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Trump moves to end special trade treatment for India: reports

And CN phones like Xiao mi,Hwei will die in Indian market cos Indian will not use money to buy new phone when US sanction India.
Chinese source...... lol
China is always trying to convince India that being friends with us is a bad thing...hahhaha
sorry chinks.....Usa is here to stay in your neighbourhood as long you support pakistan against india.
It is a Russian source.

trump will be gone in a few months from now ...last gasp breaths by pro russian intelligentsia control over trump :)
The Military Industrial Complex runs America, not the President.
The thing is the yanks have what they need! They have a massive intelligence setup in delhi that monitors the region very well. Then they have access to their bases too. They can sell goods to the indians and they are selling their products to india which means the consumer is hooked on their goods.

US wins either way.
The Military Industrial Complex runs America, not the President.

exactly....and thats why us will just do lip service to act tough....
...and being its biggest market india will be the fav student in the class :p

there is NO way that we will discard the golden goose unless it is time :p
Chinese source...... lol

China is always trying to convince India that being friends with us is a bad thing...hahhaha

sorry chinks.....Usa is here to stay in your neighbourhood as long you support pakistan against india.

trump will be gone in a few months from now ...last gasp breaths by pro russian intelligentsia control over trump :)
indian source
United States will take "severe punishment" against India


United States will take "severe punishment" against India

exactly....and thats why us will just do lip service to act tough....
...and being its biggest market india will be the fav student in the class :p

there is NO way that we will discard the golden goose unless it is time :p
Congratulations; you're the new whipping boy.
all these " ACTING tough" on other nations in regards to trade is just for domestic consumption...
the country is run by corporations.....and there is NO way they will kill their access to the third biggest market...by doing anything stupid...

Congratulations; you're the new whipping boy.

im american...but sure.....LOL

its better to be the whipping boy and get all da bitches in da class....then be the rebel and get his *** kicked all way to the principals office :p
all these " ACTING tough" on other nations in regards to trade is just for domestic consumption...
the country is run by corporations.....and there is NO way they will kill their access to the third biggest market...by doing anything stupid...
DUH. China is a bigger market. They're manipulating the Indians into doing their bidding. Happy days.

im american...but sure.....LOL
its better to be the whipping boy and get all da bitches in da class....then be the rebel and get his *** kicked all way to the principals office :p
Whatever mate. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
all these " ACTING tough" on other nations in regards to trade is just for domestic consumption...
the country is run by corporations.....and there is NO way they will kill their access to the third biggest market...by doing anything stupid...

im american...but sure.....LOL

its better to be the whipping boy and get all da bitches in da class....then be the rebel and get his *** kicked all way to the principals office :p

Hehe keep pretending that all is fine. Rome or should I say Modiland is burning.
These are not good days for Modi and India I am afraid. One of their strongest supporter in recent days is also screwing them hard it seems.
Modi has to answer few more tough questions, his diplomacy and now trade diplomacy is coming under microscope, after his military capabilities.
Both India and China are the target of West.
It will be India great victory if India solves all problems with her neighbors.
Start with Kashmir.
Asian Union is becoming a must. Today is India, tommorow may Pakistan. So better save our region.

Which dimension youre residing in buddy? In our one this is never going to happen as long petty nations like India dont change their behaviour.

Usa got a shock if india can not stand in front of pakistan how can it be a front line against china

I would have laughed at this statement but the way Trump thinks this is a real possibility. Even after throwing all the US weight behind India, they failed miserably. Furthermore Trump is on a war path with US establishment which is clearly against Afghan withdrawal, so he is messing the establishments plan further, there is a whole lot that is going on in US as well.

These are not good days for Modi and India I am afraid. One of their strongest supporter in recent days is also screwing them hard it seems.
Modi has to answer few more tough questions, his diplomacy and now trade diplomacy is coming under microscope, after his military capabilities.

Indian opposition are handed a golden change to pounce on Modi, they better avail it.
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