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Trump approved cyber-strikes against Iran’s missile systems


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
President Trump approved an offensive cyber-strike that disabled Iranian computer systems used to control rocket and missile launches, even as he backed away from a conventional military attack in response to its shoot-down Thursday of an unmanned U.S. surveillance drone, according to people familiar with the matter.

The cyber-strikes, launched Thursday night by personnel with U.S. Cyber Command, were in the works for weeks if not months, according to two of these people, who said the Pentagon proposed launching them after Iran’s alleged attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman earlier this month.

The strike against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was coordinated with U.S. Central Command, the military organization with purview of activity throughout the Middle East, these people said. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the operation remains extremely sensitive.

Though crippling to Iran’s military command and control systems, the operation did not involve a loss of life or civilian casualties — a contrast to conventional strikes, which the president said he called back Thursday because they would not be “proportionate.”

The administration on Saturday warned industry officials to be alert for cyberattacks originating from Iran.


An this is what you call a proportionate response! Well done to US Cyber Command!
All the Iranians on this forum running their traps...look like fools right now!

This is coming from the same sources that claimed the AD system used to obliterate the RQ-4A was an old Soviet-Era S-125 Neva which Iran, on record, never used and or owned. The exact same country saying the very destroyed drone was in "international airspace" when wreckage and flight data from Iran clearly shows it was in Iranian airspace when it was blown up. The same country that of which told the world a total bullshit story about how president Trump called off a retaliatory strike because apparently the cost of Iranian lives would have been "disproportionate" when anyone who is familiar with Iran knows that it was the fallout of the now aborted ill-fated strike that made Trump back off not his fake sympathy towards Iranian soldiers, the very same he designated as terrorists not that long ago.

Honestly it's ok though, let the celibate American military magicians pretend to live in their "full spectrum dominance" fantasy. It surely hasn't led them astray thus far.... I mean Iran only, through a domestically made missile system, took down the literal cream of the crop drone filled with some the most advanced technology in jamming and EW. But no, a nonexistent S-125 Neva did the job.....What a joke.


Keep this nonstop warmongering and imperialism going America, it will surely lead you to greener pastures.
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ECMs would be used in any hostile strike, that was already known. trump back to hostility toward Iranians.
This is coming from the same sources that claimed the AD system used to obliterate the RQ-4A was an old Soviet-Era S-125 Neva which Iran, on record, never used and or owned. The exact same country saying the very destroyed drone was in "international airspace" when wreckage and flight data from Iran clearly shows it was in Iranian airspace when it was blown up. The same country that of which told the world a total bullshit story about how president Trump called off a retaliatory strike because apparently the cost of Iranian lives would have been "disproportionate" when anyone who is familiar with Iran knows that it was the fallout of the now aborted ill-fated strike that made Trump back off not his fake sympathy towards Iranian soldiers, the very same he designated as terrorists not that long ago.

Honestly it's ok though, let the celibate American military magicians pretend to live in their "full spectrum dominance" fantasy. It surely hasn't led them astray thus far.... I mean Iran only, through a domestically made missile system, took down the literal cream of the crop drone filled with some the most advanced technology in jamming and EW. But no, a nonexistent S-125 Neva did the job.....What a joke.


Keep this nonstop warmongering and imperialism going America, it will surely lead you to greener pastures.

The fact is that the US military demonstrated the capability to cripple Iranian command and control systems. This has a far greater effect on military operations than downing a single drone.

Well done US Cyber Command!
President Trump approved an offensive cyber-strike that disabled Iranian computer systems used to control rocket and missile launches, even as he backed away from a conventional military attack in response to its shoot-down Thursday of an unmanned U.S. surveillance drone, according to people familiar with the matter.

The cyber-strikes, launched Thursday night by personnel with U.S. Cyber Command, were in the works for weeks if not months, according to two of these people, who said the Pentagon proposed launching them after Iran’s alleged attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman earlier this month.

The strike against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was coordinated with U.S. Central Command, the military organization with purview of activity throughout the Middle East, these people said. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the operation remains extremely sensitive.

Though crippling to Iran’s military command and control systems, the operation did not involve a loss of life or civilian casualties — a contrast to conventional strikes, which the president said he called back Thursday because they would not be “proportionate.”

The administration on Saturday warned industry officials to be alert for cyberattacks originating from Iran.


An this is what you call a proportionate response! Well done to US Cyber Command!

US cyber command fired the missile?
Two officials told The Associated Press that the strikes were conducted with approval from Trump. A third official confirmed the broad outlines of the strike. All spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the operation.

The cyberattacks — a contingency plan developed over weeks amid escalating tensions — disabled Iranian computer systems that controlled its rocket and missile launchers, the officials said. Two of the officials said the attacks, which specifically targeted Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps computer system, were provided as options after Iranian forces blew up two oil tankers earlier this month.

The IRGC, which was designated a foreign terrorist group by the Trump administration earlier this year, is a branch of the Iranian military.

The action by U.S. Cyber Command was a demonstration of the U.S.'s increasingly mature cyber military capabilities and its more aggressive cyber strategy under the Trump administration. Over the last year U.S. officials have focused on persistently engaging with adversaries in cyberspace and undertaking more offensive operations.

The fact is that the US military demonstrated the capability to cripple Iranian command and control systems. This has a far greater effect on military operations than downing a single drone.

Well done US Cyber Command!

"cripple" what exactly? I highly doubt much of Iran's command and control systems have been effected and this is more of that tried and true U.S. propaganda bs it loves to Peddle to ignorant fanboys who gobble it up like none other (RQ-170 was never hacked, Iran used a nonexistent S-125 to down the RQ-4A, Saddam's imaginary WMDs, etc). If you want to believe this was a 'severe' blow to Iran then go ahead, nobody's gonna stop you. American military magicians gallivanting the world over, raping, killing, pillaging whilst believing their morals are superior: gotta love that sort of arrogance.

Again like I said last time, this is coming from the mouth of a military who has ON RECORD LIED MULTIPLE TIMES REGARDING IRAN and this time is no different except this time around they're going to blow the actual results of this out of proportion to lick-their wounds from losing the best drone in their arsenal to a domestically made Iranian defense system that blasted straight through vaunted EW and JAMMING technology this magical flying machine was supposed to sport.

Iran's AD infrastructure is gigantic by all means, practically what the U.S. did is pricking the elephant and making a big deal out of it.

Regardless I will leave this sort of analysis to those on PDF who have more than a layman's knowledge about such things.

How many threads from the same topic.

The fact is Yankees have completely failed against Iran for long and they can’t do nothing against Iran other than economic terrorism.
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