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Trump and Modi are two sides of the same coin


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Trump and Modi are two sides of the same coin
Opinion by Sarah Philips

Updated 0355 GMT (1155 HKT) September 22, 2019


  • [paste:font size="5"]
opinion at CNN.

(CNN)This Sunday, President Donald Trump and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi are sharing a stage in my hometown of Houston, Texas, at an event named "Howdy, Modi". This is Modi's first trip to the US since his reelection earlier this year, and it comes at a time when he and Trump are looking to forge stronger ties and trade relations between the US and India.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under fire over award to Indian PM Modi

While tens of thousands of Indian Americans are expected to welcome the prime minister inside the NRG stadium alongside local officials, members of Congress, and other politicians, I'll be outside protesting with many others as we bid adios to Modi.
It's shameful to see the prime minister being enthusiastically welcomed in the city I know and love under the guise of multiculturalism and inclusion -- especially when Modi has stoked Hindu nationalist sentiments since he was first elected in 2014.
I'm a third-generation Indian American raised in Houston's Indian Christian community. My ammachis, or my grandmothers, immigrated to Texas from Kerala, India, in search of nursing jobs in the 1970s and established their lives in this city alongside other Indian immigrant families.
The South Asian community in Texas is a multi-religious and multi-racial community. We are queer, trans, and gender non-conforming. We are undocumented and working-class people. We trace our families back to different countries in South Asia, as well as to Africa and the Caribbean. And we are part of the reason that Houston is known to be one of the most diverse cities in America.
Instead of embracing Modi, we should be holding him accountable for the horrific human rights abuses happening all across India, and especially in Kashmir right now.

Pakistani actress: The problem with Priyanka Chopra

Modi's government revoked Kashmir's special status on August 5, and a communications blackout has been in place ever since, with reports of mass raids, arrests, and torture. In Assam in the northeast of India, 1.9 million people, many of them Muslim, women, and poor, could lose their citizenship status. Since Modi came into power, Dalits, who have long endured caste discrimination, and religious minorities have faced higher levels of persecution. Human rights advocates are reporting an increase in rhetoric spurring mob violence from cow protection groups targeting Muslims and other minorities. It is also heartbreaking to see fellow Christians in India facing violence and discrimination, given our long history there.
All of this is consistent with Modi's far-right Hindu nationalist agenda, which seeks to prioritize the rights of Hindus and diminish the rights of others. Modi and his ruling party have incited hate, violence and discrimination against religious minorities and marginalized people across India, including Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians.
This strategy should sound familiar, because Hindu nationalism is similar to another form of hate that we have long been confronting here in the United States: white supremacy. White supremacists in this country wish to exclude Black, Native, Muslim, and non-white immigrant communities from the United States. President Trump's rhetoric and policies, from the border wall to the Muslim ban, are rooted in white supremacist ideology.
That is why we must oppose Modi and Trump and reject both Hindu nationalism and white supremacy. Indian Americans, in particular, cannot on the one hand protest the family separation policy and the Muslim ban under the Trump administration, while supporting the Modi government's anti-Muslim, or anti-Dalit rhetoric in India. Indeed, the "Howdy Modi" event has reaffirmed the hypocrisy in my own community. If we were truly committed to acceptance and liberation, then we could not possibly celebrate a leader who supports Islamophobia and caste apartheid.
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I'm coming of age at a time when fascism and ethnonationalism are on the rise across the world. Trump and Modi are two sides of the same coin -- they're both authoritarian leaders who intimidate and exclude marginalized communities, chill the free press, and champion fake news and propaganda to whitewash their atrocities.
This weekend, South Asians in Houston will not be silent and simply accept the spectacle of Modi and Trump together on a stage. We will join protesters of all backgrounds and faiths to send a message to people around the world, including the people of Kashmir, that we will not celebrate or welcome those who violate human rights here at home or in our countries of origin. We offer a different narrative: one based in the liberation of all people, from Houston to Kashmir.
he did what he did, but what will khan do is more important!

personally these talks are a bloody waste of time! 50+days and Kashmir is under curfew and that is because it has the approval of the yanks behind it!
Without a doubt we are sorrounded vy idiot world leaders

Imran khan
Trump and Modi are two sides of the same coin
Opinion by Sarah Philips

Updated 0355 GMT (1155 HKT) September 22, 2019


  • [paste:font size="5"]
opinion at CNN.

(CNN)This Sunday, President Donald Trump and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi are sharing a stage in my hometown of Houston, Texas, at an event named "Howdy, Modi". This is Modi's first trip to the US since his reelection earlier this year, and it comes at a time when he and Trump are looking to forge stronger ties and trade relations between the US and India.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under fire over award to Indian PM Modi

While tens of thousands of Indian Americans are expected to welcome the prime minister inside the NRG stadium alongside local officials, members of Congress, and other politicians, I'll be outside protesting with many others as we bid adios to Modi.
It's shameful to see the prime minister being enthusiastically welcomed in the city I know and love under the guise of multiculturalism and inclusion -- especially when Modi has stoked Hindu nationalist sentiments since he was first elected in 2014.
I'm a third-generation Indian American raised in Houston's Indian Christian community. My ammachis, or my grandmothers, immigrated to Texas from Kerala, India, in search of nursing jobs in the 1970s and established their lives in this city alongside other Indian immigrant families.
The South Asian community in Texas is a multi-religious and multi-racial community. We are queer, trans, and gender non-conforming. We are undocumented and working-class people. We trace our families back to different countries in South Asia, as well as to Africa and the Caribbean. And we are part of the reason that Houston is known to be one of the most diverse cities in America.
Instead of embracing Modi, we should be holding him accountable for the horrific human rights abuses happening all across India, and especially in Kashmir right now.

Pakistani actress: The problem with Priyanka Chopra

Modi's government revoked Kashmir's special status on August 5, and a communications blackout has been in place ever since, with reports of mass raids, arrests, and torture. In Assam in the northeast of India, 1.9 million people, many of them Muslim, women, and poor, could lose their citizenship status. Since Modi came into power, Dalits, who have long endured caste discrimination, and religious minorities have faced higher levels of persecution. Human rights advocates are reporting an increase in rhetoric spurring mob violence from cow protection groups targeting Muslims and other minorities. It is also heartbreaking to see fellow Christians in India facing violence and discrimination, given our long history there.
All of this is consistent with Modi's far-right Hindu nationalist agenda, which seeks to prioritize the rights of Hindus and diminish the rights of others. Modi and his ruling party have incited hate, violence and discrimination against religious minorities and marginalized people across India, including Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians.
This strategy should sound familiar, because Hindu nationalism is similar to another form of hate that we have long been confronting here in the United States: white supremacy. White supremacists in this country wish to exclude Black, Native, Muslim, and non-white immigrant communities from the United States. President Trump's rhetoric and policies, from the border wall to the Muslim ban, are rooted in white supremacist ideology.
That is why we must oppose Modi and Trump and reject both Hindu nationalism and white supremacy. Indian Americans, in particular, cannot on the one hand protest the family separation policy and the Muslim ban under the Trump administration, while supporting the Modi government's anti-Muslim, or anti-Dalit rhetoric in India. Indeed, the "Howdy Modi" event has reaffirmed the hypocrisy in my own community. If we were truly committed to acceptance and liberation, then we could not possibly celebrate a leader who supports Islamophobia and caste apartheid.
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I'm coming of age at a time when fascism and ethnonationalism are on the rise across the world. Trump and Modi are two sides of the same coin -- they're both authoritarian leaders who intimidate and exclude marginalized communities, chill the free press, and champion fake news and propaganda to whitewash their atrocities.
This weekend, South Asians in Houston will not be silent and simply accept the spectacle of Modi and Trump together on a stage. We will join protesters of all backgrounds and faiths to send a message to people around the world, including the people of Kashmir, that we will not celebrate or welcome those who violate human rights here at home or in our countries of origin. We offer a different narrative: one based in the liberation of all people, from Houston to Kashmir.

I'm sorry but Trump is no where near Modi's evil rating.
Has Trump blessed and visited the rapists of Muslim women and killers of young infants telling them they should be proud?
Has Trump denied all rights to one of the US states within the union, and sent the army in to put it into lockdown?
Has Trump given a free hand to bands of raving white supremacist to lynch people of colour, Jews, Muslims etc?

The answer is no. Modi is complete and utter evil incarnate.
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Some decent points in the op but as others have clearly stated, to conflate trump's isolationist libertarian (albeit heavily influenced by neoconservative Zionist elements) roots with Modi who is just a dumb Nazi is actually a great disservice to trump.

Moreover, Modi's target for his ethnoreligious conquest is not some leeching migrant community but the descendants of the mughals, the builders of the state of India as we know it today. Trump is far more intelligent, pragmatic and adaptable then Modi. On top of that Trump actually speaks like a statesman, can dominate a room full of rival statesmen, and you can tell he is media savvy and an expert in business.

Modi to this day still looks, moans and behaves like a chaiwalla.
you guys are just imagining India, US, Modi and Trump intentions; mis-interpreting their words; and ignorant of their actions. Worse, you seem to have appointed yourself to be representative of the muslims aroudn the world - you just are not. On the contrary muslim women are thanking BJP now for getting rid triple talaq!

You are trying to squeeze out some mileage out of removal of 370 but reality is different: it is proving to be a triple win for him and India: better counter terrorism, better industrial and business climate and better human rights for Kashmir.
I'm sorry but Trump is no where near Modi's evil rating.
Has Trump blessed and visited the rapists of Muslim women and killers of young infants telling them they should be proud?
Has Trump denied all rights to one of the US states within the union, and sent the army in to put it into lockdown?
Has Trump given a free hand to bands of raving white supremacist to lynch people of colour, Jews, Muslims etc?

The answer is no. Modi is complete and utter evil incarnate.
You have a point but then in USA there are checks and balances
you guys are just imagining India, US, Modi and Trump intentions; mis-interpreting their words; and ignorant of their actions. Worse, you seem to have appointed yourself to be representative of the muslims aroudn the world - you just are not. On the contrary muslim women are thanking BJP now for getting rid triple talaq!

You are trying to squeeze out some mileage out of removal of 370 but reality is different: it is proving to be a triple win for him and India: better counter terrorism, better industrial and business climate and better human rights for Kashmir.

Stop talking from your back side and know the facts rather think you know the facts.
Trump and Modi are two sides of the same coin
Opinion by Sarah Philips

Updated 0355 GMT (1155 HKT) September 22, 2019


  • [paste:font size="5"]
opinion at CNN.

(CNN)This Sunday, President Donald Trump and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi are sharing a stage in my hometown of Houston, Texas, at an event named "Howdy, Modi". This is Modi's first trip to the US since his reelection earlier this year, and it comes at a time when he and Trump are looking to forge stronger ties and trade relations between the US and India.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under fire over award to Indian PM Modi

While tens of thousands of Indian Americans are expected to welcome the prime minister inside the NRG stadium alongside local officials, members of Congress, and other politicians, I'll be outside protesting with many others as we bid adios to Modi.
It's shameful to see the prime minister being enthusiastically welcomed in the city I know and love under the guise of multiculturalism and inclusion -- especially when Modi has stoked Hindu nationalist sentiments since he was first elected in 2014.
I'm a third-generation Indian American raised in Houston's Indian Christian community. My ammachis, or my grandmothers, immigrated to Texas from Kerala, India, in search of nursing jobs in the 1970s and established their lives in this city alongside other Indian immigrant families.
The South Asian community in Texas is a multi-religious and multi-racial community. We are queer, trans, and gender non-conforming. We are undocumented and working-class people. We trace our families back to different countries in South Asia, as well as to Africa and the Caribbean. And we are part of the reason that Houston is known to be one of the most diverse cities in America.
Instead of embracing Modi, we should be holding him accountable for the horrific human rights abuses happening all across India, and especially in Kashmir right now.

Pakistani actress: The problem with Priyanka Chopra

Modi's government revoked Kashmir's special status on August 5, and a communications blackout has been in place ever since, with reports of mass raids, arrests, and torture. In Assam in the northeast of India, 1.9 million people, many of them Muslim, women, and poor, could lose their citizenship status. Since Modi came into power, Dalits, who have long endured caste discrimination, and religious minorities have faced higher levels of persecution. Human rights advocates are reporting an increase in rhetoric spurring mob violence from cow protection groups targeting Muslims and other minorities. It is also heartbreaking to see fellow Christians in India facing violence and discrimination, given our long history there.
All of this is consistent with Modi's far-right Hindu nationalist agenda, which seeks to prioritize the rights of Hindus and diminish the rights of others. Modi and his ruling party have incited hate, violence and discrimination against religious minorities and marginalized people across India, including Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians.
This strategy should sound familiar, because Hindu nationalism is similar to another form of hate that we have long been confronting here in the United States: white supremacy. White supremacists in this country wish to exclude Black, Native, Muslim, and non-white immigrant communities from the United States. President Trump's rhetoric and policies, from the border wall to the Muslim ban, are rooted in white supremacist ideology.
That is why we must oppose Modi and Trump and reject both Hindu nationalism and white supremacy. Indian Americans, in particular, cannot on the one hand protest the family separation policy and the Muslim ban under the Trump administration, while supporting the Modi government's anti-Muslim, or anti-Dalit rhetoric in India. Indeed, the "Howdy Modi" event has reaffirmed the hypocrisy in my own community. If we were truly committed to acceptance and liberation, then we could not possibly celebrate a leader who supports Islamophobia and caste apartheid.
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I'm coming of age at a time when fascism and ethnonationalism are on the rise across the world. Trump and Modi are two sides of the same coin -- they're both authoritarian leaders who intimidate and exclude marginalized communities, chill the free press, and champion fake news and propaganda to whitewash their atrocities.
This weekend, South Asians in Houston will not be silent and simply accept the spectacle of Modi and Trump together on a stage. We will join protesters of all backgrounds and faiths to send a message to people around the world, including the people of Kashmir, that we will not celebrate or welcome those who violate human rights here at home or in our countries of origin. We offer a different narrative: one based in the liberation of all people, from Houston to Kashmir.

Trump is way smarter and lot less evil then Modi. Only thing Trump did is building more wall and accused of separating family members. Obama deported way more people then Trump did. Trump has been compared to Hitler, I think even Modi's evil doings has not reached the level of Hitler, not even by a mile.
its all about business. work hard and developed Pakistan so that we can spent 100 billion dollars annually to purchase from US companies. thats the only way to solve Kashmir problem as per the aspirations of Kashmirs people.
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