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Trump moves to end special trade treatment for India: reports

This is not a pressure, just a statement to divert from local domestic issue.

Like Trump said why are we giving Pakistan billions of dollars when they are not doing anything for us
China's goal is not to defeat India, China is committed to winning world leadership, so all decisions should be cautious, and the Chinese revolution has not succeeded,every camarade needs to work hard as usual!
sorry chinks.....Usa is here to stay in your neighbourhood as long you support pakistan against india.
I somewhat agree with this toiletless person, however failure to follow US instructions has costs/consequences.

you made 3 serious boobs when first you failed to cause a civil war in Pakistan, 2nd you did a very clumsy job of framing Pakistan for Pulwama, then further fucked up when you failed to start a war with Pakistan.

for over 17 years USA has been waiting and wasting time and money sitting in Afghanistan. but you let them down very badly.

had you people not been so incompetent, cowardly and corrupt, Pakistan would have been eliminated/ended by the end of 2019

Americans need them desperately but these morons are too stupid to follow the script and are always lost in the realms of fantasy, perhaps another 17 years is required to retrain them

either the Indians are ultra-moronic or the Pakistanis are extraordinary chess players!
trump will be gone in a few months from now ...last gasp breaths by pro russian intelligentsia control over trump
no matter who is in the White House you will have to pull your weight or you WILL be punished
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I believe this is usual coercion tactic by Yanks. Buy this X Y Z item from us or do this or we will do this and this...

Dear India congratulations you are a developed country now pay more tariffs to USA. Only developed countries attack other countries. Enjoy.

Well we didnt told the US before we strike Balakot .As simple as that.
F 16 business is seriously affected and we signed 3.3 billion$ deal with Russia so we expected something like this .

So cool who cares

Not surprised. It was in the works for time. Trump's trade war targeted China, now India.

No big deal! India says impact of US special trade status withdrawal limited

Read more at:

After F 16 embarassment and INS Chajra 3 deal for 3.3 billion $ we expected something like this ,looks like we are right.

“Strategic partners”.

They came here ,talked to us and gave such designation .We didnt ask for it
Well we didnt told the US before we strike Balakot .As simple as that.
F 16 business is seriously affected and we signed 3.3 billion$ deal with Russia so we expected something like this .

So cool who cares

After F 16 embarassment and INS Chajra 3 deal for 3.3 billion $ we expected something like this ,looks like we are right.

They came here ,talked to us and gave such designation .We didnt ask for it

i heard same news that india didn't tell americans about the strikes.i think they are angry.do you want to buy f-16 from america?
They came here ,talked to us and gave such designation .We didnt ask for it

Fair play I understand, however many Indian posters also trumpeted this line.
Anyway India looked after its interests.
By the way how much truth is there that the current government was offering big concessions on farming? That would hurt so many Indians.
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