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Trump approved cyber-strikes against Iran’s missile systems

"cripple" what exactly? I highly doubt much of Iran's command and control systems have been effected and this is more of that tried and true U.S. propaganda bs it loves to Peddle to ignorant fanboys who gobble it up like none other (RQ-170 was never hacked, Iran used a nonexistent S-125 to down the RQ-4A, Saddam's imaginary WMDs, etc). If you want to believe this was a 'severe' blow to Iran then go ahead, nobody's gonna stop you. American military magicians gallivanting the world over, raping, killing, pillaging whilst believing their morals are superior: gotta love that sort of arrogance.

Again like I said last time, this is coming from the mouth of a military who has ON RECORD LIED MULTIPLE TIMES REGARDING IRAN and this time is no different except this time around they're going to blow the actual results of this out of proportion to lick-their wounds from losing the best drone in their arsenal to a domestically made Iranian defense system that blasted straight through vaunted EW and JAMMING technology this magical flying machine was supposed to sport.

Iran's AD infrastructure is gigantic by all means, practically what the U.S. did is pricking the elephant and making a big deal out of it.

Regardless I will leave this sort of analysis to those on PDF who have more than a layman's knowledge about such things.


You can comfort yourself all you want....it won’t change the fact that the US military can cripple Iran if it chose to.

And on what planet is the RQ-4 BAMS drone the “best” in the US arsenal? That title likely belongs to the still classified RQ-180.
You can comfort yourself all you want....it won’t change the fact that the US military can cripple Iran if it chose to.

And on what planet is the RQ-4 BAMS drone the “best” in the US arsenal? That title likely belongs to the still classified RQ-180.

"You can comfort yourself all you want....it won’t change the fact that the US military can cripple Iran if it chose to."

Fair enough, agree to disagree.

Also the 221 million dollar RQ-4A is regarded as one of if not the best drone in Americas arsenal: idk what you're even trying to get at. The machine had all sorts of counter-measures that failed against ONE missile. Got an excuse for that one?
It will be similar to the Stuxnet attack on centrifuges


Stuxned wouldn't be possible without some Iranian working there betraying his country, therefore such attacks rely on insider cooperation and that's not easy (to repeat).

Most large cyber attacs are because some insider makes a mistake allowing unwanted access either knowingly or out of stupidity, the other possibility is the system/software was not secure.
"You can comfort yourself all you want....it won’t change the fact that the US military can cripple Iran if it chose to."

Fair enough, agree to disagree.

Also the 221 million dollar RQ-4A is regarded as one of if not the best drone in Americas arsenal: idk what you're even trying to get at. The machine had all sorts of counter-measures that failed against ONE missile. Got an excuse for that one?

The drone has advanced surveillance technologies, but it’s slow and has the wingspan of a c-130. It’s a huge target. Definitely not as capable as an RQ-180
Any evidence of this actually occurring ? How do we know that C4 of IRGC was really crippled ?
Mostly Iranian members are stupid enough to underestimate US in the matters of war.

US found a way to ruin centrifuges of Iranian Natanz facility with cyber warfare back in 2014: https://www.wired.com/2014/11/countdown-to-zero-day-stuxnet/

Remarkable accomplishment in the light if the fact that Natanz is not linked to internet (WWW).

Not the first time, US have humbled Iran actually.

USN defeated IRIN in a major clash in 1988: https://warisboring.com/all-the-times-the-iranian-navy-got-its-***-kicked/

One might expect these people to not be so trigger-happy and proud, but these people do not learn.

Americans are actually split over how to deal with Iran. Democrats see in Iran a counterbalance to influence of GCC bloc. This is the only reason why Iran is not on the receiving end of US so far.

Donald Trump is very cautious about his reputation as well. He does not want to start a new war because elections are near, and he does not want to be perceived as Bush 2.0.

However, Iranians must understand that one day somebody in White House will not be passive about Iran.
How many threads from the same topic.

The fact is Yankees have completely failed against Iran for long and they can’t do nothing against Iran other than economic terrorism.

I am curious. Has Iran made itself immune to cyber attacks at its key military and nuclear facilities ?? In 2010 there was the attack of the Stuxnet virus / worm.

It will be similar to the Stuxnet attack on centrifuges


I too was wondering about that.

Stuxned wouldn't be possible without some Iranian working there betraying his country, therefore such attacks rely on insider cooperation and that's not easy (to repeat).

Most large cyber attacs are because some insider makes a mistake allowing unwanted access either knowingly or out of stupidity, the other possibility is the system/software was not secure.

The last time it happened I don't think it was done by someone knowingly. I think it was sheer stupidity on part of the system admins.

The facility used Windows OS.

Well , USA is more depended on computer networks than Iran ....

I doubt even their foot solders can navigate between 2 village without gps coordinates and direct communication with their higher ops



@RealNapster , what is your take on this cyber attack affair ??
Other than massaging Trump's massive ego I don't see any point in releasing this story. Cyber attacks are already common and part of the new hybrid warfare nations are waging against each other. No big issue.
@RealNapster , what is your take on this cyber attack affair ??

First we have to proof that it really happened. I dont have any means to establish that so lets assume it happened. Now the question arrises that how much it affected the Iranian military specially IRGC assets. We know that not everything is attached to the internet or a comprehensive and centralized C4 system of that country like howitzers, tanks, guns etc... but Sams , airforce assets, radars etc are all connected to C4. So even if the attack was 100% successfull, it still leave an army (with tanks, howitzers, artillery, guns etc) that is 10 times more advance then taliban. In this condition if US attack Iran will it succeed ? Yes. Will it be feasible (to loose both men and money) for US ? Not at all. Iranians are masters of proxy war. They will bring US down.
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