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Trump approved cyber-strikes against Iran’s missile systems

We know that not everything is attached to the internet or a comprehensive and centralized C4 system of that country like howitzers, tanks, guns etc...


but Sams , airforce assets, radars etc are all connected to C4. So even if the attack was 100% successfull, it still leave an army (with tanks, howitIrzers, artillery, guns etc) that is 10 times more advance then taliban. In this condition if US attack Iran will it succeed ? Yes. Will it be feasible (to loose both men and money) for US ? Not at all. Iranians are masters of proxy war. They will bring US down.


And I wish to add that the Iranians are highly motivated, religion-wise and nationalism-wise. Some of them have participated in the ongoing Syria war and have learned tactics from there.

Cyber attacks are already common and part of the new hybrid warfare nations are waging against each other. No big issue.

From what I remember from some years ago, NATO has a cyber warfare center in Estonia and Russia has a cyber warfare school in Siberia.


America is not great anymore !

In the coming future nobody will give a single shit about uncle Sam and it's rules of the jungle.

China grows much faster than you and you can do nothing about that... They are going to humiliate you everywhere!

It doesn't mean I'm happy with that because i know Chinese are much worse ... than you !!!

You are stupid... Because instead of focusing on the Chinese threat , you focused on Iran and Islam for the sake of Israel !

Just wait for the moment Israelis will change their team and stick to the new superpower !

Keep going...

America is not great anymore !

In the coming future nobody will give a single shit about uncle Sam and it's rules of the jungle.

China grows much faster than you and you can do nothing about that... They are going to humiliate you everywhere!

It doesn't mean I'm happy with that because i know Chinese are much worse ... than you !!!

You are stupid... Because instead of focusing on the Chinese threat , you focused on Iran and Islam for the sake of Israel !

Just wait for the moment Israelis will change their team and stick to the new superpower !

Keep going...

China?:lol: You do realize that China has not even closed the gap with the US economy in the last 5+ years?

I’ve been reading about the “downfall” of the US for years...and it never comes to pass.
How do we know if the cyber attacks did anything? Seems more like a cop out, which is fine if it prevents a war.

It is face saving after Iran showcased the wreckage which the US initially denied.

The US has many enemies today. Iran, China, Russia, Pakistan and the list goes on. It is not a coincidence that many of these countries are located closely to each other.
Iran is entering an endless adventure. In a possible war, Iran could be completely destroyed. The US is forced only by ground operations.
well Iran is just getting started wait for more surprises.

“We shall not stand idly by if signatory countries will not find a way out for Iran to regain its trade, energy and commercial position in the international market. If sanctions are not lifted one way or another, we are only at the beginning of the crisis. Much more can be expected. Iran will never accept to be disarmed of its missiles because they are a guarantee for its security and that of the region. Today Iran is much stronger, enjoying the support of the population and harmony between the political and military leadership. We shall not submit and no negotiation with Trump can be expected as long as sanctions are hovering over our heads. The world should expect more surprises in the coming days because Iranians refuse to starve. Therefore, we are no longer afraid of any war, even more significant against a superpower country”.

President Trump approved an offensive cyber-strike that disabled Iranian computer systems used to control rocket and missile launches, even as he backed away from a conventional military attack in response to its shoot-down Thursday of an unmanned U.S. surveillance drone, according to people familiar with the matter.

The cyber-strikes, launched Thursday night by personnel with U.S. Cyber Command, were in the works for weeks if not months, according to two of these people, who said the Pentagon proposed launching them after Iran’s alleged attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman earlier this month.

The strike against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was coordinated with U.S. Central Command, the military organization with purview of activity throughout the Middle East, these people said. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the operation remains extremely sensitive.

Though crippling to Iran’s military command and control systems, the operation did not involve a loss of life or civilian casualties — a contrast to conventional strikes, which the president said he called back Thursday because they would not be “proportionate.”

The administration on Saturday warned industry officials to be alert for cyberattacks originating from Iran.


An this is what you call a proportionate response! Well done to US Cyber Command!

Wow, it's amazing how U.S had to put up a ridiculous lie like this to ease some of their pain. Who the **** do they think they are fooling? Do they think Iran's radar command and missile command posts have a windows 10 with an operator connected to internet browsing Google?

Iran has established a domestic cable network for YEARS now, none of the radars posts are actually connected to the internet, I mean this is the most basic logic of any military unit.

It's understandable though, after first refusing to have entered Iranian airspace, then proven to be lying, and then actually thanking Iran for not shooting down their P-8 recon marine plane, it's only natural to come up with a fictional story for the average (fool) Joe in the U.S.
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