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Trump and Modi are two sides of the same coin

you guys are just imagining India, US, Modi and Trump intentions; mis-interpreting their words; and ignorant of their actions. Worse, you seem to have appointed yourself to be representative of the muslims aroudn the world - you just are not. On the contrary muslim women are thanking BJP now for getting rid triple talaq!

You are trying to squeeze out some mileage out of removal of 370 but reality is different: it is proving to be a triple win for him and India: better counter terrorism, better industrial and business climate and better human rights for Kashmir.

Yes Muslim women, I suppose the Muslim women of Gujarat are also wanting to thank him for being mass raped, killed then burnt alive by the mobs he blessed.
No one believes this rubbish apart from his supporters.
Yes Muslim women, I suppose the Muslim women of Gujarat are also wanting to thank him for being mass raped, killed then burnt alive by the mobs he blessed.
No one believes this rubbish apart from his supporters.

another example of what I said about you guys just imagining and making up things in your ow mind. You know neither of these (what these women feel, and 'no one' as if you have an esp connection to all people).
Trump and Modi are, in fact, the same face of the coin of bigotry and subterfuge.
Trump is way smarter and lot less evil then Modi. Only thing Trump did is building more wall and accused of separating family members. Obama deported way more people then Trump did. Trump has been compared to Hitler, I think even Modi's evil doings has not reached the level of Hitler, not even by a mile.

don’t be so optimistic about Modi ..
another example of what I said about you guys just imagining and making up things in your ow mind. You know neither of these (what these women feel, and 'no one' as if you have an esp connection to all people).

Yes right, there’s eye witness accounts, admissions by RSS and their allies and the bodies of the dead...
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Trump is not Evil , Modi is a butcher .. Trump hate against other races or religion is harmless on personal level, he criticize Latino's but a lot of Latin people work for him , same goes with Muslims .. but Modi is hateful Sanghi who believe that Muslim ruling his religion and country for centuries is a dark spot on his Hindutva ideology and he want to wash it up with Muslim blood .
Yes right, there’s eye witness accounts, admissions by RSS and their allies and the bodies of the dead...

If that is the case you want to make you are a) gullible consumer of fake news b) wanton fabricator c) both. Take your pick.

Fact is, somebody fabricates 'news' of some atrocity and a bunch of a/b/c spread it far and wide. By the time it is debunked, it has spread too far and wide to effectively counter. An example of this is the pellet gun photograph your rep to UN Maleeha Lodi flaunted in the US some time ago only to be embarrassed the next day by revelations that the photo was not even from India. May be she is a) fabricator b) gullible consumer c) gullible purveyor or d) all of the above.


President Trump is the CEO!!! Modi is puppet at the hands of the CEOs....

not going by what was in display in Houston yesterday. It was clearly Trump icing up Modi and Indian Americans for votes (and campaign funding). The democrats were not lacking in their genuflection either.
another example of what I said about you guys just imagining and making up things in your ow mind. You know neither of these (what these women feel, and 'no one' as if you have an esp connection to all people).
Belittling or outright denying genocide I see.
Belittling or outright denying genocide I see.

that's not my intention at all. Godhra riots occurred - but calling Modi as the guy who caused it, after he was cleared of any such involvement by a government made of his opposition party, is just mischievous, ignorant or both.
If that is the case you want to make you are a) gullible consumer of fake news b) wanton fabricator c) both. Take your pick.

I see you couldn’t answer what I wrote above and labelled it ‘fake news’, pathetic. There’s plenty on the massacres and the role your leader played.
I'm sorry but Trump is no where near Modi's evil rating.
Has Trump blessed and visited the rapists of Muslim women and killers of young infants telling them they should be proud?
Has Trump denied all rights to one of the US states within the union, and sent the army in to put it into lockdown?
Has Trump given a free hand to bands of raving white supremacist to lynch people of colour, Jews, Muslims etc?

The answer is no. Modi is complete and utter evil incarnate.

It's not only Modi, in 90's Indian army did much larger brutalities. They were literary running genocide and dumping dead bodies in mass graves.
Why UN /US were never interested in Kashmir mass graves? on the contrary, they were very concerned about.. for example, the dismissal of Iftikhar Chodary.
It's not only Modi, in 90's Indian army did much larger brutalities. They were literary running genocide and dumping dead bodies in mass graves.
Why UN /US were never interested in Kashmir mass graves? on the contrary, they were very concerned about.. for example, the dismissal of Iftikhar Chodary.
The real reason behind UN failing to do justice in the world is that UN was created as a Club for the Victorious. Though it was an improvement over the League of Nations where Germany was never made part in UN the looser states as well as those that remained neutral were made members though they were not given equal status i.e VETO. Till this day NO country as been added to the initial 5 that had the VETO also the right of VETO was non transferable hence neither common wealth countries nor those that formed part of USSR were transferred VETO.
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