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Trump: 'Saudi Arabia buys a lot, I don't want to lose them'

Now do you understand why Saudi Arabia has more military spending than Russia, Britain and France?
Its basically chumps real life version of this famous movie scene
Except that chumps no marlon brando or even vito corleone for that matter,hes basically just a cheap thug in an expensive suit.If he was a mafioso he`d be nothing more than a low level one,probably with a nickname like donny bullshit or don the bullshitter,on account of all his non stop compulsive lying.
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How long before Saudia decides to attack their biggest rival ?
- Create enemy/enemies for state X.
- Make them pay to protect themselves.
- Sell arms.
- Blackmail for sanctions and economic attacks.

We almost broke that chain.. Almost... Lil'bit more patience... But for gulfies it's not easy.
Yes I am afraid due to ummah feelings the Muslim world has elevated Saudi too much.

Don’t Saudi get embarassed by this? They are literally thought of as a bank account by the West. They need to escape their British created mindset.
Why should KSA get embarrassed.. this is great publicity for Saudi Arabia in the mainstream population of the US.. who if you ask them about the kingdom might answer you that they have Camels and live in the desert.. Trump is playing on a very deep American Chord.. money; the Dollar they worship most..Telling them that KSA has that for them...and at the same time making points for himself to get more votes during the next elections.. it is a smart mutual benefiting move..

Photo Number 1.


"We protect Saudi Arabia. Would you say they're rich? And I love the King ... King Salman but I said 'King, we're protecting you. You might not be there for two weeks without us. You have to pay for your military,"


Photo Number 2.


Photo Number 3.

View attachment 556709

Now combine the parts. The wealth of the Saudi people is paid as a bribe to the United States to protect the King's throne. Otherwise, there is no logical explanation for the defense budget of a country such as Saudi Arabia to be more than Russia, UK, France..
Actually MBS answered what Trump was saying _See his interview with Blomberg_..So it is all talk for the local consumption with an eye on next elections..Trump said worst about Japan, South Korea, NATO and the EU.. that is his MOTO.."America first" meaning no free ride for anyone.. he isjust using Saudi Arabia to ease the pain of his other close allies.. since with this Saudi Military budget, anyone who says he is paying for the Saudis is making a joke..and the worst part is many people take it seriously..

These journalists seem to have a very short memory.. Trump signed $450 billion worth of deals with KSA during his visit to the kingdom.. including $110 billion deal for weapons spread on 10 years..
Almost the same spending as France..what threats is France facing?

France have a great navy, they have around the world colonization, you have to send your navy and supply them. It cost money...:-)
How long before Saudia decides to attack their biggest rival ?
Never first.. only if attacked..

They cant and wont..not ready to sacrifice manpower
If attacked there is Saudi manpower and an unlimited more manpower pool in the Arab world and Islamic world.. not to exclude all the Western allies.. So KSA has the will and is able to wage a war if attacked.. but just won't start one..
Never first.. only if attacked..

If attacked there is Saudi manpower and an unlimited more manpower pool in the Arab world and Islamic world.. not to exclude all the Western allies.. So KSA has the will and is able to wage a war if attacked.. but just won't start one..
If you say so..yemen proves your point
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I still remember during the run up to the Beijing Olympic, a BBC report on China selling TRUCKS to Sudan.
Trucks were quoted as Weapons :o:.

China 'is fuelling war in Darfur'
By Hilary Andersson
BBC News, Darfur


The BBC tracked down Chinese-built military trucks inside Darfur
The BBC has found the first evidence that China is currently helping Sudan's government militarily in Darfur.
The Panorama TV programme tracked down Chinese army lorries in the Sudanese province that came from a batch exported from China to Sudan in 2005.

Plates on the first truck show it was imported after the embargo
Panorama traced the first lorry by travelling deep into the remote deserts of West Darfur.

They found a Chinese Dong Feng army lorry in the hands of one of Darfur's rebel groups.

The BBC established through independent eyewitness testimony that the rebels had captured it from Sudanese government forces in December.

The rebels filmed a second lorry with the BBC's camera. Both vehicles had been carrying anti-aircraft guns, one a Chinese gun.

Markings showed that they were from a batch of 212 Dong Feng army lorries that the UN had traced as having arrived in Sudan after the arms embargo was put in place.

The lorries came straight from the factory in China to Sudan and were consigned to Sudan's defence ministry. The guns were mounted after the lorries were imported from China.
End Quote:

Where is BBC now ? Where is the outrage ? Where are the reporters screaming MURDER ?
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