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Trump moves to end special trade treatment for India: reports

Well that's gonna suck for all the Indians who were big fans of Trump.

@Retired Troll I'm doing ur job here. U gotta step up.

Well Trump just means India is now a developed super power and need no preferential treatment or aid.

Mr. Trump seems not very pleased by the billions and billions of American dollars in the Indian war chest.
United States will take "severe punishment" against India
Pengpai News 03-05 13:40


Indian Prime Minister Modi and US President Trump (Infographic)

US President Trump intends to end trade preferences for India and Turkey.

According to Reuters, Trump sent a letter to the US Congress on March 4th, stating that it intends to end the preferential trade treatment for India and Turkey under the General Preferential Tariff Scheme (Inclusive Tariff). The US Trade Representative said that the government will notify the Congress and the two governments 60 days later.

India is the biggest beneficiary of US inclusive tariffs, and the termination of this measure will be the toughest punishment imposed on India by Trump since he took office in 2017. Once the plan is approved by Congress, the zero-tariff treatment of India’s $5.6 billion exports to the United States will be cancelled.

Trump said: "I took this step because after the US and the Indian government made in-depth negotiations, I determined that India did not provide fair and reasonable guarantees to the United States to enter its market."

According to data from the US Trade Representative Office, the US trade deficit with India in 2017 was $27.3 billion.

The US-India trade has been in constant friction. The Indian government announced the latest e-commerce regulations restricting the Indian e-commerce giant Flipkart, which was acquired by Amazon and Wal-Mart, to operate in the country. India also announced higher tariffs on electronics and smartphones.

At the same time, the US Trade Representative Office announced that due to the economic development of Turkey, it should no longer be regarded as a developing country, and the United States will no longer provide universal preferential tariff treatment.

Pratt & Whitney tariffs are the oldest and largest trade concessions in the United States, aiming to promote economic development in developing countries and regions through tariff reductions. (Pengpai Journalist Nan Boyi)

澎湃新闻网 03-05 13:40










普惠关税是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的贸易优惠计划,旨在通过关税减免促进发展中国家和地区的经济发展。(澎湃新闻记者 南博一)

India was US stalwart against China, after the thrashing India got by its much smaller neighbor, i think Americans went back to the drawing board into thinking since India is not up to the job why give it undue advantage in trade. Hence no more preferential trade treatment for India.
United States will take "severe punishment" against India
Pengpai News 03-05 13:40


Indian Prime Minister Modi and US President Trump (Infographic)

US President Trump intends to end trade preferences for India and Turkey.

According to Reuters, Trump sent a letter to the US Congress on March 4th, stating that it intends to end the preferential trade treatment for India and Turkey under the General Preferential Tariff Scheme (Inclusive Tariff). The US Trade Representative said that the government will notify the Congress and the two governments 60 days later.

India is the biggest beneficiary of US inclusive tariffs, and the termination of this measure will be the toughest punishment imposed on India by Trump since he took office in 2017. Once the plan is approved by Congress, the zero-tariff treatment of India’s $5.6 billion exports to the United States will be cancelled.

Trump said: "I took this step because after the US and the Indian government made in-depth negotiations, I determined that India did not provide fair and reasonable guarantees to the United States to enter its market."

According to data from the US Trade Representative Office, the US trade deficit with India in 2017 was $27.3 billion.

The US-India trade has been in constant friction. The Indian government announced the latest e-commerce regulations restricting the Indian e-commerce giant Flipkart, which was acquired by Amazon and Wal-Mart, to operate in the country. India also announced higher tariffs on electronics and smartphones.

At the same time, the US Trade Representative Office announced that due to the economic development of Turkey, it should no longer be regarded as a developing country, and the United States will no longer provide universal preferential tariff treatment.

Pratt & Whitney tariffs are the oldest and largest trade concessions in the United States, aiming to promote economic development in developing countries and regions through tariff reductions. (Pengpai Journalist Nan Boyi)

澎湃新闻网 03-05 13:40










普惠关税是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的贸易优惠计划,旨在通过关税减免促进发展中国家和地区的经济发展。(澎湃新闻记者 南博一)

Both India and China are the target of West.
It will be India great victory if India solves all problems with her neighbors.
Start with Kashmir.
Asian Union is becoming a must. Today is India, tommorow may Pakistan. So better save our region.
Both India and China are the target of West.
It will be India great victory if India solves all problems with her neighbors.
Start with Kashmir.
Asian Union is becoming a must.
India’s “greed” and “can’t respect the sovereignty of neighboring countries” inherited from the British Empire made India unable to become a friend of the China/Pakistan alliance. The only solution was that China and Pakistan joined forces to completely defeat India and force India to return territories to Pakistan and China (at least partially returned), and India must abandon its hegemonism in South Asia and respect the sovereignty of the surrounding countries in order to achieve a long-lasting peace among three parties.

China never takes anyone as an enemy unless you use the Chinese as an enemy.
US plans to scrap preferential trade treatment for India
By Reuters
Published: March 5, 2019

US President Donald Trump holds a bilateral meeting with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi alongside the ASEAN Summit in Manila, Philippines November 13, 2017. PHOTO: REUTERS

WASHINGTON/NEW DELHI: President Donald Trump looked set to open a new front in his trade wars with a plan to end preferential trade treatment for India that allows duty-free entry for $5.6 billion worth of the country’s exports to the United States.

Trump, who has vowed to cut US trade deficits, has repeatedly called out India for its high tariffs, and US trade officials said scrapping the concessions would take at least 60 days after notifications to Congress and the Indian government.

US, China could reach trade deal at summit around March 27

“I am taking this step because, after the intensive engagement between the United States and the government of India, I have determined that India has not assured the US that it will provide equitable and reasonable access to the markets of India,” Trump said in a letter to congressional leaders.

India is the world’s largest beneficiary of the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) programme and ending its participation would be the strongest punitive action for the South Asian nation since Trump took office in 2017.

The US Trade Representative’s Office said removing India from the GSP programme would not take effect for at least 60 days after the notifications, and would be done through a presidential proclamation.

The preferential trade treatment brings “actual benefit” of just $250 million a year to India, however, a government source said in the capital, New Delhi, adding that it hoped the planned withdrawal would not lead to trade hurdles.

“GSP is more symbolic of the strategic relationship, not in value terms,” added the source, who declined to be identified ahead of a news briefing by the Indian trade ministry.

It was not immediately clear what retaliatory action authorities in India, which is due to hold general elections this year, would take.

Trade ties with the US were hurt after India unveiled new rules on e-commerce limiting the way internet retail giants Amazon.com Inc and Walmart Inc-backed Flipkart do business.

The e-commerce rules followed a drive by New Delhi to force global card payments companies such as Mastercard Inc and Visa Inc to move their data to India and higher tariffs on electronic products and smartphones.

Trump delays tariff hike on Chinese goods as trade talks progress

“India has implemented a wide array of trade barriers that create serious negative effects on United States commerce,” the USTR said.

“Despite intensive engagement, India has failed to take the necessary steps to meet the GSP criterion.”

India’s top GSP exports to the United States in 2017 included motor vehicle parts, ferro alloys, precious metal jewellery, building stone, insulated cables and wires, said business grouping the Confederation of Indian Industry, which had lobbied against the withdrawal of preferential treatment.
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