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Trump moves to end special trade treatment for India: reports

[QUOTE =“Viva_Viet,帖子:11247881,会员:40895”]和CN mi手机一样,Hwei将在印度市场消亡cos印度将不会用钱购买新手机时美国制裁印度。[/ QUOTE]
US knows China is tough, and get nothing from the trade war. Now, instead of trying to blackmail China, they are trying to kill some little flies first, like india and vietnam, etc...
US get angry cos Indian bro buying so much CN phones like Mi and Hwei. Just ban all Cnese products and India will be fine :cheers:
Trump moves to end special trade treatment for India: reports

Dawn.comUpdated March 05, 2019
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India's duty on US goods cause of trade treatment's abolition; 60 days until plan can be implemented. — AFP/File

US President Donald Trump has announced plans to end special trade treatment for India, while accusing the country of unfairly shutting out US businesses, CNN reported on Tuesday.

Trump wrote a letter to the US Congress on Monday signalling his intent to remove India from the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) — a programme that provides developing countries an easy access to the US market.

The GSP lowers duties on exports to the United States for 121 developing countries. According to CNN, India was the biggest beneficiary of the program in 2017.

Indian government "has not assured the United States that it will provide equitable and reasonable access to the markets of India," CNN quoted the letter as saying.

The letter to Congress begins a 60-day period before Trump can take action, said CNN, quoting a statement from the Office of the US Trade Representative.

Indian Commerce Secretary Anup Wadhawan has said that the withdrawal of the GSP will not significantly impact India's exports to the US.

According to Times of India (ToI), the commerce secretary said: "India exports goods worth $5.6 billion under the GSP and the duty benefit is only $190 million annually."

According to ToI, at least 1,900 Indian products from various sectors, including chemicals and engineering, get duty free access to the US market under the GSP.

The US move comes ahead of the Indian general election, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks reelection.

Trump has previously spoken up againstIndian duty on US goods.

Last month, US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross pulled out of a trip to India. According to news reports at the time, Ross had called off his visit because of bad weather at home.


Trump moves to end special trade treatment for India: reports
Dawn.comUpdated March 05, 2019


India's duty on US goods cause of trade treatment's abolition; 60 days until plan can be implemented. — AFP/File

US President Donald Trump has announced plans to end special trade treatment for India, while accusing the country of unfairly shutting out US businesses, CNN reported on Tuesday.

Trump wrote a letter to the US Congress on Monday signalling his intent to remove India from the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) — a programme that provides developing countries an easy access to the US market.

The GSP lowers duties on exports to the United States for 121 developing countries. According to CNN, India was the biggest beneficiary of the program in 2017.

Indian government "has not assured the United States that it will provide equitable and reasonable access to the markets of India," CNN quoted the letter as saying.

The letter to Congress begins a 60-day period before Trump can take action, said CNN, quoting a statement from the Office of the US Trade Representative.

Indian Commerce Secretary Anup Wadhawan has said that the withdrawal of the GSP will not significantly impact India's exports to the US.

According to Times of India (ToI), the commerce secretary said: "India exports goods worth $5.6 billion under the GSP and the duty benefit is only $190 million annually."

According to ToI, at least 1,900 Indian products from various sectors, including chemicals and engineering, get duty free access to the US market under the GSP.

The US move comes ahead of the Indian general election, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks reelection.

Trump has previously spoken up against Indian duty on US goods.

Last month, US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross pulled out of a trip to India. According to news reports at the time, Ross had called off his visit because of bad weather at home.
China trade tariffs are being delayed

Indian ones are straight in


Honestly. Indian afghan library said it all for Mr trump this babu has to go.

Now ........ Lol
exactly....and thats why us will just do lip service to act tough....
...and being its biggest market india will be the fav student in the class :p

there is NO way that we will discard the golden goose unless it is time :p

India has to buy what it has to buy, its not like India makes anything, India also buy $62 billion worth from China, their enemy...India will buy weapons from West no matter what they do to India now that Russians weapons got the beatings and China wont sell
India has to buy what it has to buy, its not like India makes anything, India also buy $62 billion worth from China, their enemy...India will buy weapons from West no matter what they do to India now that Russians weapons got the beatings and China wont sell
Then India bro need to change their mind and start making their own products now. CN is US's enemy, buying Cnese products will make India become US's enemy
Trump trying to divert from emergency vote in democrats. I doubt, India is a very important strategic partner. They even bail out India against Iran Oil Import, Nothing is going to happen against India.
1. US says they will put pressure against S400 deal, Nothing happened.
2. US says they will put pressure against India against Iran Oil import, nothing happened

Yet another empty Trump statement. I guess. to divert from domestic issues.
Trump trying to divert from emergency vote in democrats. I doubt, India is a very important strategic partner. They even bail out India against Iran Oil Import, Nothing is going to happen against India.
1. US says they will put pressure against S400 deal, Nothing happened.
2. US says they will put pressure against India against Iran Oil import, nothing happened

Yet another empty Trump statement. I guess. to divert from domestic issues.
True, India is a very important strategic partner. But US want Huwei, Xiao Mi collapse now and they cant collapse when India keep buying Hwei, Mi products.

So, US will have to do sthing to make sure Hwei,Mi will collapse by sanctioning all Hwei, Mi buyers
Trump trying to divert from emergency vote in democrats. I doubt, India is a very important strategic partner. They even bail out India against Iran Oil Import, Nothing is going to happen against India.
1. US says they will put pressure against S400 deal, Nothing happened.
2. US says they will put pressure against India against Iran Oil import, nothing happened

Yet another empty Trump statement. I guess. to divert from domestic issues.

this is not a pressure?
Man, India can't catch a break.
Anyone else and I would feel bad, but there is no other country in Earth more deserving

Maybe hindutva scum will learn some humility......probably not...
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