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Trump may mount pressure to limit Pak nuclear programme

Pakistan nuclear program is own by Pakistan for Pakistan security..
If they are for security, then there should be an explanation how these weapons make Pakistan more secure, and then how many such weapons are needed to provide such level of security, yet as far as I know there is nothing official. Don't you wonder if Pakistan is spending its money wisely? How many toilets could be built for the price of a bomb? How many more homes would receive power if the electricity to a single enrichment centrifuge was turned off?
US president-elect Donald Trump, who shocked the world with a stunning victory over hot favorite Hillary Clinton, says he loves Pakistan.

The Republican candidate created history on Wednesday when he won the White House race despite all exit polls showing his imminent defeat.

"We love Pakistan. I love Pakistan," says Donald Trump in a video which has gone viral on social media forums in Pakistan.

The US president-elect also gave a thumbs-up gesture to the camera.

It is not clear when was the short video recorded but one thing is clear its positive content could allay fears among Pakistanis who were wary of Trump's per-election call for banning Muslims from entering the United States.

During his election campaigns, he vowed to suspend immigration from a number of Muslim countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Somalia, alleging people with roots in these countries are a threat to the Western world.
Trump won't do that neither will have the capability to do that. US is no longer our sole ally, Pak economy has improved, CPEC and strategic partnership with China and security coop with Russia has given it a significant strategic leverage !!!
Do we need to explain to others how many bombs or what we need for our own security, its no one else's business other than ours. Did the US, India or Israel for that matter explain to us what they do with their money or what ever they bought for their security. So if I was you, use your intelligence and don't try to patronize us as we are no ones colony. We will develop or buy what ever we want or think is required for our security and we will not take any dictation from other powers.
Is this new? Trump talked about how stupid America was with their nuclear power. As Russia was building their nuclear Arsenal, America was weakening it. He's probably going to strengthen it again. No need for us to do the same foolish mistake. We have our interests to take care of.
Do we need to explain to others how many bombs or what we need for our own security, its no one else's business other than ours -
But no Pakistani authority has explained this to Pakistani citizens, right?
...don't try to patronize us as we are no ones colony -
Don't you get it? If Pakistani authorities aren't explaining to their own citizens their reasons then they are either making the decision on their own or must be reporting to somebody else - that is, Pakistani authorities consider Pakistan itself a colony, either theirs or somebody else's.
Both in Afghanistan or Iraq it took US hardly 15-20 odd days and 20-30 odd casualties to bring the adversary to it's knees from air. Pakistan will be no different. Good , if you really think so for what you or either america waiting for ?
Lolz somebody did try it coming from the distance of 3,000 Km and then had to go back that too 30-35 years back and this is 2016.

I just don't happen to be the new US president, and I was talking about military might of US and not India
If they are for security, then there should be an explanation how these weapons make Pakistan more secure, and then how many such weapons are needed to provide such level of security, yet as far as I know there is nothing official. Don't you wonder if Pakistan is spending its money wisely? How many toilets could be built for the price of a bomb? How many more homes would receive power if the electricity to a single enrichment centrifuge was turned off?

If Pakistan didn't have nuclear weapons, we wouldn't exist. We would face a fate for worst than that of the Palestinians and Jews of Nazi Germany. Our very existence of us and our race depends on it. There is no compromise of this.
If Pakistan didn't have nuclear weapons, we wouldn't exist. We would face a fate for worst than that of the Palestinians and Jews of Nazi Germany. Our very existence of us and our race depends on it. There is no compromise of this.
What "compromise"? I'm talking about common sense. How many pairs of shoes do you need in your closet? I have about five. Imelda Marcos had a thousand. How many "shoes" (atomic bombs) does Pakistan need?

(If you devote your entire economy to shoes you know it's going to collapse, right?)

Many years ago, this was a thriving, happy planet – people, cities, shops, a normal world. Except that on the high streets of these cities there were slightly more shoe shops than one might have thought necessary. And slowly, insidiously, the numbers of these shoe shops were increasing. It’s a well known economic phenomenon but tragic to see it in operation, for the more shoe shops there were, the more shoes they had to make and the worse and more unwearable they became. And the worse they were to wear, the more people had to buy to keep themselves shod, and the more the shops proliferated until the whole economy of the place passed what I believe is the termed the Shoe Event Horizon, and it became no longer economically possible to build anything other than shoe shops. Result – collapse, ruin and famine. Most of the population died out. Those few who had the right kind of genetic instability mutated into birds – you’ve seen one of them – who cursed their feet, cursed the ground, and vowed that none should walk on it again. Unhappy lot.”
So you have taste of all kind of multi continental farts & u can even distinguish it. Nice hobby :tup:
unlike you i don't need to taste them as i still have working sense of smell.anyway standing next to you is enough to do the trick even for a guy without nose(disclaimer to other member this trick can potentially be fatal so try it on your own risk)
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US take casualties when it tries to occupy land, when it has to put boots on the ground. Both in Afghanistan or Iraq it took US hardly 15-20 odd days and 20-30 odd casualties to bring the adversary to it's knees from air. Pakistan will be no different. China will not fight US for Pakistan and nobody will use nuke as it will mean end of their existence. Tamely surrendering to US wishes will be the only option.

China will not allow US to attack Pakistan, because they can't allow disruption in there strategic plans, Pakistan is very important for security of Chinese trade route, it offer safe and short route for goods to be transported to China, Pakistan allow China to avoid US Pacific fleet and it's allies activities against Chinese shipping in Pacific, SCS and strait of Malaca.
Everybody Relax, Trump said he loves Pakistan its cool. He is Pro Nukes (Kind of)
China will not allow US to attack Pakistan, because they can't allow disruption in there strategic plans, Pakistan is very important for security of Chinese trade route, it offer safe and short route for goods to be transported to China, Pakistan allow China to avoid US Pacific fleet and it's allies activities against Chinese shipping in Pacific, SCS and strait of Malaca.

Where was China when US carried out drone strikes or when they pulled the obl operation? Where was China when US said we will bomb you back to stone ages? Did they even condemn it forget about fighting and dying for somebody else. US and Pakistan are not fighting a war under normal circumstances Period. What I mentioned was extraordinary circumstances like a massive attack on US soil etc and after that if Pakistan or in fact any other country with the exemption of Russia and China dont fall in line will be hit hard
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