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Trump sacks FBI director, sparking firestorm

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Trump sacks FBI director, sparking firestorm
Published: May 10, 2017

In this file photo, FBI Director James Comey testifies before the House Judiciary Committee September 28, 2016 in Washington, DC. PHOTO: AFP

President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey, ousting the man heading a wide-ranging investigation into whether his aides colluded with Russia to sway last year’s US election.

In a shock move that drew comparisons to the Watergate scandal that brought down Richard Nixon, Trump told Comey the FBI needed new leadership and he was being ‘terminated’ with immediate effect.

FBI chief and Russia cost her election, says Clinton



Under Comey’s leadership, the FBI concluded that President Vladimir Putin approved a wide-ranging campaign to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor.

His snap dismissal, ostensibly for mishandling a probe into Hillary Clinton’s emails, sparked rare criticism from Republicans and allegations of a cover-up from seething Democrats who demanded an independent inquiry.

The high-stakes gambit also raised immediate comparisons to the ill-fated firings that sped the collapse of Nixon’s presidency.

Trump’s decision to fire the FBI director is virtually unprecedented, only one director has previously been fired in the bureau’s century-long history.

In a letter circulated by the White House, Trump told Comey: “You are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately.”

“It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission.”


Trump also used the letter to try to distance himself from the ever-deepening scandal over Russia’s involvement in the election.

“I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation,” Trump wrote.

The White House said the search for a new FBI director was to begin right away.

FBI directors are appointed for a single 10-year term. The 56-year-old Comey, who is popular among rank-and-file agents, was appointed four years ago.

The top Democrat in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, said Trump had made a “big mistake.” “This does not seem a coincidence,” he said.

Unless the administration appoints an independent special prosecutor to probe the Russian meddling, Schumer added, “every American will rightly suspect that the decision to fire director Comey was part of a cover-up.”

Republicans, many of whom have fallen into line behind Trump after initial reluctance, also sought to distance themselves from the president.

“I am troubled by the timing and reasoning of Director Comey’s termination,” said Senator Richard Burr.

Congressman Justin Amash, a fellow Republican, described parts of Trump’s letter to Comey as ‘bizarre’ and announced “my staff and I are reviewing legislation to establish an independent commission on Russia.”

FBI director to testify on Russia ties, alleged wiretap

Comey played an outsized — and controversial — role on the American political stage over the past year, lobbing one bombshell after another that rankled both parties in Washington.

The stated reason for his dismissal — according to a memo from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — was for mishandling the probe into Clinton’s emails, which the Democrat blames for trashing her chances of becoming president.

Comey told lawmakers last week he felt “mildly nauseous” at the thought that he had swayed the election — but could not have acted any other way.

‘Nothing less than Nixonian’

Since the start of Trump’s presidency, the FBI chief had increasingly appeared to be a thorn in the president’s side.

He recently confirmed the agency was investigating Russian interference in last year’s presidential election and notably Moscow’s possible collusion with Trump’s campaign.

Democrats — already angry that Congressional inquiries into Russian meddling have been hamstrung by Republicans’ willingness to defend Trump — voiced sharp concerns that the FBI’s investigation may now be in jeopardy too, with several calling for an independent commission to take over the probe.

“This is nothing less than Nixonian,” charged Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, who called Trump’s official justification for firing Comey “absurd.”

“That fig leaf explanation seeks to cover the undeniable truth: The president has removed the sitting FBI director in the midst of one of the most critical national security investigations in the history of our country — one that implicates senior officials in the Trump campaign and administration,” he charged.

When Trump initially decided to keep Comey — a Barack Obama appointee — in his job, it raised eyebrows from critics who saw it as a tacit reward for his role in damaging Clinton’s chances.

But within months, the FBI chief was back in the national spotlight — this time taking aim at Trump.

FBI head denies Trump wiretap claim, confirms Russia election probe

During testimony to Congress last month, Comey overtly challenged the president, flatly rejecting his explosive claim that he was wiretapped by his predecessor.

And despite Trump’s dismissal of suggestions his team colluded with Moscow as ‘fake news,’ it had become increasingly clear that Comey had set his sights on the issue of Russia’s election meddling, which has stalked Trump’s presidency from the start.
good!! he should have resigned or been fired after Trump became President. the left hates him the right hates, and now all the sudden the left wants to defend him?? they were calling for his resignation after he brought the emails again a week before the election. he let Hillary off. he hasn't proved any collusion between Trump and Russia, so for the best is for him to go.

can't trust a wishy washy guy like Comey.
USA has taken a revolutionary twist after Trumps arrival.
Amazing. I'm old enough to remember the day when an U.S. president wouldn't DARE fire the FBI director out of fear that the outgoing director would spill his secrets: that's how J. Edgar Hoover lasted forever in the job. And that fear was justified, because it was the FBI's #2 or #3 that leaked details of the Watergate Affair to the Washington Post, eventually leading to President Nixon's resignation - a fact not know for decades afterward.

Conclusion: either the FBI has changed drastically since then or else they really have nothing on Donald Trump.
960. Silk Road Forum (5/13/2017)

Trump fired FBI Director Comey. There is a big argument. I think it's part of the Feds' plan - "Drain the swamp". To have a FBI Chief of their own. The last FBI director who left the post without fulfill the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think.

Louis Freeh's case: I (Kat Sung) am the target of the Feds. They plotted to eliminate me in a framed drug case with Chinese secret police. The Feds signed a secret deal with Chinese police.

1. To justify the payment to Chinese secret police, Pentagon created an air incident(US spy plane collided with a Chinese fighter in South China Sea and landed in HaiNang Island.)

4/11/2001, spy plane crew were released by China. A step to justify the payment as ransom for the crew.

2. 6/11/2001 Tim McVeigh (Oklahoma bomber) was executed. It was a planed breaking out date of the framed drug case. The planed case failed. (see story) The Feds used to distract public attention from a small case by a big event.

** Louis Freeh, FBI Chief resigned in June, two years short of his term. He took the responsibility of that secret deal which made China an economic power.

3. 9/11/2001. 911 attack in New York which justify the Afghan war and Irag war. A pay back from the Feds to Pentagon for spy plane case.

7/13/2001 China granted to host 2008 Olympic Game.
9/17/2001 China got the membership of WTO. These are the payments to China. Since then China has a big leap on its economy and now is the economy number 2 of the world.

I conclude this from Skolnick's article and my experience. The persecution from the Feds never stops. Now there is a new one.

4/7/2017 Trump met with Chinese president Xi in Mara-lago in the name of discussing the North Korea issue. I think it's for another secret deal. N. Korea case is a very formal national event. It should be talked in Washington D.C.. But scandalous things are afraid to be exposed to the sunlight. They even don't trust people worked in White house. see "955. New deal on 4/7? (4/4/2017)"

5/9/2017 Trump fired FBI Chief Comey. I think a new framed case has been arranged by the Feds and Chinese secret police. They need some one of their own to carry out the illegal operation.

5/15/2017 One Belt and One Road Forum holds in Beijing. I think the payment of secret deal to China
will be signed in the form of contract or treaty, possibly with some ally's infrastructure contract such like high speed rail contract (Indonesia) or treaty with N.Korea.

China has managed to rope in the US at the last minute for its Silk Road summit besides South Korea, the EU and Japan, leaving India to be the only major country yet to confirm its participation in the high-profile event.

The Trump administration announced that Matt Pottinger, Special Assistant to the President and senior director for East Asia of National Security Council of the White House, will lead the US delegation to the attend the One Belt and One Road Forum.

"The United States recognises the importance of China's One Belt and One Road initiative and is to send delegates to attend the Belt and Road Forum May 14-15 in Beijing," a joint statement by China's finance and commerce ministries said.


Later May. My brother was arranged a trip to Shanghai in March and will come back in late May. The Feds used to plot a case when victims are in trip. see last message #559.

see story at:
961. The real reason why Comey was fired (5/16/2017)

In last message, I said "The last FBI director who left the post without fulfilling the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think." But Freeh resigned to take the responsibility to sign a secret deal with China whom collaborated to frame a drug case. Comey was fired for his persistence on law. That's quite different.



.... Before the past months' controversies, Comey was perhaps best known for a remarkable 2004 standoff with top officials in the George W. Bush administration over a federal domestic surveillance program.

As the deputy attorney general, Comey rushed to the hospital bed of Attorney General John Ashcroft to physically stop White House officials in their bid to get his ailing boss to reauthorize a secret no-warrant wiretapping program.

Comey described the incident in 2007 testimony to Congress, explaining that he believed the spy program put in place after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was legally questionable.

When he learned that Andrew Card, the president's chief of staff, and Alberto Gonzales, the White House counsel, were heading to Ashcroft's hospital room despite Ashcroft's wife's instructions that there be no visitors, Comey told Congress, Comey beat them there and watched as Ashcroft turned them away.

"That night was probably the most difficult night of my professional life," Comey said.


It happened in 2004 - the year when the Feds tried to eliminate me by "unreasonable search and arrest by police". Here is a quote of my message #238.

"238. Manipulate Supreme Court (7/4/2004)

Several times I talked about my allegations that Feds tried to force me out alone. On the purpose to eliminate me by unreasonable police search, arrest or police violence.

Re: "My immediate thought was that it proved my allegation they would use local policeman for a violent murder or arrest." (229. Unreasonable search and arrest (5/19))

"Forcing me out alone, or in a stranger's car, to encounter a police search, then a police violence or arrest. (230. Unreasonable search and arrest (2) (5/24))"

What the Feds want is to have a "no-warrant wiretapping programe". It means a power of search and arrest without warrant. How civilians are threatened by this? Here is what I wrote,

369. D.O.J. wants unlimited power (1/2/06)

Though Bush tries to put the argument in the name of "we are in the war, saving American's lives", his real purpose is to legalize unreasonable search. The real commander behind him is the Department of Justice.

1) US citizens are protected by the Constitution. If government wants to put you under surveillance, they must apply for a warrant from the court with evidence.

2) FISA(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) is in low standard. Government can apply a warrant based on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to prevent it to be used in domestic criminal case. Because there is big difference between suspicion and evidence. And we have seen how D.O.J. hates this wall and activated waves of attack on it. ....

370. The corrupt D.O.J. attacks (1/2/06)

The purpose of 4th Amendment is to protect people from evil activities (set up, plant) of corrupt law enforcement agent.

If corrupt official plant fake evidence at your home. (gun, drugs) And asked for a search warrant. Judge would asked him for evidence. The corrupt official couldn't say:" Because I suspect it." That's how domestic criminal law requires. It depends on Evidence not suspicion.
The official also couldn't say, "I knew it because I had a search already." That's unreasonable search. (warrantless search) It's illegal.

FISA standard is low. Law enforcement official can request a warrant on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to forbid it be used in domestic criminal law. Otherwise 4th amendment will mean nothing.

Corrupt officials plant fake evidence at your home. Then apply a warrant from FISA. Say they suspect you are a terrorist. They get a warrant then found the "evidence"(gun, drug) at your home. That's how the 4th Amendment bypassed. A foreign intelligence method is used in domestic criminal law. Though D.O.J. said Patriot Act gave them such privilege, there is at least a FISA court watch their behavior.

Now you see how important Comey had done in 2004, he protected the Fourth amendment of the Constitution.

But a man adheres to law
is an obstacle to corruptive officials. That's why Comey was fired by Trump - Who stole the president power with the help of the Feds.

Comey was fired on May 9. I allege it is for a framed drug case. My brother and his wife has been arranged a trip to Shanghai in March and will return in late May. It's an unusual long time trip. So I worry the Feds has planted in my brother's house too. The Feds (FBI and DEA) need a Chief of their own to handle a framed case. Chinese secret police plays a big role in this case. They'll make a search and arrest when my brother passed the custom in late May.

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