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Trump announces Israel-Morocco to normalize relations

Lol. You are a retard. Morocco just got recognition of Western Sahara. That is like Pakistan getting the US to recognize Kashmir as part of its territory. Also, we whopped Algeria's *** in every war and conflict we have had and add this one to the list.

:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:

Western Sahara is like a desert hell hole with no standing, value, or any real military conflict. Morocco already controlled it De-Facto.

Kashmir is a strategic area where three nuclear-armed militaries are dugged in. Its not even close

You can mental masturbate all you want...but the truth of the matter is, you cucks were told what to do by Trump and you obliged since your King is a Western puppet and you Moroccans dont even have any say in what happens in your country.

**** off and go kiss the hands of a 7 year old "prince" like your military generals are forced to do.

Imagine the EMBARRASSMENT that this video exists :lol:

Grown old men---military generals/officers, beaurocrats etc---all bowing down and kissing 6 year old's hands

Morocco = The CUCKS of Maghreb :cry:
Surprised that Morocco has recognised Israel.
Isn't the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Morocco? All their life they screamed death to Israel and when in power they jump in bed with them. These people are worse than the dictators.

Lol, are you insane or what? Moroccan King has recognized Israel. You think "parliament" in Morocco has any real power? :lol:
Lol, are you insane or what? Moroccan King has recognized Israel. You think "parliament" in Morocco has any real power? :lol:

The MB party should resign from the government then? Or will they continue to keep the warm chair. Power ek nasha hei
The MB party should resign from the government then? Or will they continue to keep the warm chair. Power ek nasha hei

Lol, dude----the MB party in Morocco holds only 12 seats in the parliament. You seem to be under the impression that MB is AKP of Morocco or something :lol: What can these poor 12 MPs of MB do in Morocco? Against a brutal, Western puppet dictatorship
Trump will be gone soon. Arab governments might have agreed terms with Israel, but citizens had no say.

There was a poll after UAE's recognition of Israel and like 90% of Emiratis disapproved of it. But then again, what can you in dictatorial govts? Arab world is truly f*cked in this sense. Ruled by despotic dictators since forever.
It is up to us. No one can force us to accept anyone. Why do you people force Pakistan to accept Israel?

We don't support Palestine to please Arabs. We support Palestine because it is the right thing to do.

If we support Palestine to please the Arabs we would have accepted Israel to please the Arabs. It is the Arab stance that changed. Not ours. It shows Pakistan's principled stance.

The Arabs can do whatever they like. If they want to accept Israel it is their choice. No one cares about Arab choices. Arabs cannot force Pakistan to accept Israel which they are trying to do. We won't accept Israel.

that in no way answers my question

so pakistan supports palestinians because it was the right thing to do

so what about Ozbek?? what about Tajiks?? What about Kazakhs?? What about Circassians??? What about Turkmens??? What about Kyrgiz??? What about Volga Tatars??? What about Crimean Tatars??? What about Lipka Tatars??? What about karakalpaks???

were they not muslims??

when these people were being suppressed and persecuted, Pakiland was busy asking the Soviets to build a brand new national steel mill for them
President Donald Trump has announced that Israel and Morocco will normalize relations, in what's the latest breakthrough of his administration's press to push Arab-Israeli peace
By MATTHEW LEE AP Diplomatic Writer
December 10, 2020, 10:55 AM
• 4 min read

Historic agreement signed to normalize relations in Israel, UAE and Bahrain

Historic agreement signed to normalize relations in Israel, UAE and Bahrain
Hosted by President Trump at the White House Tuesday, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain b...Read More
WASHINGTON -- Israel and Morocco have agreed to normalize relations, President Donald Trump said Thursday, marking the fourth Arab-Israeli agreement in four months. As part of the deal announced near the end of Trump's term, the United States will recognize Morocco's claim over the disputed Western Sahara region.

Trump said Israel and Morocco would restore diplomatic and other relations, including the immediate reopening of liaison offices in Tel Aviv and Rabat and the eventual opening of embassies. U.S. officials said there would be joint overflight rights for airlines.

The White House said Trump and Morocco's King Mohammed VI had agreed that Morocco would “resume diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel and expand economic and cultural cooperation to advance regional stability.”

“Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!” Trump tweeted.

The U.S. will recognize Morocco's claim over Western Sahara, the former Spanish territory in North Africa where a long-running dispute has confounded international negotiators for decades. Trump noted that Morocco had been the first country to recognize the United States as an independent nation just a year after the U.S. declared its independence from Britain in 1776.

“It is thus fitting we recognize their sovereignty over the Western Sahara,” Trump said.

The deal is the result of talks conducted by the president's senior adviser, son-in-law Jared Kushner, and his chief international negotiator, Avi Berkowitz. “This is a significant step forward for the people of Israel and Morocco. It further enhances Israel’s security, while creating opportunities for Morocco and Israel to deepen their economic ties and improve the lives of their people,” Kushner said.

Morocco is the fourth Arab nation to recognize Israel as the Trump administration seeks to expand a diplomatic framework that began over the summer with an agreement between the Jewish state and the United Arab Emirates.

Bahrain and Sudan have followed suit and administration officials have also been trying to bring Saudi Arabia into the grouping.

“The president reaffirmed his support for Morocco’s serious, credible, and realistic autonomy proposal as the only basis for a just and lasting solution to the dispute over the Western Sahara territory and as such the president recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the entire Western Sahara territory,” the White House said.

All these countries are geographically far removed from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, making it easier to strike deals with Israel and the U.S. for their own particular interests. Morocco also has close ties with Saudi Arabia, which has given its tacit support to the normalization process with Israel, even at a time when peacemaking with the Palestinians is at a standstill.

Morocco, a country with centuries of Jewish history, has long been rumored to be ready to establish ties with Israel.

Before Israel’s establishment in 1948, Morocco was home to a large Jewish population, many of whose ancestors migrated to North Africa from Spain and Portugal during the Spanish Inquisition. Today, hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews trace their lineage to Morocco, making it one of the country’s largest sectors of Israeli society. A small community of Jews, estimated at several thousand people, continues to live in Morocco.

Morocco has for years had informal ties with Israel. They established low-level diplomatic relations during the 1990s following Israel’s interim peace accords with the Palestinians, but those ties were suspended after the outbreak of the second Palestinian uprising in 2000.

Since then, the informal ties have continued, and an estimated 50,000 Israelis travel to Morocco each year on trips to learn about the Jewish community and retrace their family histories.

U.S. backing for Morocco's Western Sahara claim has long been a rumored, but unconfirmed, bargaining chip in talk about diplomatic ties. Morocco had claimed the vast desert area as its “southern provinces” since 1975 as the Polisario Front, based in southern Algeria, wants its independence. A recent dust-up with the Polisario brought the issue back into headlines.


Associated Press writers Josef Federman in Jerusalem and Elaine Ganley in Paris contributed to this report.


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Nothing new, it was just a matter of time for Morocco to normalise her relations with Israel...Nobody was taken by a surprise...At least not Algeria or the RASD.
Trump does what he wants. The Western sahara issue is in the corridors of the United Nations. He does not have to decide anything. The loser is the Moroccan king, who won the shame in front of his people, which is strongly opposed to the normalization.
that in no way answers my question

so pakistan supports palestinians because it was the right thing to do

so what about Ozbek?? what about Tajiks?? What about Kazakhs?? What about Circassians??? What about Turkmens??? What about Kyrgiz??? What about Volga Tatars??? What about Crimean Tatars??? What about Lipka Tatars??? What about karakalpaks???

were they not muslims??

when these people were being suppressed and persecuted, Pakiland was busy asking the Soviets to build a brand new national steel mill for them

Pakistan did eventually fought against Soviets and played an absolute central role in destroyed USSR forever and liberating 4,000,000 sq km of land in Central Asia and brought it to the fold of Islam, nominally speaking. Mosques in Kazakhstan alone went from 87 to like 3000 lol.

Thing is, you can't dought the sentiment of Pakistan, its people, and its forces when it comes to global Islam/Ummah/Muslim Community etc (whatever you wanna call it). Pakistan has helped, inferred, and propelled again and again for the interest of Islam and Muslims worldover.

Now, you have to understand Pakistan is no military superpower. We are limited what we can do at certain times. Even with the sentiment, we cant really help Uigyurs accept may be requesting China to go a little easy on them. Btw, Pakistani ISI did also try to interfere in Xinjiang at one point and Chinese put their foot down and told us "Stay in your limits or else..."

Read this---the general notion of Pakistani military/intelligence's sentiment towards oppressed Muslims

Hamid Gul's Pan-Islamic view and helping Muslim minorities worldwide.png

Read this one, especially....

Pak intelligence support to Bosnians, Philipines Muslims even Uigyurs.png

Almost all of these conflicts are settled now---mostly in favor of Muslims. Even in Russia, Chechyna is a de-facto Sharia land and everyone knows it. Philipines signed agreement of autonomy with Muslim rebels and Islamic lifestyle and Sharia courts are guaranteed. Entire Central Asia is free and is WAY more Islamic now (Mashallah).

Hell, even Taliban in Afghanistan are on the negotiating table and forming Afghanistan's future Islamic state...and everyone knows Pakistan's role in it.

All of this despite us being a third world weak country with poverty and internal strife and 10x larger enemy to our East.

Give yourself some credit
Bigger issue is Trump selling out western Sahara people for Isreal.

The rural idiots that voted for Trump should realise. Trump cares more about Israel then America. Israel First, America Second.
Lol. You are a retard. Morocco just got recognition of Western Sahara. That is like Pakistan getting the US to recognize Kashmir as part of its territory. Also, we whopped Algeria's *** in every war and conflict we have had and add this one to the list.
You have no idea what’s in the wait for Morocco..Trump left a Biden to deal with that..As we speak, the Sahraoui are tanning your behind in all the length that is separating the useful ( Moroccan term) area to the useless..Corps are littering the wall despite the blackout on the news..news of fleeing Moroccan soldiers and desertions are the every day menu..With Trump or without him, with Biden..you will get the **** out from their land..and this a Time Algeria will be involved..and Morocco proper will be redecoratedby the Sahrawi.
:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:

Western Sahara is like a desert hell hole with no standing, value, or any real military conflict. Morocco already controlled it De-Facto.

Kashmir is a strategic area where three nuclear-armed militaries are dugged in. Its not even close

You can mental masturbate all you want...but the truth of the matter is, you cucks were told what to do by Trump and you obliged since your King is a Western puppet and you Moroccans dont even have any say in what happens in your country.

**** off and go kiss the hands of a 7 year old "prince" like your military generals are forced to do.

Imagine the EMBARRASSMENT that this video exists :lol:

Grown old men---military generals/officers, beaurocrats etc---all bowing down and kissing 6 year old's hands

Morocco = The CUCKS of Maghreb :cry:

Lol, are you insane or what? Moroccan King has recognized Israel. You think "parliament" in Morocco has any real power? :lol:

That kid has good heart, he doesnt want the old men who want to kiss his hand kiss his hand, this is why he was acting like that, while for those who want just shake his hand without kissing, he retain the shaking much longer
Probably, but that won't go well with Algeria.
Who do you think is going to tangle with Algeria? Algeria has been arming itself against NATO, long before the creation of the Arab NATO...The one who will be the but the joke is Morocco and Egypt..both countries are under the thumb of the Emiratis..and the Emiratis are the deciders as GWBush tells it!
.so the people there hate morroco
No there is no hate between the two people..There are frictions between a monarchy and a republic..
Honestly even as a Pakistani who even cares what Arab countries establish ties with israel. It’s fairly obvious the dominoes will fall one by one. No point In verbally chastising them.
There was a poll after UAE's recognition of Israel and like 90% of Emiratis disapproved of it. But then again, what can you in dictatorial govts? Arab world is truly f*cked in this sense. Ruled by despotic dictators since forever.

As an Emirati living in the Capital, this is the first time I hear of this poll. Care to share details and sources please

The UAE government and the people of the UAE want the best for Palestinian people and we will continue to support them however possible. This peace treaty with Israel does not mean we do not support Palestine or Palestinians. I believe the same applies to Morocco and the great people of Morocco.

I am amused how many on here think the opposite. Immature way of thinking to say the least and a severe lack of vision.
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