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Trend: Ahlan Wasahlan, Al Bakistan!

As all land belongs to Allah, your hide belongs to me. I want to skin you alive, along with everyone who has influenced you. :mad:

Arabic is now the most holy language. Before Muhammad (saw) the sacred language was Hebrew. Adam (as) is said to have spoken Hebrew and the Injeel and Tawrat were revealed in Hebrew.

Whether people like it or not, the Prophet saw said that everyone in Jannat (Heaven) will speak Arabic.

All land belongs only to Allah SWT. Where were the ancestors of Hindus before the Indus Civilization?

Too bad. Deobandos and ahl al hadees groups are getting stronger and stronger each day and are gaining more staunch believers, even amongst the educated, within the Indian Muslim community masha allah :)

I'll try to get one this time around. "A good Wahabi is a dead Wahabi". That'd be really great.

I bet ya u could get a personalized plates in pak reading " drink up" and none of the atheists will be upset!
Most bakistanies not Pakistanis thing if they can write their name in Arabic they are forgiven from their sins and, I am willing to bet these are the same who probably can't read or write.

Dont let your bias cloud your opinions, though it will since the nature of an opinion is subjective. Please bhai mere.

Kullu arbi dul wajheen, munaaafiq


One of many Arab-O-Phobic on this forum...They have Problem with anything related to word Arab...:D

OP isnt as biased as much as how we are so easily impressed by anything arbi, this coming from me who has lived a major chunk of his life in Abu Dhabi whose style of number plates is rampant. So no it's less of an arabphobe and more of a kharbooza ki nasal of people we have. Especially arab impressed kharbuuzas :D
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On a lighter note:


MONDAY, 24 March 2014

Saudi Arabia bans lewd license plates


Saudi Arabia has banned auto license tags whose Arabic characters spell out offensive words when romanized, with the list of banned combinations including "USA", al-Watan newspaper reported Sunday.

Saudi plates normally have three Arabic characters and three numbers, but the growing fashion is for auto owners also to display a version using the Latin alphabet and some buyers of personalized “vanity plates" deliberately choose Arabic letters which turn into words like "SEX", "***" and "NUT."

The authorities in charge of issuing vanity plates have released a list of nine prohibited three-letter combinations, and ordered all branches to stop renewing plates that include them, according to Watan.

On the list are combinations like "BUT," "BAD" and "BAR" -- the latter presumably a problem because it suggests alcohol, which is strictly prohibited in the conservative Islamic kingdom.

But first on the list, for unexplained reasons, is the combination "USA".

Some 90,000 plates with the prohibited letter combinations are being replaced, Watan said.

Vanity plates are fashionable with wealthy and young Saudis, and auctions of special combinations have brought in as much a six million riyals ($1.6 million) for one plate, the newspaper reported.

Which part of our "national language" Urdu contains the letters "L", "E", and "C"?

Oh wait, I guess using English letters written in Urdu is OK.

Why not use "Llaam", "Ain" and "Seen"?

What is it about these liberal fascists that makes them such blithering imbeciles?

That is quite true; I'm deeply...deeply bothered by the People who've got such name-plates or the odd one out in hundreds who'd wear that long flowing dress of the Arabs, I might even take a dig at them upon a day but rationally speaking we don't really call those who wear pants to work as being 'Turkified' since it were the Turks who came up with pants nor do we call those who twist & turn their jaws in the most unnatural of manners just to utter the King's English the way it would be spoken either in the House of Lords or in heart of NYC, as being Amreeki or Bartanviii Wannabes !

Why this selective outrage & why of all things such imbecilic arguments to further it, is something that is quite beyond my powers of comprehension !
OP isnt as biased as much as how we are so easily impressed by anything arbi, this coming from me who has lived a major chunk of his life in Abu Dhabi whose style of number plates is rampant. So no it's less of an arabphobe and more of a kharbooza ki nasal of people we have. Especially arab impressed kharbuuzas :D

What's really Hypocritic of some people that they have no problem with rampant use of English words and English language in day to day life but some wanna be Liberals get insecure with the isolated case of using Arabic Language and words...But who cares about them anyway..:lol:
What's really Hypocritic of some people that they have no problem with rampant use of English words and English language in day to day life but some wanna be Liberals get insecure with the isolated case of using Arabic Language and words...But who cares about them anyway..:lol:

English is an international language, most forums are english, It is not comparable with Arabic. You fail on that comparison. What is with your anti liberal agenda? Kisi kaki ne miss karaya bhai ko? English bolne wali kaki ne? :D

Thing is liberals/hifi dont rampantly use English. It's their style, it's the paindu wannabes who are so much into English. We get the case of now try hard Arbees with their 2 bit info and acting all maulvis and shit, saying biddat this biddat that.

Pakistan is one freaking zoo :D
English is an international language, most forums are english, It is not comparable with Arabic. You fail on that comparison. What is with your anti liberal agenda? Kisi kaki ne miss karaya bhai ko? English bolne wali kaki ne? :D

Thing is liberals/hifi dont rampantly use English. It's their style, it's the paindu wannabes who are so much into English. We get the case of now try hard Arbees with their 2 bit info and acting all maulvis and shit, saying biddat this biddat that.

Pakistan is one freaking zoo :D
This is rubbish. Arabic is the holy language and it will be the language of all Muslims in Paradise, whether you like it or not.
And those who dress their kids and themselves as Arabs at weddings.... :tsk: :lol:
This is rubbish. Arabic is the holy language and it will be the language of all Muslims in Paradise, whether you like it or not.

Maine mana kia? Nahin bc maine kaha aisa kuch? Tum pulao ke bachay, arbi na bano. Bota tun arab da kuch lagda!

Lahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolwala Quwata!
English is an international language, most forums are english, It is not comparable with Arabic. You fail on that comparison. What is with your anti liberal agenda? Kisi kaki ne miss karaya bhai ko? English bolne wali kaki ne? :D

Thing is liberals/hifi dont rampantly use English. It's their style, it's the paindu wannabes who are so much into English. We get the case of now try hard Arbees with their 2 bit info and acting all maulvis and shit, saying biddat this biddat that.

Pakistan is one freaking zoo :D

Germany, France, Japan and China have managed to build their countries into global powerhouses without speaking a word of English. While it is true that knowing English helps in certain instances, it is by no means a requirement to build a world class country and society.

Some people feel that learning English is needed for them to fulfill their worldly goals, and they have every right to learn it. Similarly, others feel that learning Arabic will help them better connect with their religion, and they also have every right to learn it.

It is a matter of personal choice. Only a fascist would force his preferences onto others and dictate what people should speak or not speak.

Pakistan's so-called "liberals" fail to understand this fundamental aspect of liberalism: the concept of individual choice. Instead, they want to impose their prejudices onto others.

That's why Pakistani so-called "liberals" are actually "liberal" fascists.
Germany, France, Japan and China have managed to build their countries into global powerhouses without speaking a word of English. While it is true that knowing English helps in certain instances, it is by no means a requirement to build a world class country and society.

Some people feel that learning English is needed for them to fulfill their worldly goals, and they have every right to learn it. Similarly, others feel that learning Arabic will help them better connect with their religion, and they also have every right to learn it.

It is a matter of personal choice. Only a fascist would force his preferences onto others and dictate what people should speak or not speak.

Pakistan's so-called "liberals" fail to understand this fundamental aspect of liberalism: the concept of individual choice. Instead, they want to impose their prejudices onto others.

That's why Pakistani so-called "liberals" are actually "liberal" fascists.

Pakistani liberals are a knee jerk reaction to mullas who wanna impose their style. So it evens out. No big deal.
Pakistani liberals are a knee jerk reaction to mullas who wanna impose their style. So it evens out. No big deal.

So you admit that Liberals don't exist but Liberal Fascists in our country...Two wrongs don't make one right but somehow you are justifying liberal fascism because they tend to impose their wanna be liberal ideas upon others because a tiny minority(to your so called mullah's) are also doing the same...
Pakistani liberals are a knee jerk reaction to mullas who wanna impose their style. So it evens out. No big deal.

Both sides will claim they are only "reacting" to the other side. It doesn't matter who's right at this point. What matters is that each extreme uses the other to justify their existence and positions.

What Pakistan needs is a common sense median approach. Since we have failed to bring Urdu into the modern world, we need English in order to reach modernity. At the same time, people should be free to learn additional languages as per their personal preferences.

If someone is really interested in German culture, they can learn German. Same for Arabic or Persian or any other language.
So you admit that Liberals don't exist but Liberal Fascists in our country...Two wrongs don't make one right but somehow you are justifying liberal fascism because they tend to impose their wanna be liberal ideas upon others because a tiny minority(to your so called mullah's) are also doing the same...

My dear maroon beret falcon, Mullah arent a small minority, the "liberals" are. Mullas have wrecked havoc on us, so its expected liberals are gonna be angry aswell. Mullah and a minority? Blease habibi!

Both sides will claim they are only "reacting" to the other side. It doesn't matter who's right at this point. What matters is that each extreme uses the other to justify their existence and positions.

What Pakistan needs is a common sense median approach. Since we have failed to bring Urdu into the modern world, we need English in order to reach modernity. At the same time, people should be free to learn additional languages as per their personal preferences.

If someone is really interested in German culture, they can learn German. Same for Arabic or Persian or any other language.
Common sense amongst masses of illiterate? Blease, average Bakistani IQ is around 80. Common sense, in its real meaning will not exist and does not.

Mullas have been beyond control, violent infact. So i got no issues with liberal beoble proposing modernity. Every German i have interacted with knows English, and not the broken kind. Decent grasp on the language. Most Europeans are bilingual, some multilingual.

Only amreekis and bartanis are idiots with unilingual capacity.
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