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Trump: 'Saudi Arabia buys a lot, I don't want to lose them'

Guy has guts.

"We lose $4.5 billion on a country to defend them, and they're rich," Trump said.

"So I called them. I said: listen, no good. They were in a state of shock because they've never got a call like this in 25 years, right," he said as the crowd cheered.

Trump went on: "I said we're losing $4.5 billion every year, we can't do this anymore. This is crazy. He [King Salman] got very upset, angry, said this is not fair. I said, of course, this is fair. He said we'll give you $500 million more ... I said I want more. We argued. So they paid us more than $500 million for one phone call, it took me one call."

He said the king then asked him why he was calling, because "nobody had made such a call".

"That's because they were stupid!" Trump said.
The King's response: 'a couple more injections for my conscience, it might wake up after this one'.
all that money spent by the Saudis. and their military is a joke that has almost 0 independent fighting capability without the americans holding their hands.

its just an open bribe to the American arms industry in exchange for American support to keep the preffered prince in power. the qajars in Iran used to make these sort of deals with foriegners, the only difference being they didn't have the billion in oil revenues and instead traded Iranian territory and lucrative economic rights in exchange for support in keeping the crown.

do arabs really not have any sense of pride and self dignity? how can Saudis watch this guy humiliating their "king" and not get embarrassed?
Almost the same spending as France..what threats is France facing?
Not my problem by you are saying 9.6% of GDP is equal to 2.5% of GDP.
By the way you expect at least some formal complaint is made to USA embassy over the trump tweets but I guess nobody expect it happens.
Gulf states should discontinue the policy of limiting oil and gas trade in USD only, they are major pawns in keeping uncle sam's dollar printing business afloat which is life line of US empire.

Now do you understand why Saudi Arabia has more military spending than Russia, Britain and France?


how this moron asshole became the president of America . his talking style tells he is mentally unfit for the job of president he is better fit for a mafia Boss or street goon .:angry:
Never first.. only if attacked..

If attacked there is Saudi manpower and an unlimited more manpower pool in the Arab world and Islamic world.. not to exclude all the Western allies.. So KSA has the will and is able to wage a war if attacked.. but just won't start one..
I wonder then what was the call for crushing the head of snake ?
Almost the same spending as France..what threats is France facing?
compared to GDP it is in the average.
And France is far less spending than USA or Russia.

what are the threats? it is not only about threats.
France having many cooperation of army in the world. For exemple in Mali. We were in Afghanistan . The voice of France is trying to be a "third way". Sadly some politics are more opportunistic in short term or sponsoring partis . But the idea is to keep a good quality army (especially formation) in order to be able to protect the interests of France but not only: its friends too. Like Mali.

just my own opinion but i dream, like Macron our president, to have European army.
and a strong Europe. But first we need to fight "identity groups" name for the extremist groups that are there sponsored often by foreign countries in order to destroy Europe (in UK in France in Italy, in Poland and so)
all that money spent by the Saudis. and their military is a joke that has almost 0 independent fighting capability without the americans holding their hands.

its just an open bribe to the American arms industry in exchange for American support to keep the preffered prince in power. the qajars in Iran used to make these sort of deals with foriegners, the only difference being they didn't have the billion in oil revenues and instead traded Iranian territory and lucrative economic rights in exchange for support in keeping the crown.

do arabs really not have any sense of pride and self dignity? how can Saudis watch this guy humiliating their "king" and not get embarrassed?
They just left the embarrassment and humiliation to you guys with no sense of pride proven in Syria.. for real..

Gulf states should discontinue the policy of limiting oil and gas trade in USD only, they are major pawns in keeping uncle sam's dollar printing business afloat which is life line of US empire.
It is the lifeline for the whole world.. easy said than done..

That is not a real threat of war.. workers asking for better conditions..
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you know ...im still waiting for that wall ..
Another threat from Trump to force Saudis to give his company and US more free money instead of helping poor Arabs and Muslims.
Guy has guts.

"We lose $4.5 billion on a country to defend them, and they're rich," Trump said.

"So I called them. I said: listen, no good. They were in a state of shock because they've never got a call like this in 25 years, right," he said as the crowd cheered.

Trump went on: "I said we're losing $4.5 billion every year, we can't do this anymore. This is crazy. He [King Salman] got very upset, angry, said this is not fair. I said, of course, this is fair. He said we'll give you $500 million more ... I said I want more. We argued. So they paid us more than $500 million for one phone call, it took me one call."

He said the king then asked him why he was calling, because "nobody had made such a call".

"That's because they were stupid!" Trump said.

- A pure populist talk that touches the mind of the American people (money)

- No harm to Saudi Arabia from his speech, on the contrary Trump gives to Saudi Arabia what no one of those who preceded him could or would..

- Allowed the investment of $340 billion of the $450 billion in the US infrastructure; airports, roads, schools and playgrounds...etc..As well as refineries and petrochemical companies.
China was nominated for these investments, but Trump's administration did not want more pressure from China..So, opened the door to Saudi investments strongly within the strongest grounded and stable economy that is the USA..

- The disgraceful agreement with Iran was broken, and this was one of the Saudi dreams, and he also besieged Iran economically and gave its share to Saudi Arabia..

- The coalition in Yemen is strongly supported by his administration..

- He defended the Kingdom strongly in the Khashoggi's case..

- He sold weapons to Saudi Arabia with transfer of technology and early warning defense satellites with their full technology

Trump no matter what he said in his speeches to the American people and as long as these popular speeches do not represent the White House, we will say Trump is a grace to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And the greatest ally of Saudi Arabia since the beginning of US-Saudi relations..

Now that everyone knows that countries' interests come first.. no one can blame KSA for seeking its own..Trump can have election speeches.. but he is not harming KSA in anyway.. to the contrary..

So, The ones who are barking about this here just show the amount of pain they are suffering from these advantages that Saudi Arabia is enjoying..
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