bahrain, and they even sent representatives. Did he thank Saudi? did Saudi send any representatives? No? so if you allow yourself to utter such fantasies, then you should allow others to do the same, so I'll start:

The sickening fundamental is the support of Israel's 'new friends' in the region; Britain, Pakistan, Sweden, Tunisia, Iraq, Comoros, Bahrein, UAE and Oman.

So make sense right?

And if Saudi, who has never had any relations with Israel, not the present and not in the past is considered a friend then what about countries who actually had relations and still have, like Turkey, Iran, and Qatar?

Iran have dealt with Israel after the 1979 revolution, they have filled the Israeli coffers with cash in the iran contra deal.

The following arms were supplied to Iran:[31][32]

  • First arms sales in 1981 (see above)
  • 20 August 1985 – 86 TOW anti-tank missiles
  • 14 September 1985 – 408 more TOWs
  • 24 November 1985 – 18 Hawk anti-aircraft missiles
  • 17 February 1986 – 500 TOWs
  • 27 February 1986 – 500 TOWs
  • 24 May 1986 – 508 TOWs, 240 Hawk spare parts
  • 4 August 1986 – More Hawk spares
  • 28 October 1986 – 500 TOWs
Qatar had open relations with Israel, and Turkey still has. They conduct military drills, they have trade deals in weapons and everything else.

Maybe they will mention Ahmet Burak Erdogan (Erdogan's son) and how he should stop doing dealing with Israel with his company (MB shipping company)


Turks that slam others who even don't have relations with Israel for conspiring with Israel should really really shut the hell up.

Here's your sultan glorious moments:



Your hypocrisy is really stinking the whole world.

Shut yourself up, ther is differences between making bussines and selling your lands. KSA, Egypt and Uae are not with Palestine period.

So called Arab leagu wher they come together eat, sleep and fart didn't react against Trumpet:-) with ther deal of the century. Ooh but acting like lion against Turkey because of Libya was possible.

So what do you smell like?


You are trash nothing more, when 100 years pass away they will remember you people nothing but trash. They are losing lands and he comes with Erdogan ahahah....

Opppssss what have you done here mate? You have exposed the secret of Erdogan family.

why don't you kiss his *** same time:-), thats a dumb arab like you. Hia master is selling lands to jews and all he can tell is Erdogan like you.

And he is sponsoring ahahah...
Opppssss what have you done here mate? You have exposed the secret of Erdogan family.

Who said it was a secret? Your country's subservience to Israel is well known as opposed to the delusion that your kind spew.

Shut yourself up, ther is differences between making bussines and selling your lands. KSA, Egypt and Uae are not with Palestine period.

So called Arab leagu wher they come together eat, sleep and fart didn't react against Trumpet:-) with ther deal of the century. Ooh but acting like lion against Turkey because of Libya was possible.

So what do you smell like?


You are trash nothing more, when 100 years pass away they will remember you people nothing but trash. They are losing lands and he comes with Erdogan ahahah....

Your source is an Israeli scandal gossip website :jester: you are this desperate. I post documents and realities and you link to this.

Have a look at some titles of their retarded articles:

Signs of Turkish-Saudi rapprochement horrify Israel
Saudi jets helping Israel strike pro-Iran militias on Syria-Iraq border
What is Ayatollah Biden apologising for?


If you believe this then Saudi would had sold Palestine 100 times before this throughout the years. Because as you know Palestine is owned by Saudi Arabia, and when the Saudi king sells palestine for the 100th time, the Palestinians would immediately submit. Also as you know, on the world stage, whenever there's a claim of occupation by Israel, they instantly show the receipts and proofs of purchase of Palestine from those countries.

Can you tell me how many Turkish soldiers died trying to free Palestine from the Israeli occupation?

Yes, Zero, just like Iranian martyrs fighting Israel. Again, zero.

Saudi? Egypt? you guessed it, hundreds and thousands.

This is your president:


This is my king:


King Salman is the Egyptian army vs Israel.

This is a list of the martyrs of only 1 Saudi tribe out of many who died in the war to free Palestine:


You are trash nothing more, when 100 years pass away they will remember you people nothing but trash. They are losing lands and he comes with Erdogan ahahah....

Why do your people always resort to insults when they can't respond logically? :yes4:
Who said it was a secret? Your country's subservience to Israel is well known as opposed to the delusion that your kind spew.

Your source is an Israeli scandal gossip website :jester: you are this desperate. I post documents and realities and you link to this.

Have a look at some titles of their retarded articles:

Signs of Turkish-Saudi rapprochement horrify Israel
Saudi jets helping Israel strike pro-Iran militias on Syria-Iraq border
What is Ayatollah Biden apologising for?


If you believe this then Saudi would had sold Palestine 100 times before this throughout the years. Because as you know Palestine is owned by Saudi Arabia, and when the Saudi king sells palestine for the 100th time, the Palestinians would immediately submit. Also as you know, on the world stage, whenever there's a claim of occupation by Israel, they instantly show the receipts and proofs of purchase of Palestine from those countries.

Can you tell me how many Turkish soldiers died trying to free Palestine from the Israeli occupation?

Yes, Zero, just like Iranian martyrs fighting Israel. Again, zero.

Saudi? Egypt? you guessed it, hundreds and thousands.

This is your president:


This is my king:


King Salman is the Egyptian army vs Israel.

This is a list of the martyrs of only 1 Saudi tribe out of many who died in the war to free Palestine:


Why do your people always resort to insults when they can't respond logically? :yes4:

Logically? Don't bring old pictures when you fought 7 days war what you lost:-). In the end you are selling Palestine to Jews and sponsoring it. You are really nothing but trash!
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