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Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

Larger economy, yet can't provide a better capita per GDP.

More growth rate, yet cannot produce jobs.

Larger defence budget, yet shittier weapons than France, UK and Israel.

More billionaires... I don't even know what to say to this one, lol. How irrelevant, but keep up the circle jerk.

Larger army, yet in a hypothetical scenario, everyone would say French and Israeli army would come out on top.

Larger navy, this is ok.

more R&D spending, but not exactly the hub of innovation, are u lot.
How many countries have nuclear triad, indigenous aircraft carrier, indigenous satellite launch vehicle, anti satelite wepons, submarine launched ballestic missiles, icbm, nuclear submarine , anti ballestic missile shield, should i go on ?

Oh you are right. Big country with a big toilet issue. That also lead to a big problem of shit everywhere. Please keep your shit to yourself
Yayy i combined toilet and shit in my response i must have 1000 iq ...
Please, you were scared. You wanted to reduce hostilities at the earliest. Modi wasn't kidding. He gave the same reasoning to US (mediating at the time) that he wants our pilot released in 2 days. US left the choice at Imrans door step. Imran cowered and sent our pilot with such a fan fare. He managed to cover his fright with peace overtone. And our pilot was home. Lol.
So we were left at the mercy of the United States & not the pressure of India.

Brilliant. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense about the 'scared' bit. I was under the assumption that you were insinuating that were were afraid of India after the beating you got in broad daylight.

The US is The Power, and everyone plays to their tune - lets be clear on that.

You talk big about US telling Pakistan to return the Indian Pilot that eventually had to be returned just like the last one. Lets see you dodge the bullet once the delivery for the S-400 comes into play.
Alright, Paks... let us accept for once... let us be honest with ourselves...

OrangeBall is coming to 2020 Superpower to pay his homage and seek Gangu permission to wage war on China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkiye and Malaysia...

We must be humble when Reality demands...

Finally a sane guy
How many countries have nuclear triad, indigenous aircraft carrier, indigenous satellite launch vehicle, anti satelite wepons, submarine launched ballestic missiles, icbm, nuclear submarine , anti ballestic missile shield, should i go on ?

Yayy i combined toilet and shit in my response i must have 1000 iq ...
Question is... How many big countries you know of that has toilet problems
Because, Modi didn't threaten war for Kulbhushan. Duh. We are not deranged to go on war for willy nilly.
So kulbhushan is a willy nilly? Tschstchstch. Is his life any cheaper than Abhi-none-done?

Also, better question is, he was sentenced three years ago, why wasn't he hanged if you know he killed Pakistanis?
Because he is still not finished drinking his tea! Asks for another cup every time he finishes one!
How many countries have nuclear triad, indigenous aircraft carrier, indigenous satellite launch vehicle, anti satelite wepons, submarine launched ballestic missiles, icbm, nuclear submarine , anti ballestic missile shield, should i go on ?

It was about reserves, I said reserves matter very little while you couldn't help but boast about the reserves like your friend and how it means India is invincible, what matters is military build up, I am glad you're back in your senses and now talking about military buildup. Lol.

You know what else matters, man behind the machine. 27th feb will live as a reminder, don't mess with us.

Btw, those countries have more than 80% of those things :D

Oh and also, ur indigenous aircraft carrier is a russian shit show used to scam, no air defense, round the clock need of support vessels to defend it, and heavy maintenance with nearing its life : )
Don't believe me, go read its history. Enjoy. :partay:
So we were left at the mercy of the United States & not the pressure of India.

Brilliant. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense about the 'scared' bit. I was under the assumption that you were insinuating that were were afraid of India after the beating you got in broad daylight.

The US is The Power, and everyone plays to their tune - lets be clear on that.

You talk big about US telling Pakistan to return the Indian Pilot that eventually had to be returned just like the last one. Lets see you dodge the bullet once the delivery for the S-400 comes into play.
Ah, you have comprehension problem too? US supported modi on unilateral strike. When Pakistan reciprocated, there were signs of war. It was relayed to US by modi unless the pilot is returned in 2 days, he'll have no choice but go to war. US relayed the same to Imran, who released him the very next day.
It was about reserves, I said reserves matter very little while you couldn't help but boast about the reserves like your friend and how it means India is invincible, what matters is military build up, I am glad you're back in your senses and now talking about military buildup. Lol.

You know what else matters, man behind the machine. 27th feb will live as a reminder, don't mess with us.

Btw, those countries have more than 80% of those things :D

Oh and also, ur indigenous aircraft carrier is a russian shit show used to scam, no air defense, round the clock need of support vessels to defend it, and heavy maintenance with nearing its life : )
Don't believe me, go read its history. Enjoy. :partay:
Sssshhh. Dont make him cry now
It was about reserves, I said reserves matter very little while you couldn't help but boast about the reserves like your friend and how it means India is invincible, what matters is military build up, I am glad you're back in your senses and now talking about military buildup. Lol.

You know what else matters, man behind the machine. 27th feb will live as a reminder, don't mess with us.

Btw, those countries have more than 80% of those things :D

Oh and also, ur indigenous aircraft carrier is a russian shit show used to scam, no air defense, round the clock need of support vessels to defend it, and heavy maintenance with nearing its life : )
Don't believe me, go read its history. Enjoy. :partay:
Arrey bhaiya do you even have one of the above ? Baaki baatein baadme karna
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