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Trials begin of upgraded Indian main battle tank

can anyone tell me if there is any major design change in mk 2 compared to 1??
Arjun mk2 turret has been redesigned with IMI's help. Most likely it now sports the kind of sloped frontal and side modular armour panels of the kind seen on the Leopard 2A6. Also changes in armor might be visible.

but i would fear whether Army would reject it bcoz of weight....i think the weight has increased bcozz of ARJUNK mk1 (58ton) + Kanchan armour (4ton)+ Plough (2 ton)+ APU and Engine (2ton)....the weight has increased of Israel engineers who hav worked with DRDO making it an contemporary of merkava 4.....
There have been some overall weight reductions achieved through the employment of composites-built structures internally, but this has been offset by up-armouring the hull and turret with NERA panels and with the turret's sloped modular armour panels. But overall, there are adverse no weight/mobility penalties.

israel really???
He is just trying to say that drdo and hal are just the same....

Give me a link for that...
Whats wrong with that ? I mean these features were present in mk1 also....
Whats wrong with that ? I mean these features were present in mk1 also....

Arjun Mark 1 doesn't have APS. I think it would be pretty big if MARK 2 does. So link??

He is just trying to say that drdo and hal are just the same....

Well, they are not...
this is only possible because drdo doesn't stop its research and development even during critisized era and hanged on the projects in hand and completed them.
Some glowing examples are-
1. LCH-from-ALH
2. K-serise missiles-from-Agni serise
3. Nirbhay and Saurya-from-Brahmos.
Arjun-mk2 - from - Arjunmk1

Once we knew the A B C, Its easy to form a word ... Just Indian armed forces keep faith on our engineers and Don't fall in trap of Girl-Money-wine....
Give me a link for that...

Arjun MK2 having APS is just speculation.


Some people say that thing is an APS. Some say it is ALWCS.

Some source indicated that:
Arjun Tank’s Defensive Systems To Undergo Trials

Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE), a part of the state-owned Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), is currently developing Defensive Aids System for Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs) which aims to improve the survivability of tanks against anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) threats. This Defence Aids System will also assure reduced detection probability by target acquisition systems.

According to sources, an Advanced Laser Warning and Countermeasure System (ALWCS) and Mobile Camouflage System (MCS) are being developed by the CVRDE in Avadi. The MCS, being developed in collaboration with Barracuda Camouflage Limited in Haryana, will provide multispectral signature management of the vehicle to reduce the vehicle signature against all known sensors and smart munitions. The MCS system has been integrated on MBT Arjun and the evaluation trials have successfully demonstrated its capability. Similar capabilities and technology can be applied to AFV platforms, according to CVRDE officials.

The other system being developed is the ALWCS system. This consists of a laser warning system, Infra-Red (IR) jammer and aerosol smoke grenade system. This is being developed jointly with Elbit Systems Limited of Israel. The system will be integrated on MBT Arjun and performance evaluation trials are expected in mid 2009.

The Main Battle Tank ‘Arjun’ has ben under development for over 3 three decades.

The Indian Army has already decided to go in for the comparative trials of the indigenous Arjun main battle tank (MBT) and the Russian-built T-90 tanks. This project has already cost the exchequer $71.7 million. The Indian Army has earlier indicated that it will purchase not more than 124 tanks since their performance levels are not up to the mark. Meanwhile, the delay has only ensured that the Arjun tank can only remain in service for roughly a decade and will then be replaced by a Futuristic Main Battle Tank.
Source: New SinoPak MBT co Development in Planning.
Arjun mk2 turret has been redesigned with IMI's help. Most likely it now sports the kind of sloped frontal and side modular armour panels of the kind seen on the Leopard 2A6. Also changes in armor might be visible.

Any sources for that?It can be the NERA/ERA as well like the T-90 having Kontakt-5/Kaktus/Relikt it is sloped like the Merkava Mk.IV and Leopard 2A5.

I would love to see the gunners sight cavity removed and mounted on top like in the case of Leopard 2A5.Also a bigger CIPS would help a lot.
Arjun mk2 turret has been redesigned with IMI's help. Most likely it now sports the kind of sloped frontal and side modular armour panels of the kind seen on the Leopard 2A6. Also changes in armor might be visible.

Provide official source for your claim. Otherwise its just trolling attempt. :lol:
The trials come just a year after the government had accorded the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) the go ahead for developing the Mark-II version of the Arjun tank, a project that has taken the country over three decades to complete.

Three decades? This could only happen in India. A dud, over budget, over priced, failing in tests, over weight, over hyped failed project. Would have been declared as failure by any other sane country long time ago.

Among the upgrades, the Mark-II tank would feature an indigenous engine that would replace the German engines of the 58-tonne Arjun Mark-I.

Hmm, Mark-I is a failure now let’s try a new version. Another excuse to waste more money and time, and what is the guarantee that it would be a success, this time around?

The defence ministry had, last May, asked the DRDO to develop the Mark-II version of the Arjun tank during a review of the premier defence research agency's performance. "In 24 months from now or in early 2014, the Arjun Mark-II tanks will be ready for production," a DRDO official had said in February.

Now the maths of DRDO is quite apparent from this paragraph. Lets read again a DRDO official said in February (I suppose it is Feb 2011) “"In 24 months from now or in early 2014, the Arjun Mark-II tanks will be ready for production,” 24 months from now would be to February 2013, where this early 2014 comes from? It shows the time is already extended by year+. Knowing DRDO track record, it would be a miracle if it is ready by 2020.

Though this device had been tested on the Mark-I version of the tank about five years ago, it did not form part of the final design of the initial 124 delivered to the army, and nor will it be mounted on the second lot of 124.

Another proof of obsolete technology, test five years ago, was not used in first or second batch of MarkI, but would be used in Mark II after a lapse of over 10 years?

Other modifications include better explosive-reactive armour for the tank to protect it from enemy missiles and rockets, improving the sighting facility to provide it a wider view of the battlefield, night vision capability and an improved communication system.
How about a glass roof for better view?:lol::lol:

The Arjun Mark-II will have over 90 percent indigenous systems on board, except for some hydraulic and electronic systems.

Hmm, so MARK II after so many improvements and new features is 90% “indigenous”. How “indigenous” was MarkI? And what are the guarantees that this is not another hoax of indigenous capabilities?
Three decades? This could only happen in India. A dud, over budget, over priced, failing in tests, over weight, over hyped failed project. Would have been declared as failure by any other sane country long time ago.

Hmm, Mark-I is a failure now let’s try a new version. Another excuse to waste more money and time, and what is the guarantee that it would be a success, this time around?

Now the maths of DRDO is quite apparent from this paragraph. Lets read again a DRDO official said in February (I suppose it is Feb 2011) “"In 24 months from now or in early 2014, the Arjun Mark-II tanks will be ready for production,” 24 months from now would be to February 2013, where this early 2014 comes from? It shows the time is already extended by year+. Knowing DRDO track record, it would be a miracle if it is ready by 2020.

Another proof of obsolete technology, test five years ago, was not used in first or second batch of MarkI, but would be used in Mark II after a lapse of over 10 years?

How about a glass roof for better view?:lol::lol:

Hmm, so MARK II after so many improvements and new features is 90% “indigenous”. How “indigenous” was MarkI? And what are the guarantees that this is not another hoax of indigenous capabilities?

blah!blah !blah! Aint you get tired with brain farting ?? Get a life mate,better masturbate to flush out your frustration than troll and type piece of .....
Three decades? This could only happen in India. A dud, over budget, over priced, failing in tests, over weight, over hyped failed project. Would have been declared as failure by any other sane country long time ago.
It was the first time that India was developing a tank so its takes time to develop technologies unlike you who bought the technology from china and assembled in your country
For any country it will take a lot of time to design its first tank now see our FMBT will take a very less time the experience we gained and the Infrastructure we developed will help us and make us self sufficient in the future unlike you who will always have to depend on other countries for technologies

Hmm, Mark-I is a failure now let’s try a new version. Another excuse to waste more money and time, and what is the guarantee that it would be a success, this time around?[/QUOTE]

The Mark-I is not a failure we have already ordered 124 tanks and it has performed very well against T-90 in the tests and even the army was satisfied after the test so dont call it a failure.

Now the maths of DRDO is quite apparent from this paragraph. Lets read again a DRDO official said in February (I suppose it is Feb 2011) “"In 24 months from now or in early 2014, the Arjun Mark-II tanks will be ready for production,” 24 months from now would be to February 2013, where this early 2014 comes from? It shows the time is already extended by year+. Knowing DRDO track record, it would be a miracle if it is ready by 2020[/QUOTE]
Dont worry by 2014 Mark-II will be in the Indian Army because we just need to develop some technologies and already most of the technologies have been tested on the Mark-I and all have been successful and even the APS have been tested so it will not delay

Another proof of obsolete technology, test five years ago, was not used in first or second batch of MarkI, but would be used in Mark II after a lapse of over 10 years?[/QUOTE]
Those technologies were developed for the Mark-II and all such technologies have been tested on Mark -I so whats wrong if they test on Mark_i and not included in Mark-I

How about a glass roof for better view?:lol::lol:

Hmm, so MARK II after so many improvements and new features is 90% “indigenous”. How “indigenous” was MarkI? And what are the guarantees that this is not another hoax of indigenous capabilities?[/QUOTE]

Yes Mark-I has many foreign parts but they are being reducing like the engine is being developed by DRDO and Laser warning and all such techs are being developed and most of the techs have already been tested

SO BETTER WORRY ABOUT YOUR AL-KHALID-II any way your just getting tech from china and incorporating into the Al-khalid-I and still taking so much time......

Try to develop a tank on your own and then comment on others
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